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Re: Ex-Jersey City priest sentenced to prison for molesting 3 boys
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Hmm, I probably did misstate the rules of respondeat superior and also conspiracy that would hold the entity liable. That bishops claimed to be following, in the 1970s and 1980, the lead of the psychiatric establishment, they all knew or should have known that was bogus and that canon law which provided for laicization should have been followed.

And, yes, I probably misstated it. The crisis is a crisis of lack of fidelity to vows of chastity by both heterosexuals and homosexuals. In the wake of Vatican II, half the priests left. About half the remainder were faithful, the other half were sexually active- the vast majority with peers, not minors. These sexually active priests were just conforming themselves to the culture. They usually are nice guys and often do lots of good in charitable work, etc. However, at least in the early days, their infidelity compromised them so that they were part of a don't ask don't tell culture that allowed abuse of minors to go forward.

I do think most victims are post pubescent and hence are not considered pedophilia. If a 40 year old man sleeps with a 15 year old girl, that is illegal, and immoral but it is not pedophilia. Same when the 15 year old is a boy.

So sorry if I offended. I don't understand it all. I understand it some and I guess it's fair enough to call that ignorance.


Posted on: 2014/6/20 16:16

Re: Hipster Mass, 9:00 AM, Every Sunday, St. Anthony at 6th & Brunswich
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Your probably right cbg.

We here on this board are for the most part post modern dabblers. We are spiritualists, or vegans, or tarot practitioners, or yogaists, or nature worshipers, or gender issuers, or Ayahuasca tea drinkers. Not that there is anything wrong with any of this, but it brings to mind, a quote from GK Chesterton.

When people stop believing in God, they don't believe in nothing - they believe in anything.

Posted on: 2014/6/19 20:21

Re: Ex-Jersey City priest sentenced to prison for molesting 3 boys
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A bit more complicated than that, Pebble. Sexual assault by IBM executives would be asserted to be beyond the scope and not attributable to the entity in most cases. If it is a direct subordinate, then, under the NJ LAD, but not common law, there would be entity liability.

Most of this is all about the homosexualization of the Church in the midst of sort of mass apostasy. A good per centage of the hierarchy is gay or gay friendly. Google any of our local prelates and it will make your hair stand on end. But, no worries- as St. Athanasius said during the Arian controversy, the road to Hell is paved with the skulls of bishops.

And It has nothing to do, DTJC with "the repressive policies of the church." The moral teaching of Christ, following and expanding the moral code revealed to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and their descendants, is the best protection against this. Celibacy, chastity, etc. absolutely prevent this. It is true that if these values are not properly understood, then unhealthy repression and even disassociation can occur. These are good insights of psychoanalysis. Freud would be much more nuanced than you.

Also, regrettably, sexual assault of minors is rife throughout our society- particularly in public schools, sport teams, etc. One recalls the current case of John Mercado out of a progressive Charter School in Hoboken.

Posted on: 2014/6/19 20:14

Hipster Mass, 9:00 AM, Every Sunday, St. Anthony at 6th & Brunswich
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Well it got you to click on this anyway did it not? If you didn't click the link, it references the interest among the young in the old, in the hip, in tradition, i.e., Latin, and rubrics, and chant and Palestrina, and fasting, and confessing, etc.

There is some truth to this, though. These congregations tend to be young and the battles of the soixante huitards ('68ers) are about as relevant to them as, I dunno, the dispute between the Guelphs and Ghibellines.

At St. Anthony's the median age of the Latin Mass congregant is probably about 40- with as many under as over. (Though I miss some of the niceties of the distinction between average and mean). Can anyone enlighten. I notice at my mother's run of the mill Catholic parish in a lovely town at the shore that almost everyone has grey hair.

The Economist wrote about this two years ago. ... raditionalist-avant-garde

Right now, under Pope Francis the Relevant, any Catholic who supports this is virtually suspect and subjected to ridicule, banishment, and suspension- even if Benedict the XVI, probably the smartest Pope of the last 100 years, whether you like him or not, definitely settled that this form of liturgy is the right of the faithful everywhere and is always sacred.

Posted on: 2014/6/19 19:57

Re: Johnston Ave Pool Open!
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We complain a lot around here. How about sending an email or leaving a message with the director or recreation, Ryan Strother to let him know what a great job Rosemary and Jamie have done in getting the pool up and running early.

