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Re: New Group Aims to Make Jersey City More Bicycle-Friendly
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Not just spinning their wheels
Residents form advocacy group for safer biking on local streets
by Ricardo Kaulessar
Reporter Staff Writer

WANT BETTER BIKING ? Cycling advocates came to the first meeting of the better biking/safe streets group, Bike Jersey City at Zeppelin Hall this past Tuesday. Some even brought their bikes.

Whether they walked, came by car, or biked, more than 20 local cycling advocates came to Zeppelin Hall on Barrow Street on a cold night this past Tuesday to offer suggestions for making Jersey City more bicycle-friendly.

They were there for the first meeting of the new better biking/safe streets group, Bike Jersey City.

Carly Berwick, who lives with her husband and baby on the city?s West Side, was the moderator of the meeting. Berwick spoke before the meeting about why she was taking part.

?When I bike with my kid, you suddenly become alert to how difficult it is to be a bicyclist here,? Berwick said.

More than 200 signs are posted on various streets that read ?BIKE ROUTE? and ?SHARE THE ROAD.?

During the 90-minute meeting, the attendees brought up the problems they have had riding a bicycle on Jersey City streets and suggested solutions to make the state?s second-largest populated city more bike-friendly.

They called for the implementation of an extensive bicycle system throughout Jersey City, and a program to encourage bicycling for commuting and for recreation.

One of the major issues was the absence of bike lanes and bikeways in the city, even though there are over 200 signs posted on various streets that read ?BIKE ROUTE? and ?SHARE THE ROAD.?

Bikes to work every day

Daisy DeCoster, a librarian at St. Peter?s College, does the one-mile bike ride to work from her home near Journal Square and sees those signs frequently, and they concern her.

?There are too many people who will see those signs and take them literally, which can be a danger,? DeCoster said during the meeting.

Making biking a city priority

Another task is getting elected officials to pay closer attention to this issue. City planners in the past decade have studied how to incorporate bicycling into everyday traffic on different occasions, but progress has been slow.

In 2000, the city had the Transportation Policy Institute of Rutgers University prepare the Jersey City Bicycle Plan for the Jersey City Division of Planning, calling for the city to be divided into five sections with signs pointing out various biking destinations. In 2006, the Planning Board approved an amendment to the city?s master plan to include the ?Jersey City Bikeway System? plan, but excluded bicycle lanes and advocated for signage.

In 2007, the city?s Department of Public Works studied whether the bikeway system could include actual bike lanes in possible locations such as Mallory Avenue, Washington Boulevard, Washington Street, Christopher Columbus Drive, and Phillip Street, all wide lane thoroughfares. But the study ran into an impasse over the possibility that parking would be eliminated to make room for bike lanes.

Bicycling enthusiast Chris Bray, a Bergen-Lafayette resident for the past five years, recalled at the meeting a conversation with Mayor Jerramiah Healy about making Jersey City more amenable to bicycle riding.

According to Bray, ?[Healy] said, and this is a direct quote, ?You bike around here, are you crazy? I want people to use public transportation.? ?

Riding some optimism

Chris Englese, co-owner of Easy Riders JC, a bike rental and tour company, said that a bike path could be forthcoming based on a recent article in the Jersey City Reporter. That article in October addressed the $72 million extension of Jersey Avenue in downtown Jersey City. In that plan, Jersey Avenue going into Phillips Avenue in Liberty State Park would become a 36-foot wide boulevard with two travel lanes and one parking lane. Also included, a 10-foot-wide bike path would be adjacent to the travel lane on one side of the roadway and separated by a landscaped island. Construction is scheduled to start in August.

Other optimistic moments from the meeting were suggestions not just from newcomers to town, but also from veteran advocates, such as activist and former mayoral candidate Dan Levin, a longtime champion of a more bike-friendly Jersey City. Open space enthusiasts Maureen Crowley and Mike Selander also participated.

Those attending were ready to take on their assignments as part of the new group, so that they can report their progress at a next meeting tentatively scheduled for Jan. 26 at a site to be determined.

But Rodney Morweiser, co-owner of the bike shop Grove Street Bicycles, cautioned that this initiative will not bring about changes ?overnight.?

