Re: Juicewell - CLOSED
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Tough sell to begin with but fait accompli were the prices. Way, way, way overpriced were the juice blends. Upon inquiry, was informed that the price of the blending machine(s) were at root.
Posted on: 2014/12/5 3:35
Re: Murder of Darren Talington -- no arrest yet?
Home away from home
Regarding the report, sparse are the details which lead to the arrest. Wondering what evidence they have, hoping they got the right guy.
Posted on: 2014/11/19 23:39
Re: Jersey City Council grants 20-year tax exemption for Downtown hotel
Home away from home
Tax abatement, err tax exemption.
What's that? What is an abatement or exemption? In this particular case, it is a lessening of or elimination of tax that this hotel would otherwise pay to the city over a twenty year period, right? So, somebody please help me out here. Because it seems to me that a 152 room hotel at 80 Columbus ought pay approximately $1,000,000 (one million) to $1,500,000 (one million five hundred thousand) per year in property tax to the city. At least this amount. Am I close? So then, a million dollars per year amounts to twenty million over twenty years. So, twenty million in lost tax revenue is what all the hub bub is about. But, there was talk of an 11 million dollar Payment In Lieu, so right there, we're down to 9 million. And there were other sweeteners as well, further mitigating the "give-away." Bottom line, in a city with 250,000 people, the amount paid by John Q. taxpayer for this abatement is negligible. The question in my mind is why are we allowing for another corporate entity to snake its way into the prime real estate zone. THIS will have lasting consequences. For a brief time, Jersey City was cool, but then came the capitalists, with their Marriots, and Westins and Hyatts. Who decided that this address -- 80 Columbus -- is fit for a corporate hotel entity? I'd rather a museum, concert hall or University building.
Posted on: 2014/10/24 2:35
Edited by score09 on 2014/10/24 2:57:49
Re: Murder of Darren Talington -- no arrest yet?
Home away from home
Wow, no arrest yet. Time for a new investigative team.
After seeing the video, it occurs to me that the Black dude in the biker vest knows who shot Tallington. Why no full court press on him? Why not release his name? Surely, investigators know his (the Black dude in the biker vest) name, right? Someone within the Newark Knights biker organization does, I'll bet. Just ride West on Springfield Avenue on a Saturday, only spot in the tri state I've seen that has an all Black biker club sporting scores of Harley Davidson motorcycles in front of its clubhouse. Somebody knows him.
Posted on: 2014/10/20 1:23
Re: 333 Fairmount - Info on the area and crime in McGinley Square
Home away from home
Saint Peter's University is in the area, you'll benefit from its presence as no University survives without a secure neighborhood.
But, it IS Jersey City and it isn't in Ward E. So, it is true, you are near Duncan Avenue and low income housing. As is the case in any setting that harbors low socioeconomic housing, you'll get your low level crime, like smashing into cars to grab something of value. That area though, I think, is a good investment long term. I pretty much feel that way about all of Jersey City, with the exception of both the Heights and Greenville. Wouldn't touch either with a ten foot pole.
Posted on: 2014/10/9 0:26
Re: Plumber?
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Carmine Aumenta sent one of his son's to install a kitchen sink in my unit. The kid did an excellent job, my sink is looking great over a year later.
But I paid $700. And that was after Carmine initially quoted me $750 over the phone. I'm no plumber but for a few hours of work, albeit quality work, and a sink which sells at Home Depot for far less than the quoted price, I am feeling like I overpaid. But, at least the job was done well.
Posted on: 2014/10/8 21:04
Re: Downtown Jersey City Mural Walking Tour
Home away from home
Twenty Five dollars? Do I get a free tee shirt, lol. Might be interested if it was ten dollars.
Posted on: 2014/10/8 20:51
Re: Muhammed Akil, All white people have a little Hilter in them
Home away from home
If he were White, he'd already have been kicked to the curb. But maybe, given this country's long history of oppression towards African Americans, his comments in '95 were justified.
Apparently there is no transcript, or at least I haven't seen one. I'd be curious to know the context within which he made the Abrham Lincoln remark. This one is most interesting to me, the idea that Lincoln was a wolf in sheep's clothing is one I've never heard. Wonder why he felt this way and what supporting ideas he used to back up his argument, that Lincoln was a wolf in sheep's clothing.
Posted on: 2014/10/8 20:38
Re: Alleged serial tip jar thief hitting Jersey City stores caught on tape
Home away from home
ahhh, nada y peus nada. Guess Vindication15 hasn't a reply, lol.
Posted on: 2014/10/2 0:57
Re: Alleged serial tip jar thief hitting Jersey City stores caught on tape
Home away from home
Ahhh HA HA HA!!! Too funny, the media crew was out in full force. What a joke!
Posted on: 2014/9/20 3:42
Re: Alleged serial tip jar thief hitting Jersey City stores caught on tape
Home away from home
Most literacy courses emphasize "meaning-making" when transacting with text. From an authorial standpoint, I'd say I hit the nail right on the proverbial head. Because, most people know what is meant when they read the sentence you call into question. MOST people do anyway, lol. Sorry if your sense of decorum was somehow offended!