Posted on: 2014/6/6 17:00

Re: Jersey City youth baseball coach charged with molesting 7 underage boys
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Well the problem is that our law really has trouble dealing with a serial pedophile. The law, even for murderers, is premised on rehabilitation which is highly unlikely if not impossible for pedophiles.

For about ten years, I represented the state in commitment hearings, both in initial hearings and in recommitment. The vast majority of these poor people suffered from schizophrenia. Once or twice a year, there would be a calendar generated from the long term sex offender facility. Some of the people had never been convicted of crimes but had been committed. Some had been convicted, had finished their sentences, and then were committed because they were dangerous. However, in reality, probably none of these people satisfy the very demanding requirements NJ's commitment law: "to reasonable degree of psychiatric certainty, patient x is dangerous to himself or others by reason of a mental illness in the imminent future" or something like that. Normally to uphold a commitment, you need to show that in the last two weeks the patient tried to kill himself, or another etc. It's a hard standard. If a serial sex offender has been in a facility for years and years with no access to children and with constant therapy, etc, he may well not have done anything indicating dangerousness.

Nonetheless, (you'll be happy to know) these commitments of the sex offenders were always continued. Their lawyer, someone from the Public Defender's office, never asked for a release. I also note that these patients all seemed very compromised, borderline intelligence, etc. I don't think these are comorbid which makes me wonder if the smart ones have just found away around this.

So by suggesting a desert Island, I was inspired by my knowledge that the law as written actually can't handle this problem.

Posted on: 2014/5/28 20:06

Re: Jersey City youth baseball coach charged with molesting 7 underage boys
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also, News 12 reported that the victims were as young as eight years old.

Posted on: 2014/5/28 19:41

Re: Jersey City youth baseball coach charged with molesting 7 underage boys
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Dear Jersey Mom:

Thanks for pointing out that "Mercado had confessed to abusing at least four of the boys." That pretty much settles it. Best for him to go to a deserted Island for the rest of his life. If he had managed to stop after the early 80s, that would be highly unusual.

I don't take issue with the fact that sexual abuse of minors is devastating and horrific. If I gave that impression, thanks for the correction. A child or youth who is victimized in that fashion will have psychological and developmental issues that will follow him or her to the grave which may be premature because of the burden and which will interfere with every aspect of his or her life- particularly the most important, that is in the intimate relationships of marriage and family.

Do you have any inkling that there was anyone at Elysian who had a basis to suspect? Or were you just speculating based on my description of the school?



Posted on: 2014/5/28 18:29

Re: Jersey City youth baseball coach charged with molesting 7 underage boys
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LOL, the use of this to Catholic bash. As a Catholic I am more disgusted and outraged by the betrayal of the bishops and priests as evidenced in the abuse of adolescent boys by homosexual priests, and by the betrayal of the Faith in so many other ways as well. However, it has nothing to do with this case and, in fact, the abuse that goes on in non Catholic settings is even worse than in Catholic settings if you can believe it. Google Canadian Junior hockey, or look into the problem in youth swim clubs. Public schools are rife with it. Penn State and the BBC were virtual procurers of it. Btw, Pope Francis' "who am I to judge" was made when people were outraged that he has a known abuser of under age adolescent males at his side at all times and made him (Monsignor Ricca) head of the Vatican Bank. (not to bring this back to Catholic bashing but to illustrate the strange way in which Catholic bashing only targets the orthodox and traditional Catholics while it mostly, not exclusively, a fruit of the Left in the Church, though everywhere a fruit of apostasy).

I just don't know why people are so shocked. Our civilization rejects the reality of the Fall, is sex obsessed, rejects the idea that morality informs sex other than that it be non predatory). Restraint, chastity, concupiscence, etc are alien concepts. I think a lot of it has to do with a misapplication of Freud's theory of sexuality where desire is considered, per se, to be paramount and due satisfaction while repression is, per se, to be discounted. (Freud actually understood very well the role of repression and restraint as part of the process of maturation). If this turns out to be pedophilia, where the victims are prepubescent, as I understand it there will likely be scores of victims and cure or reform is nearly impossible.