Ricardo Kaulessar can be reached at

Sign Online Petition Here

Posted on: 2009/12/13 17:33
Easy Riders JC

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New Group Aims to Make Jersey City More Bicycle-Friendly
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Quite a regular

By Shane Smith ? Dec 7th, 2009 ? Category: Lead Story, News

From Portland, Ore., which has the most bike commuters in the nation, to Davis, Calif., which boasts bike routes so comprehensive that the city recently eliminated school bus service, many American cities are finally implementing bicycle-friendly policies, spurred on by ? and further growing ? the increasing number of people who are opting to travel by two wheels instead of four.

Closer to home, our neighbor to the east has been busy improving the cycling climate ? and the real climate ? under transportation commissioner Janette Sadik-Khan. In the last three years, New York City has created 200 miles of new on-street bicycle lanes, bringing the city?s all-around bike lane total, including those in parks, to 620 miles.

But in New Jersey, a state too often tarred as an asphalt jungle, progress has been a little slower to come by. For instance, the Garden State is one of only 10 states nationwide that still lacks a Bicycle Friendly Community, as designated by the League of American Bicyclists.

Jersey City?s bike culture is growing, if not quite to the extent that it is in New York City. But as anyone who rides here knows, it is not always an easy task.

Ten years ago, before the latest wave of cyclemania, a group of residents formed the Bicycle Advocates of Jersey City, an organization whose aim it was to make the city more bike-friendly. Best we can tell, despite staging the city?s first-ever bike rally in September 1999, the organization fizzled out not long after it was formed ? a recent phone call found that its toll-free phone number was no longer in service, and little information can be found about the group online.

Now a new crop of bike commuters and enthusiasts hope to pick up the torch. They will gather at Zeppelin Hall this Tuesday at 8 pm to form Bike JC, an advocacy organization that seeks to improve bicycle safety in the city and promote increased bicycle use.

Organizer Carly Berwick, who has lived in Jersey City for over seven years, became interested in joining a bike advocacy group after a few close calls between cars and her two young children. She commends the city for the steps it has already taken towards fostering bicycle culture, including the bike plan that the Planning Board added to the city?s development Master Plan in 2006. But she and others think that the city could use organized support from the community in developing future policies. In particular, Berwick would like the city to examine successful models in other places, such as her hometown of New Haven, where she says ?small things have made a huge difference? in creating a culture of sharing the road.

In addition to Berwick, local bicycle institutions will be leading Bike JC?s efforts. Grove Street Bicycles, which opened in April of this year, was for many a welcome ? and overdue ? shot in the arm for Chilltown?s cycling community. Berwick calls the bike shop ?an inspiration? to the city?s bikers. Owner Mike Wilson says that safety for cyclists is his main concern for the group; many of his customers are ?people who have not ridden a bike for many years,? and he doesn?t want them to be discouraged by Jersey City?s sometimes harrowing cycling conditions. ?Even the seasoned riders find the roads unaccommodating for bike riding,? he says.

Wilson is an advocate of bike lanes, a policy that has provoked some controversy in cycling wonk circles; some advocates would prefer to pursue policies that encourage drivers do a better job of sharing the road with bikers. Disagreements like these are among those that Bike JC will tackle as it formulates its mission on Tuesday.

Other amenities that Wilson would like to see the city create include more bike parking racks and a bike and skateboard park. He is also keen on organizing citywide cycling events to promote bicycle culture.

Easy Riders JC is another recent addition to the city?s bike scene, having opened in June. The company, which offers bike rentals and guided bike tours of Jersey City, is owned by Christopher Englese and Damian Wieczorek.

?The city should recognize that cycling is growing,? Englese says. He?d like Bike JC to push the city to to create bike lanes and install proper lighting and signage along bike routes, as well as create additional parking racks.

Englese would like to see increased driver and cyclist education, as well.

?I don?t think a lot of [drivers] understand the actual laws about cycling,? a sentiment many a biker might share when recalling encounters with overly wary or overly aggressive drivers on Jersey City?s streets. By the same token, he says that because of a general lack of signage and bike lanes, many cyclists ?don?t ? pay attention and ride properly.?

In addition to inviting the community to Bike JC?s organizational meeting on Tuesday, the organizers are asking folks to show support for the group?s efforts by signing an online petition that asks the city to help make Jersey City ?the most bike friendly city in the state.?

Link to Article

Posted on: 2009/12/7 22:08
Easy Riders JC

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Re: Bike signs all over town
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Here is some more information:

Jersey City Bikeway Plan Map (PDF)

If anyone has time and/or interest, below is the link to Jersey City Master Plan - Circulation Element (bottom of page, amended July 14, 2009). It's about 200 pages and we are trying to find anything in regards to bike lanes, better signage, racks, etc. Whatever is listed is just a recommendation, according to JC Division of Planning so we building a coalition to implement them to bike Jersey City bike friendly.