Posted on: 2014/9/20 3:40
Re: City Employee Caught on Vulgar Rant
Home away from home
Ho Hum. Much Ado About Nothing.
Brooke Hansson, I love it! Way to go and EXPERTLY done!
Posted on: 2014/9/19 1:47
Re: Alleged serial tip jar thief hitting Jersey City stores caught on tape
Home away from home
Ah yes. The FAR more pressing societal issue of saving stray cats. Lol. (for the uninitiated, CAT is an acronym, lol.)
Posted on: 2014/9/19 1:38
Re: 30 Children at 5th Street Daycare drank bleach!
Home away from home
This missive is utterly ridiculous. Frankly, it's downright offensive. Why? Because I know FOR A FACT that existing and RESPONSIBLE daycare centers in DTJC do not allow Bleach or any other hazardous material within confine. Bottom line. Repurposed containers aside, NO RESPONSIBLE day care center allows hazardous material on site, none whatsoever. Here we have some FAT ASS BIKE whose supposed address matches Stevie, carpet bagger, Fulop, and who lays claim to knowing everything about day care centers. Lol, what a tool.
Posted on: 2014/9/19 1:32
Re: Alleged serial tip jar thief hitting Jersey City stores caught on tape
Home away from home
Nah, this is all I know, America. And besides, when the revolution comes, it?ll need all the help it can get. Seizing control of the military is no chip shot. A simple point connecting the tip jar to neoliberal capitalism is a soapy box? Wow, seems kind of draconian, a person can?t make public an obvious linkage between inhumanity and a tip jar without someone complaining about a soap box. Please.
Posted on: 2014/9/18 21:20
Re: Alleged serial tip jar thief hitting Jersey City stores caught on tape
Home away from home
Right. There's a civilized and humane thought. Are the people at the bottom of the current socioeconomic paradigm stealing from those above them? Or, is it the other way around, as with the housing crisis? Maybe you missed that one, lol. And, maybe if the owner paid a better wage, there would be no need for a tip jar.
Posted on: 2014/9/18 20:50
Re: Alleged serial tip jar thief hitting Jersey City stores caught on tape
Home away from home
Please. It's a tip jar. I'm glad he stole it and hope he continues on his "rein of terror," stealing the sacrosanct tip jars and all, lol. The "tip jar" is a relatively new phenomenon in the latest incarnation of American Capitalism. Like the induction of fee structures courtesy the financial industry (fee for this and fee for that,) everybody is squeezing the next guy for as many pennies as possible. Straight up joke, shouldn't ever be no tip jar, wasn't that way in the seventies, I can attest. Obviously the "offender" has spent a few nights without the necessities most take for granted. F***ing America and its Capitalist ethos.
Just remember people, what goes around comes around and as the great divide between the haves and have nots continues to widen, there gonna be trouble in the waters in the not too distant.
Posted on: 2014/9/18 20:18
Re: 30 Children at 5th Street Daycare drank bleach!
Home away from home
Oh wow, where to begin, lol. FAB, FAB, what up my friend? You all wrong here -- and way, WAY, wrong, digging a deep hole. Your comments are so totally far right-wing conserva -- TIGHT! I'll not embarrass you further. But to rationalize the firing of the kitchen worker, whether a native English tongue or not, is just downright inhumane. Goody, goody for you FAB, lol, you have it ALL figured out. Bottom line is the "director" of the day care center is the person worthy of condemnation. NOT, the worker FAB. But, if you a Capitalist, well then, so you be. Be aware though, that The Revolution Will Not Be Televised
Posted on: 2014/9/12 2:32
Re: 30 Children at 5th Street Daycare drank bleach!
Home away from home
Can't believe I'm reading this FAB, like some of your posts but this one is totally ridiculous. The day care center fostered an environment in which "repurposed" milk and water containers were used for bleach and neglected to properly label them. I can't cay for sure, but I suspect without doubt that the unceremoniously fired kitchen worker was uninitiated and in no way lacking in common sense or "aptitude." Ultimately, it was the day care center director's negligence that paved the way for bleach into the drinking cups. It is both disgusting and reprehensible on the part of the director that he has opted to NOT take responsibility and that, worse -- WAY WORSE -- he decided to fire the kitchen worker! Tells me all I need to know about him -- he's a coward!
Posted on: 2014/9/12 0:54
Re: Jersey City rap star Joe Budden is deadbeat dad owing nearly $13,000 in child support
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He has "social capital" at the very least. This type of capital is often more valuable then personal property, such as real estate, art, jewels or stock portfolios. The biggest beneficiaries of social capital are the people who make a living in the entertainment industry and, the arts.
Posted on: 2014/8/25 18:18
Re: A casino in Jersey City? Venture capitalist wants to make it happen
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Don't like this idea at all. Gambling is a sordid business. And while the prospect of job creation is certainly enticing, I hope the powers that be do the right thing and put the kibosh on this idea, toot sweet.