Anyway, in this case, the accused was working at a public school and has been for about 15 years. Elysian is the antithesis of a parochial school being public, progressive in nature with a large proportion of highly cultured Jewish parents and students where parental involvement was very high. I know him and the school fairly well since my sons went there. I often found the school too liberal and progressive and unstructured and with inadequate boundaries between faculty and students (it drove me nuts that everyone was on a first name basis). That being said, there were and are many excellent things about the community. In many ways, it is a caring community and there are many dedicated teachers there. When my kids were there, I made these criticisms known despite there being a sort of politically correct atmosphere that stymied conversation. Nonetheless, the school on balance is a good place given the alternatives. Mr. Mercado, himself, seemed like a dedicated regular guy. Good sense of humor, good balance between encouraging competition but also fair play (though my younger son quite basketball because he yelled too much). But really, he would be about the very last person one would think to be a sexual predator. That, upon reflection, is the most disturbing thing about this.

To those who say anyone involved with kids is suspect, there has to be another way to approach this. Kids need male role models so desperately. I can think of one kid. His family had broken up when he was in kindergarten and left town. The boy was a natural basketball phenom. He spent so much time under Mercado's tutelage. This must be so painful and disorienting to him.

But the good guys can't be driven away because some morally corrupt men (and women too-lots of wowmen, especially in public schools) use these important roles to access victims. It has to make the rest of us step up to the plate more not less.

John Mercado was everywhere at the school. A pony tailed scruffy Puerto Rican guy, he ran the school office (which was a shambles), did high school guidance (which seemed to be done very well), single handedly created an athletic program (which was really good at the school), chaperoned overnight trips (lets hope his alleged crimes which were reportedly in the early 1980s did not continue!!), and, horrible dictu, taught sex ed to the boys which almost certainly contained little about the need for repression and restraint (which from my perspective as a Christian should not exist in any public school and which the school despite my repeated requests failed to tell me what its content was and provide an opportunity to opt out).

The school sometimes would be unorthodox. However, I assume, however, that they did the normal background checks. Mr. Mercado, like most offenders, would have come up clean since he has no record. I would be shocked if there had ever been evidence of misconduct that was ignored by the administration, parents, or other teachers.

Remember too, that as reported, the alleged crimes date from the early 1980s- that is 30 years ago. Proof beyond a reasonable doubt is always difficult. Also, the so called recovered memory syndrome is a real issue. Never forget the Kelly Michaels case, a woman who was vilified and wrongly imprisoned based on "memories of abuse" that were found to have been implanted by investigators. There have been cases like this all over the country. So we do need to remember that he is innocent until proven guilty.

Finally, the accused has a wife and children. They live in Jersey City. While sometimes, the wife is complicit (e.g. Mrs. Sandusky), almost always those closest have no inkling. Thus, the shock and pain they are feeling must be overwhelming. Hysterical reactions won't help these innocents who are also victims. Pray to God and His Mother for everyone involved in this mess.

Posted on: 2014/5/28 17:38

Re: Johnston Ave Pool Open!
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Ah, I should have read the sign more carefully. I think that there is an issue with getting more guards until the public high schools are out (which is almost the end of next month!). However, there was no reason this morning that they could not have opened the kid pool since there were two guards and just me swimming, lol.

If I remember correctly, last year before school let out, they would re-open the pool at like 3 or 4 and then go to 7.

It's at the corner of Johnston and Van Horne.

Finally, I just looked at the weather forecast. It will barely hit 60 degrees tomorrow and Thursday! That is weather for April not almost June. So swimmers may want a wet suit tomorrow.

Posted on: 2014/5/27 15:32

Johnston Ave Pool Open!
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The Johnston Avenue pool opened over the weekend. It's also open every morning from 7 to 10 for lap swimming. I was the only one in the pool this morning! So spread the word so that this is not discontinued for lack of interest. Btw, the water really was pretty comfortable, though it was not warm.

Posted on: 2014/5/27 14:34

Re: anyone been to a satanic mass? what;s it like?
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Dear JCDD:

Thanks for your plug! We hope to really continue to grow the program and the choir.