Jersey City Master Plan Page

Sign the petition here


Posted on: 2009/11/23 21:33
Easy Riders JC

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Re: Bike signs all over town
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

It will be a hard task to accomplish so we could use help from everyone, including signing an online petition or a paper one at numerous establishments in Jersey City (it's a start).

Any business owners who would like to support this cause and have a petition in your store, please contact us via email.
We are in the very early stages of this movement and will be announcing more news in the upcoming weeks.

Make Jersey City Bike Friendly Online Petition

Posted on: 2009/11/20 0:40
Easy Riders JC

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Re: Bike signs all over town
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Hey Rodney,
May I include Grove St as a sponsor on the petition? No strings attach. Just to let people know that you guys support this cause. I will also drop off some paper petition for customers to sign at your establishment.

Make Jersey City Bike Friendly Petition

Posted on: 2009/11/18 15:08
Easy Riders JC

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Help Make Jersey City Bike Friendly
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Quite a regular

Easy Riders JC Tours & Bike Rentals is proud to sponsor a petition to make Jersey City bike friendly!

As bicyclists and citizens, we are committed to and a major proponent of Jersey City becoming the most bike friendly city in the state. Seeking to work with our neighborhoods, schools and politicians, we look forward to promoting and pursuing better bicycle route signage, the creation of bicycle lanes on streets and the placement of additional bike racks around transport hubs, recreational areas and shopping districts.

In regards to working with the city on the above mentioned, we are starting off with signing petitions both online and paper to be forwarded to local council officials and proper Jersey City departments.

We are also looking for business owners who would be willing to have a paper petition in their establishment, anyone who has contacts in the local government or would just like to work with us on this cause. For more information, please contact us at

Have a bike story you would like to share with us? Write it here or send it to us to the above address. Don't forget to email your friends, family and coworkers.

Sign Online Petition Now Here:


Easy Riders JC

Posted on: 2009/11/18 3:44
Easy Riders JC

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Re: Easy Riders JC Bicycle Tours and Rentals
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Quite a regular

Hey guys,
Thank for all the great reviews and JCList for helping promote a new local business in these tough economic times. So far the reviews have been great and we appreciate them all. We look forward to accommodating all of Jersey City residents needs to get around to run some errands or to check out many gems this great city has to offer in an environmentally friendly way (and you get some exercise!).

Many people have inquired about our location and I wanted to make it clear that we are web based and seasonal but have specific locations for bike rental pick ups and tour meeting points (all information available on web site). I don't think anyone will be renting our bikes in 30 degree weather in January.

Now, if everyone could do an anti rain dance this weekend....

Easy Riders JC

Posted on: 2009/7/17 23:29
Easy Riders JC

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Re: Easy Riders JC Bicycle Tours and Rentals
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Quite a regular

Resized Image More reviews from Google Local Businesses: Rated 5.0 out of 5.0 AWESOME!!!!‎ - Amethyst‎ - Jul 6, 2009 These guys are great! My boyfriend and i rented from them on 4th of july and had a blast! Fun guys, convenient location, great pricing and good bikes, what more could you ask for? HIGHLY recommended. Plus they gave us maps Rated 5.0 out of 5.0 - EyeBreakYourNose‎ - Jul 6, 2009 My sister was in town from Texas for the 4th of July weekend, so I rented her a bike from Easy Riders so she could ride with my around Jersey City, Hoboken, and Liberty State Park. Damian was very good and brought the bike directly to my apartment, and picked it up afterwards. It was a fairly new 3 gear cruiser that came with a helmet and lock as part of the package, and we biked all over town. Thanks guys! Rated 5.0 out of 5.0 highly recommend‎ - Rachel‎ - Jun 29, 2009 Easy Riders is great--it's the ZipCar for bikes: accessible & cheap! It's a great way to get acquainted to the neighborhood--and a great excuse not to take the light rail to Hoboken. Damian and Chris are really flexible. It's like renting a bike from a friend.

Posted on: 2009/7/7 5:25
Easy Riders JC

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Re: Easy Riders JC Bicycle Tours and Rentals
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Quite a regular

In celebration of the 400th anniversary of Henry Hudson's voyage to what would become New York, Macy's is taking its fireworks display to the Hudson River. Due to the massive influx of people, cars and street closings, getting around is going to be hell....

