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Re: Jersey City police dog sinks teeth into leg of (Downtown) teen accused of shooting boy in foot
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Love Froto...too bad he didn't bite the punk's head off.

Posted on: 2011/1/10 14:26

Re: Beware of Dog!!
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Take a look at this site. Might help explain what happened. ... 2/what-is-predatory-drift

Posted on: 2010/12/8 17:32

Re: Bear hunt opponents rally today at NJ Statehouse in Trenton
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Vigilante wrote:

GrovePath wrote:

"I didn't feel the gun," Christian said about the recoil.

Christian, his uncle, and Christian's father, Lawrence Davidson, 45, were in Union City yesterday visiting taxidermist John Janelli, whom they hired to stuff the bruin.

"I never saw a kid this young hunt a black bear before, this is unbelievable," Janelli, the taxidermist, remarked.

Asked what he wants to hunt next, Christian pointed to the heads of caribou and buffalo hanging in Janelli's living room on Central Avenue.


They're pussies.

I have to agree. I love the guys that hide up in trees or in cherry pickers, waiting and waiting for a deer to happen to walk by. As if that takes any skill whatsoever.

And honestly, anyone who would kill an animal for sport is a poor excuse for a human being.

Posted on: 2010/12/7 22:01

Re: Bear hunt opponents rally today at NJ Statehouse in Trenton
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JerseyCityKid08 wrote:

Vigilante wrote:
Indian tribes hunt for food and are respectful and grateful for the animals they kill. These hunters do it for fun and are really just soul-less pussies.

Really?? Most hunters eat what they kill. Or they give it to family and friends to eat. Or they donate the meat to food shelters. I find what you stated to be extremely offensive. Lack of class!

Do hunters typically eat bear meat? Just curious.

Posted on: 2010/12/7 21:26

Re: Reasons why I"m starting to lose confidance in JC.
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radryan03 wrote:
Is there any reason to register your dog.... other than to pay another tax?

just a way for the city to collect a few bucks.

Posted on: 2010/11/3 13:15

Re: Downtown: Williamsburg's Barcade (Bar Arcade) Coming to Newark Avenue
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JC is pathetic. Almost sorry I moved here.

Posted on: 2010/10/8 17:31

Re: What type of restaurant/bar do you want?
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I'd like a high-end place. Nothing overly fancy, just high quality. JC has more than enough cheap places to grab a bite. I'd like something nicer. BUT, I don't know if JC has the clientele to support a place like this. Even Ox, which was probably the nicest place around didn't make it, and I'm envisioning something more expensive/nicer than Ox.

Posted on: 2010/10/7 18:18

Re: Mayor Healy’s daughter sworn in as Assistant Prosecutor…
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T-Bird wrote:
If she really were a great candidate (and our mayor weren't such a pariah) another city/county with whom the mayor had close ties would give her a job and none of this would be on the radar screen. But no. The mayor:

1) Is toxic and no one would want to be seen helping him and
2) Has no regard for the people, process or the budget whatsoever and in the end, he's going to line his pockets (and the pockets of his friends and family) in whatever way he can, no matter how petty.

Hey Jeremiah T: Will you adopt me?

Not only that, but with all the corruption that goes on surrounding Healy, why would his "great candidate" daughter even want to work for Jersey City? You'd think she would have some intelligence and distance herself from her father.

Posted on: 2010/9/30 19:32

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NJ pays highest property taxes in the US, 39% higher than the next highest state (CT). That's f-ing insane.

Posted on: 2010/9/30 15:36

Re: Dog Poop
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chiefdahill wrote:

Josiered wrote:

If you have a damn dog then carry a plastic bag and put it in your garbage can. You people are lazy frigin slobs and should not own pets. Do you yuppies think you're above it all and it is beneath you to clean up crap? Then get rid of the damn dog that you use for show and go eat some damn tofu trendy crap at a restaurant. But keep our streets clean cause you guys will be the first to complain when your "nanny" says your kid slipped on it on the sidewalk and now you have to wipe her shoes off.....