The true, the good and the beautiful are the so called three transcendentals. I think we all recognize them even if we deny the existence of them. (INfra the beginning of an essay by Rudolf Steiner, the education guru on this)



The True, the Beautiful, the Good

A lecture by Rudolf Steiner on January 19, 1923, from stenographic notes unrevised by the author.

The true, the beautiful, the good: through all the ages of man's conscious evolution these words have expressed three great ideals: ideals which have instinctively been recognized as representing the sublime nature and lofty goal of all human endeavour. In epochs earlier than our own there was a deeper knowledge of man's being and his connection with the universe, when Truth, Beauty and Goodness had more concrete reality than they have in our age of abstraction. Anthroposophy, or Spiritual Science, is able once again to indicate the concrete reality of such ideals, although in so doing it does not always meet with the approval of the times. For in our age people love to be vague and nebulous whenever it is a question of getting beyond the facts of everyday life.

Let us try to understand how Truth, Beauty and Goodness are related, as concrete realities, to the being of man.

Posted on: 2014/5/21 15:41

Re: Trees taken down on Grove St. between 1st and 2nd streets
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There are lots of well known varieties of trees that do well in cities. For instance, the London Plane (a sycamore relative) does fantastic- it is hardy, strong, tall, roots deep and lives a long long time. . Also nice is the Dawn Redwood. The city favors things like Bartlett Pear and Japanese Cherry trees. These trees do not grow tall and have a relatively short life span. Btw the City has a full time forester with staff in the Division of Forestry. He's supposed to be on top of this. Also, I think that there is some kind of obligation of PSEG to configure themselves so that we can have trees. Wasn't there a master plan to bury all the lines? Maybe we should do a class action suit?

Posted on: 2014/5/21 15:37

Re: anyone been to a satanic mass? what;s it like?
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Dear Monroe:

Not sure if you are aware, but there is a Latin Mass right here in Jersey City. It had been at Holy Rosary for many years. Now it's at St. Anthony of Padua downtown on the corner of Brunswick and 6th Street every Sunday at 9:00 am. It is a beautiful church and the choir is very good.

I don't know the understanding of the Black Mass, but the Holy Mass is the great prayer of Thanksgiving, Eucharist, to God for his saving acts in history. In it, the Sacrifice of Calvary is reenacted in an unbloody way so that Christ becomes truly present under the form of bread and wine which those who have professed the Faith of the Church, confessed their sins, and fasted partake of not to their condemnation. The immemorial forms of the Mass communicate the theology of the Catholic Mass much more clearly and directly than the 1970s version that is the norm (did anything good come out of the 1970s?).

Hope to see you there sometime.



Posted on: 2014/5/20 15:03

Re: Looking for a children's swim teacher
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Gerry at Pershing Field. She 's a great person other than the fact that she keeps the water at ridiculously warm temperatures for the kids and the seniors so that lap swimming the 270,000 gallon pool is impossible.

Posted on: 2014/5/15 18:47

Re: NJ now tops nation in foreclosure rates
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Does anyone know, either from reports or personal experience, if banks are pursuing personal recourse against defaulters? NJ is a personal recourse state but the practice had been not to pursue the debt beyond the collateral.

Posted on: 2014/5/15 18:45

Re: Jersey City priest falls hundreds of feet to his death.
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Rev. Robert Cormier, In Memoriam

factus sum infirmis infirmus ut infirmos lucri facerem omnibus omnia factus sum ut omnes facerem salvos

To the weak became I as weak, that I might gain the weak: I am made all things to all men, that I might by all means save some.
2Cor. 19:22

Fr. Cormier was a remarkable priest. He spoke many languages (French, Spanish, Portuguese, Ancient Greek, Latin). He had published many books on theology and spirituality that evidenced a creative almost idiosyncratic take on the Faith- but which, at bottom expressed a zeal to bring the Good News to the world. He was a diocesan priest though, I anyway on first meeting, thought for sure he was a Jesuit. Sort of a chip off the old Theilhard de Chardin.

He arrived in the Bergen Lafayette section of Jersey City only about two years ago, becoming pastor of the now combined parishes of St. Patrick's, Assumption, and All Saints. He took his liturgical role very seriously but also made himself available to the community on a personal level- whether stopping in to visit the nuns at their convent on Pacific Avenue or stopping to chat on the street. He was a common sight on the streets of the neighborhood as he walked from church to church in all kinds of weather to offer the Holy Sacrifice for our good and the good of all His Holy Church.

