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Re: Parking Too Close to Crosswalks
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jklm wrote:
How to measure 25 feet without the aid of of a measuring tape:

Put one foot in front of the other (and so on) until you've counted 25 steps. A foot is about a foot long.

When you're a tall man perhaps, but not my feet I'm a petite woman with little feet. But thanks for the tip.

Posted on: 2009/11/6 20:46

Re: Are you allowed to BeeKeep in the city?
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I bought beekeeps honey yesterday and tried some in my tea this morning. It is very good honey. Thanks Beekeep!

Posted on: 2009/11/6 17:03

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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This is a very good blog about the plight of disabled PATH riders. God I hope I never break a leg. ... semi-disabled-path-rider/

Posted on: 2009/11/6 16:48

Re: Parking Too Close to Crosswalks
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JC_DowntownRegular wrote:

AmyJCNJ wrote:
I don't have a problem with the law either as long as it's clear which it's not.

It is clear. You just don't know the law.

You misunderstood my comment which I probably didn't write clearly enough. What I meant to say is for me it is hard to tell where 25 and 50 is. Half of my childhood was with the metric system. And I don't carry a measuring tape with me. Painted curbs would make it clear for those of us who don't know how far 25 ft is.

Posted on: 2009/11/6 15:58

Re: Parking Too Close to Crosswalks
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Boken2JC wrote:
I have no problem with the law and won't be parking anywhere near a crosswalk again but they should paint the curbs because not everyone knows about the law or what the distance is. If the curb was yellow, I wouldn't have parked there!

I agree. I don't have a problem with the law either as long as it's clear which it's not. That other stuff was just me venting about parking on the street.

Posted on: 2009/11/5 18:09

Re: Parking Too Close to Crosswalks
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It would be more productive if the parking authority painted the curbs where parking is prohibited. I've gotten that ticket a few times this year for parking spaces on my block that I always thought were legal. I've been parking in those spaces for many years (at least 10) and never got tickets before this year. I admit it, I'm guilty and paid the tickets.

When you're driving around late at night looking for parking on the street, you make all sorts of justifications to yourself "you're not blocking the crosswalk, you've been driving around for 20 minutes, there's nothing left, I have a small car and it looks far enough away from the intersection". Folks, it's only going to get worse when they take the parking away from Christopher Columbus and people start moving into the new condos. The city should never have made the decision to make Columbus a 3 lane highway. At some point I feel I will have to make a decision either to sell the car or move because renting a garage is out of my budget. That is a really sad choice for me because I love having a car and I love Jersey City but the two just don't seem compatible unless you make a lot of money or have a driveway/garage.

Posted on: 2009/11/5 17:08

Re: Only in Jersey City
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One time I got booted when I parked in the reserved zone over by the library. I ran across the street to get stamps and was gone not more than 5 minutes. I came out and my car was booted. I was so pissed. The Parking Authority nazis can go to hell as far as I'm concerned.

Posted on: 2009/11/4 20:06

Re: 213 Newark Avenue Named "The Saffron"
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val7101 wrote:
And to the guy who said Newark Ave is becoming the new "it" spot: New restaurants opening daily? Newark Ave is grosser than ever, where the hell do you live?

I disagree. The Newark Avenue of today is much better than the Newark Avenue of 10+ years ago. It's been gradual steady improvement, but positive change doesn't happen overnight.

Posted on: 2009/11/4 19:53

Re: Are you allowed to BeeKeep in the city?
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beekeep wrote:
Anyone want to buy some extremely local honey? Email me. libertycityhoney AT gmail DOT com

Have you thought about going around to the local organic markets in Jersey City to see if they would sell them for you? Subia's is one in particular that comes to mind. Maybe if you went to the store and showed her what you have to offer she would consign it for you.

Posted on: 2009/11/4 16:59

Re: Are you allowed to BeeKeep in the city?
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What a great idea! Some studies show that consumption of local honey helps relieve allergy sufferers. And with cold season coming up, I need all the help I can get. Thanks for posting beekeep.

Posted on: 2009/11/4 16:47

Re: 213 Newark Avenue Named "The Saffron"
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thriftyT wrote:
Maintenance fees range from ~$150 - $270 per month.
Annual taxes (5 yr abatement) range from ~ $4,000 - $6,500.

I am so confused about this tax abatement issue. Isn't a tax abatement supposed the make the taxes lower than they normally would be for a condo in that size range? Is it just me or is $4-5K /yr crazy for a 1BR apartment?

The maintenance fees seem about right to me.

Posted on: 2009/11/3 21:17

Re: Looking for a Magician for a kiddie party
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I first read this as looking for a mexican for a kiddie party!

Posted on: 2009/11/3 20:58

Re: Jersey City woman beaten with belt buckle in stable condition
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shadrack wrote:
This was tough to read, but the silver lining may be that she finally leaves this animal. I'm sure this wasn't the first time that this man abused this woman.

Call me pessimistic but part of me says she will work things out with this asshole. I hope her family sees this monster for who he really is and helps her if she does choose to leave.

Posted on: 2009/11/3 17:49

Re: Jersey City Councilwoman Nidia Lopez a Florida Resident?
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Iwitness, you have point. It just sucks that the public is so powerless against the politicians. Enforcement of the law is our only hope for justice. I don't want judges to be political, I just want him to enforce the law.
The NJ drivers manual clearly states that residents have to change their drivers license within 60 days of moving. She didn?t. So she?s not a resident according to the states own rules.