Oh dear - get a life and clean up after the damn dog !!!!!!
Or better yet - get rid of the damn dog !!!!!

You know who you are and I know who you are !!!!

Yuppies? Really? It's the hood rats and thugs I see walking pitbulls that don't pick up after their dogs.

I'd have to agree. The few times I've seen people not picking up after their dogs it's either an old person or some punk who thinks a pit makes him look tough.

Posted on: 2010/9/30 13:00

Re: Thoughts on manditory parenting classes/parent licenses
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Xerxes wrote:
It's not really too hard:

Give every man and woman a $30,000 standard tax deduction per year. For each child $10,000 is removed from that deduction for each parent. With the 4th child $10,000 is ADDED to the adjusted gross income.

Just WATCH how fast family size drops. "Hey honey, do we want a "bundle of love" enough to pay the tax on $20,000 every year." (Ten grand each.) If the answer is yes, you can believe they will make good caring parents who truly want their child.

To make sure the rich are not encouraged to spawn prodigiously because $10,000 is negligible for them, another constraint to add is to increase the top 2 brackets by 1% for each child PER joint accounts.

Just from a practical point of view, schools cost money, sewage removal costs money, and environmental degradation per person is considerable over a lifetime.

Instead traditional religious power in the United States writes the tax code in exactly the opposite way, rewarding those who breed like roaches.

I like this idea.

Posted on: 2010/9/27 13:13

Re: Demonstration of Jersey City's diversity
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JadedJC wrote:

Mike wrote:

JadedJC wrote:
Well, it proves those fears about downtown JC becoming another Hoboken are unfounded (just look at that big red splotch north of JC). Wow.


Keep in mind that the data points are from the census 10 years ago.

True. But I think JC remains one of the most diverse spots in the greater NYC area. I've seen more affluent people moving downtown the past decade or so, but the racial and ethnic diversity is still there. I can still tell which PATH train I've just missed at 23rd Street simply by looking at who's left on the platform.

That's funny. I determine which PATH train should be next the same way.

Posted on: 2010/9/21 20:00

Re: Fracas in Hamilton Park dog run this past Sunday
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icechute wrote:

downright wrote:
This happened Sunday morning. The basketball thugs don't come out until late at night.

Please don't ruin this for me.

Sorry, just being truthful. I hate the basketball court because it is noisy. I usually don't give a damn who plays. But in general, the people who play late at night are younger and much much much louder and more annoying than the people who play in the mornings and afternoons. You can call them thugs I guess, but for the most part, they are just teens being teens, i.e., inconsiderate pricks.

If this dog fight took place late at night, no one from the basketball court would have assisted.

Posted on: 2010/9/21 15:33

Re: Fracas in Hamilton Park dog run this past Sunday
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icechute wrote:

kfern wrote:
He is a 4 month old Goldendoodle....

Finally, 3 basketball players came over and somehow got the dog off of mine.

1. "Goldendoodle". A dog with a name like that is just asking to be attacked.

2. I love the fact that 3 of the often referred to "basketball thugs" came to the aid of the "peaceful, crime-fighting, non-littering" "Dog People".

Irony at it's best!

This happened Sunday morning. The basketball thugs don't come out until late at night.

Posted on: 2010/9/21 13:06

Re: Bayonne man shot in face in vicious Jersey City robbery; two others also injured
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What I really don't understand is why he was originally only charged with aggravated assault. Shooting someone in the head is not aggravated assault. Shooting someone in the head means you wanted them to die. Murder. Simple as that. Even if the victim lived......the suspect should be charged with murder. Simple as that.

Also, with regards to blaming teachers? That's crazy talk. The blame is 100% the parents'.

Posted on: 2010/9/17 16:04

Re: Jersey City woman assaulted with a cat
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A 20 year old.....with a 49 year old boyfriend? Awesome.