....unless you are biking!

Posted on: 2009/7/2 15:52
Easy Riders JC

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Re: Easy Riders JC Bicycle Tours and Rentals
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Quite a regular

Hey everyone,
Here are some pictures for those who missed our ribbon cutting ceremony for Easy Riders JC with mayor Jeremiah Healy.

Thanks for all the support!
Easy Riders JC

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Posted on: 2009/6/26 15:58
Easy Riders JC

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Re: Easy Riders JC Bicycle Tours and Rentals
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Quite a regular


81905 wrote:
I really hope your ideas about having marked bike lanes, etc. don't fall on deaf ears. Columbus, in particular, is ripe for bike lanes and they have stalled the paving of the rest of it. Now is the time!

We will do our best and thank you for the support as we work with the elected officials, including Ward "E" councilman Steven Fulop, in regards to making Jersey City the most bike friendly city in the state. Keep you guys updated on any news!

Again, thanks to Steven Fulop for a resolution on last week's council agenda commending Easy Riders JC.

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Posted on: 2009/6/25 17:22
Easy Riders JC

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Re: Easy Riders JC Bicycle Tours and Rentals
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Quite a regular


81905 wrote:
Columbus was and is perfectly wide enough for bike lanes but the city councils and Healy's shortsightedness, lack of understanding and desire for us to be on public transportation has stymied any efforts to have better, safer roadways for cyclists in JC.

As a JC company seeking to work with Jersey City residents and politicians alike, we look forward to promoting and pursuing better bicycle route signage, the creation of bicycle lanes on streets and the placement of additional bike racks around transport hubs, recreational areas and shopping districts.

Reminder, Thursday June 25th 2009 at 10:00am, Easy Riders JC will have a ribbon cutting ceremony with Mayor Jeremiah Healy by the Exchange Place PATH station (J. Own Grundy Pier).

JC residents are eligible for a bike rental discount!

Posted on: 2009/6/24 15:25
Easy Riders JC

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Re: Easy Riders JC Bicycle Tours and Rentals
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Quite a regular

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On Thursday June 25th 2009 at 10:00am, Easy Riders JC will have a ribbon cutting ceremony with Mayor Jeremiah Healy by the Exchange Place PATH station (J. Own Grundy Pier). Below you can read more about our bicycle tour and rental company.

PostScript: Check our website for Jersey City Resident discount on bike rentals and do a sun dance while you're at it.

Easy Riders JC

Easy Riders JC is a privately owned bicycle tour and rental company based in Jersey City, NJ. We are the only bicycle tour and rental company in Jersey City, offering tours along the downtown waterfront to Liberty State Park and the Statue of Liberty. We also rent bikes to locals and tourists, promoting an environmentally friendly way to see, get around and experience Jersey City. As bicyclists and citizens, we are committed to and a major proponent of Jersey City becoming the most bike friendly city in the state. Seeking to work with Jersey City residents and politicians alike, we look forward to promoting and pursuing better bicycle route signage, the creation of bicycle lanes on streets and the placement of additional bike racks around transport hubs, recreational areas and shopping districts. One of our company's goal is to leave a zero carbon footprint by using companies who use renewable energy to run our servers and print all of our business cards and brochures on 100% recycled paper with soy based ink. We cater to tourists who stay in both Jersey City and New York, keeping and bringing business to the downtown area and we will provide an environmentally friendly, healthy alternative to visit Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty while seeing many of Jersey City's gems along the way.

Easy Riders JC, LLC

Posted on: 2009/6/23 1:34
Easy Riders JC

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Re: where is the JCLIST Tax Abatement Revolt?
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Quite a regular

If this goes through, it will be used as precedent for other corps. to apply for extended tax abatements, citing the economy. If I am not mistaken, The Beacon recently asked for something similar. I do hope people come out in protest and that Fulop is not the only council member to vote against it.

Posted on: 2009/6/17 16:51
Easy Riders JC

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Re: City Council to Vote Tonight on Reducing Waterfront Tax Abatement
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Quite a regular

boo to revising PILOT agreement......yeay to the resolution honoring Easy Riders JC tonight for being a first to an important initiative and will be read by Ward "E" Councilman Steven Fulop

Posted on: 2009/6/17 15:20
Easy Riders JC

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JC Council Honoring Easy Riders JC Tonight
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Quite a regular

The resolution honoring our new business, Easy Riders JC, is on the city council agenda tonight for being a first to an important initiative and will be read by Ward "E" Councilman Steven Fulop. See you guys there and thank you for all the support! Easy Riders JC

Posted on: 2009/6/17 14:59
Easy Riders JC

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Re: Easy Riders JC Bicycle Tours and Rentals
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Quite a regular

Our first review is in...