Been living in JC since 2001, and wow, it is a city with a rich history. A casino in downtown jersey City is akin to Pottersville in the movie "It's A Wonderful Life." It is, in essence, a doomed offering.
Posted on: 2014/7/9 2:02
Re: Concerns about Source4Teachers Privacy And Data Collection for Jersey City students and teachers
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The characterization of S4T subs as unable to find jobs elsewhere is so incredibly arrogant, and totally uncalled for. I am a S4T sub, have a B.A. in History and am six credits shy of my M.A.T. In addition, I have six continuing education credits in my content area. I passed the content exam, Praxis 2, on the first take. My GRE scores in verbal reasoning were in the 73rd percentile. In the last year, I have submitted well over two hundred Social Studies Teacher applications to various New Jersey school districts and have been called to interview ONLY TWICE. My recommendations are impeccable, two of which are from recommenders who hold PhDs. My essay questions are on point and thoroughly vetted, my GPA at the graduate level is a 3.86 (which granted should be expected) and while my undergraduate GPA isn?t so red hot, it is still above the minimum standard set by the State. (I?m older, partied a lot in college back in the day, was immature and did not graduate Magna cum laude, sorry.) I also have a well rounded extra curricular background, having participated in collegiate athletics, for example. The anecdotes you proffer are merely anecdotal. Sure, it is a travesty that S4T cares little about the educational pedigree of its subs. Of course you?ll get a few boneheads coming in and out of your classroom. But what about all the boneheads who by way of political patronage get teaching jobs? I?ve seen more than my fair share of teachers whose lesson plans aren?t aligned with the Core Curriculum Content Standards. As a S4T sub, more often than not, the teacher leaves no lesson plan and if by chance, the teacher does leave a lesson plan, it is often vague, i.e., ?have the students read pages 402 through 406 in their textbooks, then have them work on their projects.? What projects? There are some schools in Jersey City, such as Snyder High School, that no matter the substitute, there is no controlling the classroom, no matter how skilled the sub is in the art of classroom management. I?ll bet your first grade class isn?t much different as far as classroom management goes. S4T pays its substitutes $91 per day, or roughly $11 per hour. There is no pay for Holidays, snow days, summer break, and of course, no healthcare benefits. Essentially, a S4T sub is paid one quarter of what a newly hired teacher is paid. So, you get what you pay for. Frankly, I find it difficult to believe that any S4T stole anything from your class. Is there any evidence? Some rather specious and dubious claims you make. Incidentally, anyone wanting to know what it is like to be a substitute teacher ought to take a look at this well-written piece: The farcical expectation that substitute teachers maintain classroom order
Posted on: 2014/7/1 16:52
Re: Site Help Needed
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DIYforYourSoul wrote:
Posted on: 2014/6/27 5:37
Edited by score09 on 2014/6/27 5:59:05
Re: Mason Needed for Bluestone Foundation repointing
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Please excuse and ignore this ridiculous comment Bunny22. My apologies for being so rude. All the best with the restoration work.
Posted on: 2014/6/20 12:19
Re: Mason Needed for Bluestone Foundation repointing
Home away from home
Goodness gracious, you'd think the very first thing we'd see would be a photo. And STILL none, six hours later.
I have one, talking 'bout a GOOD one. But, who are you?
Posted on: 2014/6/20 1:08
Re: what's the status of White Eagle Hall?
Home away from home
Every picture tells a story don't it
Posted on: 2014/6/11 18:45
Re: 5-year-old Jersey City boy shot..
Home away from home
Aw Man, say it ain't so...
Posted on: 2014/6/4 23:00
Re: 5th Floor Walkup
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Right, as if there was some orthographic miscue, lol. Because, no, Brewster, there wasn?t. Quote:
True, but a rising tide lifts all boats, so it stands to reason that wherever the heretofore unnamed park is, it?ll get a lift from downtown. Quote:
Nowhere in the original post is the term ?relative value.? And, nowhere in the original post does it say anything about a 5th floor unit relative to others. The original post was most certainly related to buying, downtown or not. There is the part about ?in the process of? and the part about ?my life savings.? Lastly, the biggest thrust of the original post has to do with ?resale value.? Frankly, to suggest that NO meaning was made based on subsequent comments calls into question your literacy skills.
Posted on: 2014/6/3 21:00
Re: 5th Floor Walkup
Home away from home
What volatility? Jersey City real estate values are more than sixty percent higher than they were a decade ago. I know this because my property,purchased in '04, is currently on the market. Even accounting for the financial crisis of '08 and '09, there isn't much support for the notion that the Jersey City real estate market has been "volatile." Moreover, when you consider the incredible amount of capital investment infused in just the last few years alone, you'd be foolish not to be bullish on Jersey City real estate. Granted, you are correct in so much as no one knows with one hundred percent certainty as to what may befall the economy. But, the OP was worried and in the interest of allaying unwarranted fear, a bullish call was made. One step further, I predict a doubling of market value over the next five to seven years for downtown Jersey City. It is essentially part of Manhattan now. Please tell me you live downtown because if you don't, you haven't a clue.
Posted on: 2014/6/3 17:00