Posted on: 2010/9/16 18:22

Re: More Crime at MG
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stepanstas wrote:

icechute wrote:

Sounds like a start....


downright wrote:

Nothing wrong with pushing the bad crowds out of downtown JC. Keep them as far away from where I live as possible.

Yea, so then other neighborhoods have to deal with it. Then JC as a whole complains about the crime rate and nothing getting done except for downtown tax perks.

Funny thing you Fulopians don't realize. If he becomes mayor of JC he'll have to fight for all of JC and then the 4 other wards will want the crowds pushed back here.

As it is right now, he is doing something for the neighborhood he represents. As bad as the crime problem is in other sections of JC, I don't see those councilpersons doing a damn thing.

And yeah, of course it would be ideal if all of JC was a better place to live. However, that isn't going to happen. At the very least, I want my neighborhood to be as safe as possible. If that means moving higher class people in, and low class people out, then so be it.

Posted on: 2010/8/5 18:06

Re: More Crime at MG
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stepanstas wrote:

jcboyz wrote:
Please, its not that bad! I've been living in JC for 10 years now and it is so much better today than it was 10 years ago. Downtown JC is an amazing place which seems to be getting better daily. There are more restaurants, bars and new developments appearing on what seems like a monthly basis! I'm sure you have your reasons for giving up but I am pretty excited about the prospects of Jersey City's future!

I believe Mr. Fulop will be the next mayor and we will move forward much quicker.

I think downtown has grown enough. All these buildings and stuff doesn't mean a thing. Your just pushing the "bad crowds" around. Moving them from one area of the city to another. Or if you use your theory of Fulop being mayor, he'll just push everyone out of here and there will be a near crime less city with people from NY. However much crime there is, the people are just as much residents of the city as we are. Getting more people in here is not the solution.

Nothing wrong with pushing the bad crowds out of downtown JC. Keep them as far away from where I live as possible.

Posted on: 2010/8/5 13:52

Re: Just 15 minutes ago: Female jogger harassed/assaulted by roving band of teens - Jersey and 4th
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Crazy_Chester wrote:

wideman wrote:
It's amazing how some don't mind when someone in a shirt and tie robs them of millions or billions but screams bloody murder when a car window is broken. A crime is a crime is a crime. LOL

Yeah, no one made a sound about companies like AIG, or the sub-prime mortgage fiasco, or the bailouts. Never even made the news.

I would love to meet the person who wouldn't mind having their millions or billions stolen.

Posted on: 2010/7/14 14:52

Re: Downtown: Williamsburg's Barcade (Bar Arcade) Coming to Newark Avenue
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I'm not getting my hopes up.

Posted on: 2010/7/8 20:59

Re: Downtown: Williamsburg's Barcade (Bar Arcade) Coming to Newark Avenue
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Any kind of bar is an improvement to Newark. Hipsters or not.

Posted on: 2010/7/8 14:24

Re: Downtown: Williamsburg's Barcade (Bar Arcade) Coming to Newark Avenue
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It's too bad that it will probably take 5 years for them to get through all the red tape.

Posted on: 2010/7/8 13:10

Re: Be careful on Erie Street and 10th
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tommyc_37 wrote:
It's funny how so many people get confused at blinking lights. It's extremely basic, and is taught in driver's ed classes and is on the test. Blinking yellow, slow down and be cautious, proceed with caution. Blinking red -- you STOP. How hard is that?

I don't think it's a matter of people being confused, I think it's a matter of people flat out ignoring the flashing yellow. Slowing down is relative, where stopping is absolute.

I was always worried about a car flying down Erie barreling down people eating outside at the embankment restaurant.

Posted on: 2010/7/6 14:29

Re: Be careful on Erie Street and 10th
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JC is a mess when it comes to traffic planning, but a stop sign was needed here. That light should be taken down and I have no idea what purpose it was supposed to serve when it was flashing yellow. The amount of money spent putting it up and the electricity used to keep it flashing seemed like a complete waste.