He had also been active in the social ministry, being a driving force, for example, behind Project Live, an affordable housing initiative in Newark.

Reports are that Mt. Hood was the last on his bucket list of mountains to climb. (He said as much on his Facebook page, the implication being that he figured that at age 57, he should set his sights on less challenging things). He made the trip with two high school friends. That Fr. Bob would have maintained such close friendships over the years is no surprise.

Strange as it seems to the initiated, the safest time to reach the summit of Mt. Hood is in May, making the final ascent in the middle of the night by moonlight. So this was a very carefully planned trip. His friends, however, encountered difficulties on the final stretch. Fr. Bob went on alone. There is some small solace in knowing that he had made it to the summit of the mountain. There were others at the summit too. Perhaps Fr. Bob had moved off to the side to survey the expanse laid out below under the surreal moonlight.

The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork . 2 Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge. 3 There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard . 4 Their line is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. In them hath he set a tabernacle for the sun, 5 Which is as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber, and rejoiceth as a strong man to run a race. 6 His going forth is from the end of the heaven, and his circuit unto the ends of it: and there is nothing hid from the heat thereof. 7

There on that precipice, in the sight of the Lord, Fr. Robert Cormier was taken as the ice ledge suddenly and without warning gave way as he fell into the dark void. Fr. Robert, feared no void, however, for he was the Lord?s. Miserere ei domine, Requiscat in pacem et lux perpetua ei luceat.

Pray, please, for his soul- that the Lord in his great mercy will say unto him: "Well done my good and faithful servant....Come and share thy master's happiness." And pray for his mother and sister who survive him and especially for his friends who had accompanied him on that trip until nearly the end.

Posted on: 2014/5/15 16:08

Re: Memento, homo, quia pulvis es, et in pulverem reverteris
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Responding to a question sent to me by PM, the rest of the music will be a cappella Gregorian Chant from the Liber Usualis and plain chant Ordinary.

Posted on: 2014/3/5 18:23

Memento, homo, quia pulvis es, et in pulverem reverteris
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Remember man that thou art dust and unto dust thou shalt return

5:30 PM, St. Anthony of Padua
457 Monmouth Street, Corner of Monmouth and 6th
Distribution of Ashes and Sung Latin Mass

.....The Ash Wednesday hope is conveyed in the action of the rite itself. You receive the ashes at the same place and in the same posture you receive Communion, and in fact will receive Communion a few minutes later, with its assurance of God?s favor. And psychologically, at least, it is a ?safe place,? indeed a sort of home: precisely the sort of place you would want to hear bad news. And the ashes mark a cross upon your forehead, a sign not only of the cost of your sins but also of your redemption from your sins. (In the early Middle Ages, the ashes were dumped on the head, which is probably more fun, at least for the officiant, but not as good a symbol.)

So the imposition of ashes has a double meaning, one despairing, because it describes the reality of what we have made ourselves; the other hopeful, because it describes the new reality God has made for us. For the Christian, hope trumps despair. ?In Adam all die? and ?In Christ shall all be made alive? are both true, but Christ has conquered death.

But this is not a reason to feel good about yourself on Ash Wednesday. That would be to presume upon God?s good will and take the Lord?s death for granted. Ash Wednesday is a fast day given us to remember what we have done and to try to learn how much of the old Adam remains in us. And of course the more you see what Jesus did for you, the more you will want to face your sins, to track them down to the places they have hidden, drag them into the light, and with God?s help drive them away.

Posted on: 2014/3/5 16:14

Re: Fulop fooled city voters
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Fire and police salaries are pretty generous all around. Remember, these employees do not need a college degree, can retire after 25 years, have a pension based on the average salary for their last three years, get tuition reimbursement while on the job, get generous vacation, sick leave, and medical and dental benefits. Yes policing is difficult and dangerous and the JCPD is the best. And yes, fighting fires is dangerous. Btw, firemen work one 24 hour day and then get three off. Typically, a guy will trade shifts and work a couple of days in a row and then go home to south Jersey or Pennsylvania for a week. There are ways to increase efficiency in both departments but it is a difficult task.