Rated 5.0 out of 5.0
Awesome Guys‎ - Ruchi‎ - Jun 16, 2009

My husband and I tried easy riders. They are very flexible to customer needs. They have good pricing and new bikes and they know the area really well. ...‎ More ?
My husband and I tried easy riders. They are very flexible to customer needs. They have good pricing and new bikes and they know the area really well. Instead of buying expensive bikes, renting bikes is a good alternative to add fun to the summer. They are located just a couple of blocks from the path and light rail. They have a special jersey City resident discount which worked well for us. My husband and I would highly recommend renting bikes through easy riders...

Posted on: 2009/6/16 14:07
Easy Riders JC

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Re: Easy Riders JC Bicycle Tours and Rentals
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Quite a regular

If you make a reservation for bike rentals, the pick up/drop off point is on Jersey Ave and 8th Street by Hamilton Park. We offer VIP service if you would like to have it delivered to your residence or hotel.

-Morning tours depart from Neport/Pavonia PATH
-Afternoon/Sunset tours depart from Exchange PLace PATH

Make reservations online here

Posted on: 2009/6/14 17:22
Easy Riders JC

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Re: Easy Riders JC Bicycle Tours and Rentals
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Quite a regular

We are trying to concentrate and grow on this side of the river for now only. Manhattan is over saturated with these kind of services but we want to keep at least a fraction of the 2.5 million tourist who visit Statue of Liberty to spend their money in Jersey City.

As a side note, it was interesting talking to the tourist a couple of week's ago in regards to the Statue's locations...90% thought they were in New York.

We are networking with multiple local businesses (just working out the last few kinks) to provide coupons, free drinks, etc. to our customers. Keep checking for updates and thank you all for the positive suggestions, ideas and reviews.

Posted on: 2009/6/14 16:50
Easy Riders JC

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Re: Easy Riders JC Bicycle Tours and Rentals
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Quite a regular


JCbiscuit wrote:
have you thought of adding tagalongs or baby wagons to your fleet? I'd love to rent bikes when family's in town, but we'd need a place to stash the toddlers.

As we expand we will add it tagalongs/baby wagons to our fleet. Feel free to contact us if interested.

Posted on: 2009/6/12 20:31
Easy Riders JC

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Re: Easy Riders JC Bicycle Tours and Rentals
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Quite a regular

Spread the word and thank you for your support!

Posted on: 2009/6/12 12:53
Easy Riders JC

Contact Info:

Easy Riders JC Bicycle Tours and Rentals
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Easy Riders JC is a privately owned bicycle tour and rental company based in Jersey City, NJ. We are the only bicycle tour and rental company in Jersey City, offering tours along the downtown waterfront to Liberty State Park and the Statue of Liberty. We also rent bikes to locals and tourists, promoting an environmentally friendly way to see, get around and experience Jersey City. As bicyclists and citizens, we are committed to and a major proponent of Jersey City becoming the most bike friendly city in the state. Seeking to work with Jersey City residents and politicians alike, we look forward to promoting and pursuing better bicycle route signage, the creation of bicycle lanes on streets and the placement of additional bike racks around transport hubs, recreational areas and shopping districts. One of our company's goal is to leave a zero carbon footprint by using companies who use renewable energy to run our servers and print all of our business cards and brochures on 100% recycled paper with soy based ink. We cater to tourists who stay in both Jersey City and New York, keeping and bringing business to the downtown area. In the past few years, the Statue of Liberty received an average of about 2.5 million visitors per year and we would like to promote Jersey City as a gateway to visiting Lady Liberty, while showing the beauty of Jersey City and its view of the most famous skyline in the world. With the opening of the crown this July 4th and an annual world famous festival (All Points West), the number of visitors is bound to rise drastically and we will provide an environmentally friendly, healthy alternative to visit Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty while seeing many of Jersey City's gems along the way. Thanks, Easy Riders JC Contact Infomration: Business Phone: 201-377-9771 Email:

Posted on: 2009/6/12 2:24

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