Posted on: 2010/7/6 13:55

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
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Sutherland wrote:
Not to be insensitive to the folks who live near the HP Basketball courts, but it's important to be mindful that there are homes near Enos Jones. I imagine those folks aren't thrilled with the noise, parking and other issues associated with the little league that plays there either.

But like others have stated, baseball games at Enos Jones don't start up in the middle of the night, like the basketball games do in HP.

Also, the location of the basketball court (or where it used to be) - check out google maps, is much much further away from residential housing vs. the set up in HP.

Posted on: 2010/7/1 18:22

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
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sandstone wrote:
Really, so that's the problem? How about the fact that I live about a half block away from the courts and directly adjacent to Cordero School? Because I chose to live next to a school I feel I forfeit my right to complain about kids' noise. The courts have been there forever. Did those who moved in across the street from them ask about court noise before they bought or leased? Or did they think that kids would just try to play a little quieter?

The courts are here to stay and if you think they're unpopular, ask around.

Comparing a school to a basketball court is a little silly.

I actually moved into my place right around when the park was closing last year. I had no idea it would be this much of a nuisance. Would it have been a deal breaker? Probably not.

And just because the court has been there forever, doesn't mean it should stay there. It's way too close to people's homes. Simple as that.

Posted on: 2010/6/30 16:15

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
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sandstone wrote:

downright wrote:
How could we get the basketball league to move back to Enos Jones Park, where they played last summer?

Walked past the park last evening with two dog-walking friends. We passed the playground and commented on the wonderful sounds coming from at least 100 happy little kids. We got to the basketball court and the league was in full swing. Kids, 22 of them playing in new uniforms, a very cool working score board, glistening new court surface, and we counted about 50 people viewing the game. One guy said it looks like an urban poster for how things should be.

So you see, we all see things differently. The courts are here and they're here to stay. And if they weren't, I know three guys that would fight like hell to get them back.

The problem is, you don't live next to the bb court. The whistle blowing, the buzzer going off, besides the yelling and screaming, right next to where people are trying to sleep is completely incomprehensible.

I just don't understand why the court at Enos Jones can't be used instead, as it is much further away from where people live.

Posted on: 2010/6/30 15:43

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
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Doozer wrote:
Only the two west lawns, that are next to West Hamilton Pl. are suppose to be marked "pet free" and the two lawns that are along 8th street are suppose to be pet friendly (aka family friendly). I have walked through with my dog and my son, yesterday, and they only put the signs back where they were. They did not fix the positions. Hopefully the town will do it soon, as I was getting some dirty looks for having my dog on the walkways on that side of the park.

But the truth is, NONE of the walkways are off-limits to dogs. Only the grass of those sections are.

Posted on: 2010/6/25 13:26

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
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Slacky wrote:
Those signs are just stuck in the ground, not cemented in. All somebody has to do is pull out the ones that were put up in error.
The vandalized signs were done indiscriminately, in areas that are actually supposed to be pet free. In fact one of the designated pet lawns has completely unaltered signs

I just staked out the park for a couple of hours looking for the guy with the two black Scotties. He did not show.
If anybody has any leads please PM me.
The slow inexorable wheels of justice have been set in motion, I shall not rest until this wrong is righted.

Staked out the park for a couple of hours? I hope you are joking.

And until you actually see someone doing something with your own eyes should you say anything. Basing your actions on what you read here is not a good idea.

Posted on: 2010/6/23 12:55

Re: Hamilton Park Renovation - Update
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Slacky wrote:
Just got back from the park, nearly all the Pet Free Zone signs have been altered. Incredible that the first act of deliberate vandalism in the park should come not from the feral basketball players but from one of our sainted dog walkers.

Resized Image

Can you imagine the uproar on here if a sign restricting basketball playing after ten pm were vandalized?
This guy with the two black Scottish terriers needs to be apprehended. I'm going to patrol the park tonight and hold him in a headlock until the authorities arrive.
Vigilante, you down?

Needs to be apprehended? Headlock? Please, you can't be serious.

Posted on: 2010/6/22 17:46

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