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Re: Red Bull Air Race coming to Jersey City waterfront

We were there for qualifying on Saturday. Great to have this event in Jersey City, and that was mentioned a lot. Lots of NJ police to keep everything under control. Taking the Light Rail and walking to the location was tiring but definitely better than driving in.

Posted on: 2010/6/20 21:01

Re: Vegetarian food in JC?

Thanks for the suggestions! We went to Skinner's Loft on Friday and my veggie friend thoroughly enjoyed the tofu dish. And the panna cotta was great for dessert. Overall, she was very impressed.

Posted on: 2010/6/20 20:58

Vegetarian restaurants in JC

I've been looking for a similar thread but couldn't find one..

Can anyone recommend a good vegetarian restaurant besides Indian restaurants on Newark Ave.? Or at least, a restaurant that has a fairly good veggie menu?

Thanks, guys.

Posted on: 2010/6/17 16:27

Re: How did you come to live in Jersey City?

My family and I immigrated here in '81, when I was 7. We lived in the JSQ area for a few months, then moved to the Gregory Apartments (now known as Metropolitan Towers) since my aunt already lived in bldg 2. My sis and I went to OLC and graduated from there. I'm still amazed at how downtown JC has changed over the years. We were there for the opening of Newport Centre Mall (which was also the longest ribbon cutting at the time..and made the Guinness Book of World Records!) and still remember the semi-ghetto Shop Rite that was across the street from our apt building on Marin Blvd (formerly known as Henderson St.).

Anyway, all this reminiscing should probably be for another thread. This is how we got here and 29 years later, we're still here. This town grows on you, I think.

Posted on: 2010/5/25 13:44

Re: Jersey City catholic schools

I graduated from OLC (in the 80s), and went to St. Dom's (Croft, what year did you graduate?) Last I heard, OLC had a massive waiting list so you should contact them as soon as possible.

Posted on: 2010/5/17 13:56




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