Posted on: 2009/11/2 23:14

Re: Jersey City Councilwoman Nidia Lopez a Florida Resident?
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skepticalhook wrote:
It would be wholly inappropriate for him to consider your thoughts over evidence, but go right ahead-I'm sure you'll know more about how to decide this than the lawyers and judge, (who is not permitted to consider your ramblings in any event).

Cool thanks for the insulting me. Sorry if I want to do what I can to see that our elected officials are held to higher standards. You could have phrased that in a nicer way, but I guess that's against the rules on JC list.

You're probably correct, but judges are human beings too. Judges do consider public opinion. In any case, I wrote a very respectful letter. Hopefully it will be delivered tomorrow.

Posted on: 2009/11/2 23:11

Re: Testimony Finished in Lopez Lawsuit
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Thanks for the info.
Of course no one answers the phone.
I think address is:
595 Newark Avenue, 07306

I'm not sure the Judge will get mail at that address but I will try.

Posted on: 2009/11/2 22:21

Re: Jersey City Councilwoman Nidia Lopez a Florida Resident?
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No, you misunderstood my post. I want to send him a letter expressing my opinion about the matter. I don't really care how long he takes him to decide. I think he's waiting because he hasn't made up his mind yet. He must be torn. So maybe people in the community can convince him to do the right thing.

Posted on: 2009/11/2 21:53

Re: any channel on comcast broadcasts the village halloween parade?
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I had a great time too. I think the crowds were a little light this year because of the rain.

Posted on: 2009/11/2 20:29

Re: Jersey City Councilwoman Nidia Lopez a Florida Resident?
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Does anyone know the name of the Judge? I couldn't find the name in any of the articles. I'd like to write him/her a letter and would encourage others to do the same. Ignorace of the law is no excuse for breaking it. Also no one can reasonably believe that she didn't know what she was doing is wrong. It would be an outrage if the judge gave her a pass on this. If there was enough community outrage then maybe he would consider the gravity of her actions.

Posted on: 2009/11/2 20:28

Re: Philly Soft Pretzel Factory
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Greenvillechick wrote:
I agree about the multi-grain.... and after reading this I really want a pretzel now.

Me too! think I will stop by after work. BTW the corporation is are having a contest to win a trip to Germany. Does the Jersey City location have the scratch off cards? Guess I'll find out when I stop by later.

Posted on: 2009/11/2 20:19

Re: PATH (pathetic attempt at transporting humans)
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I just wanted to say in my opinion PATH did not suck this Saturday night. They ran extra trains for the Halloween Parade. The trains were still full but in a normal morning commute sort of way, at least it was that way when I went home at 1am. Thank you PATH for listening to our complaints.

Posted on: 2009/11/2 16:45

Re: Village Halloween Parade
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I've gone two years in a row. It definitely a blast and nobody puked on me either. I recommend getting there early. At least in the past couple of years the cops have been real sticklers about letting people around the barriers.
Happy Halloween and have a great time.
See you there

Posted on: 2009/10/30 20:11

Re: Why net nuetrality is important
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I just don't like the idea of Verizon or Comcast telling me which websites I can and cannot access. If they want to charge for mb usage that's a different debate. But websites come and go just like other trends and it seems greedy to me to charge for popular websites such as facebook and hulu.

Posted on: 2009/10/29 3:54

Re: Downtown: Returns home from trip, finds jewels stolen
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What's the cross street? Maybe one of your neighbors saw something. It might be a good idea to put up a few flyers on the block warning people of break ins. That really sucks, sorry for your lost items and aggravation.
Also check out Jemma Loan pawn shop on Newark Avenue. A few years back my neighbor was broken into and was able to recover his guitar from there. I think they also caught the guys after that.

Posted on: 2009/10/28 15:08

Re: Greenville: Woman found watching TV in a stranger's home - then attacked owners
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shouldn't this be posted in Crime & Safety?

Posted on: 2009/10/27 15:23

Re: Low flying Jet spotted over Jersey City confirmed as Air Force One
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Probably a traffic chopper reporting on the Holland Tunnel. I see them all the time.

Posted on: 2009/10/27 15:00

Re: Skeleton perched atop Neighborhood Watch sign at Wayne St park.
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Dude Chill it's halloween!

Posted on: 2009/10/27 14:27

Re: Where do you get plants in this town?
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Believe it or not IKEA in Elizabeth has great plants. The pots aren't that great, but the plants are very hearty. Then I go to the garden center near the Holland Tunnel at Jersey Avenue and 14th street for fresh soil and larger pots.

Posted on: 2009/10/27 14:25

Re: Was anyone else woken up by the overwhelming tar-like smell around Grove last night?
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Yes I smelled it. I thought it was from the construction site on Wayne. They've been paving some of the streets in the middle of the night. A few weeks ago when they were paving Jersey Ave I had to close my windows at night due to the icky smell.

Posted on: 2009/10/22 17:46

Re: Anti-gay group plans protests in Jersey City
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Good idea. If the manager ignores your phone calls, you could stand outside the hotel with signs saying that XYZ Hotel supports domestic terrorism or something like that... or just ignore them and they'll go away. These people thrive on attention. I agree with the others to just forget about these loons. They are not worth the time of day.

Posted on: 2009/10/21 18:20

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