Posted on: 2014/2/6 14:24

Re: Fulop fooled city voters
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Hmmm...and why not consider cuts to the police and fire? Because their unions with the teacher unions are immensely powerful. There are lots of ways to make delivery of fire and police services more efficient. The last mayor to try to bring efficiencies to police and fire was Schundler and he earned their everlasting enmity.

Posted on: 2014/2/4 22:10

Re: Anyone experienced billing problems with United Water ?
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I have been trying to resolve a billing dispute with them for over a year. One quarter, they say we used $3000 in water when the bill is usually $250.

Posted on: 2014/2/4 17:58

Re: New Pilates Studio In Lafayette/Liberty Park Neighborhood
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Place looks great. Good luck!

Posted on: 2014/1/29 17:57

Re: US Mail Interrupted
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Oh, yea, that was stupid of me to forget that Monday was a holiday. And our mail came yesterday at about 7:00 PM.

Posted on: 2014/1/24 14:08

US Mail Interrupted
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We have not gotten mail at home in Lafayette since Monday (though sometimes the mail carrier does deliver in evening). I can sort of understand on Tuesday- but what about yesterday or today? Or maybe we just got no mail for three days.

Anybody else missing their mail? Getting their mail? Etc?

Posted on: 2014/1/23 21:56

Re: Singers Sought for Choir in Downtown Jersey City
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Definitely. At least three times a year we do Masses with orchestra. Not sure what the plan is for Easter Sunday. Maybe Mozart's Missa Solemnis. According to wiki, it calls for three trombones!,_K.337_(Mozart,_Wolfgang_Amadeus)

And JCDD- thanks for the feedback. Really really thrilled you liked it but even more that your toddler did. One of my issues is that the Church has abandoned its musical patrimony for a combo of bad folk, bad show tunes, and bad children's music. It is good to hear that a child responds to this beauty.

Posted on: 2014/1/16 15:11

Re: Singers Sought for Choir in Downtown Jersey City
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Thanks everyone for your feedback (and no snark!). We are very excited that two people are coming by this evening to check out the group. Since we are just starting the Lent and Easter stuff now so this is perfect timing.

Posted on: 2014/1/15 19:25

Re: Singers Sought for Choir in Downtown Jersey City
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Thanks for the positive feedback. We're still getting our bearings but have big plans.

Posted on: 2014/1/13 16:25

Re: Singers Sought for Choir in Downtown Jersey City
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Dear Yvonne:

Yes, the Latin Mass is now at Holy Rosary. Long story short, the pastor at Holy Rosary had moved the Latin Mass to 1:00 in the afternoon which was going to decimate its congregation. He also insisted on the parish organist handling the music for the Latin Mass and he was significantly less competent than Simone. Fr. Urban graciously offered a morning slot to the congregation. While many of us are sad to leave Holy Rosary, we do appreciate that St. Anthony's is a beautiful church and is entirely intact. FYI, this Sunday and next, the Mass is at 9:15 am. Thereafter, its at 9:00 am.

See you soon.


Posted on: 2014/1/10 19:38

Singers Sought for Choir in Downtown Jersey City
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Cantantes in Cordibus (CIC, Singing from the the Heart) is auditioning new singers. While sight readers are preferred, anyone who can blend is welcome.

This group of 18 or so voices sings for the Latin Liturgy which recently moved from Holy Rosary Church to St. Anthony's next door. Rehearsals are Wednesday evening at 6:45 PM and the choir sings for the 9:00 am liturgy every Sunday and the 5:30 PM liturgy on Holy Days. Our repertoire covers the whole history of Western Sacred Music- from Gregorian Chant to Lauridsen. However, there is a definite Renaissance focus (Palestrina, Victoria, DePres, Morales). We usually do a symphonic Mass with orchestra for Christmas and Easter (Mozart, Haydn, Schubert). Our director is the very talented Simone Ferraresi.

Our members range from devout Catholics to agnostic Jews who are in thrall to this music. It is fantastic voice training too for pop singers.

Stop by any Wednesday at the begging of rehearsal at 6:45 PM to give it a try. Our rehearsals are in the building next to St. Anthony's Church on the north west corner of the intersection of Monmouth and Sixth Street. Or call Dan at 201 406 9960 for more information.

Posted on: 2014/1/10 16:45

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