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Re: ANIMAL CONTROL dumps CATs/KiTTENS in Lincoln Park
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Just a small update - I have spoken with two reporters, one from the Hudson Reporter and one from the Jersey Journal. Hopefully this story will gain some attention and force our JC offices to take action quicker!

I spoke to Joe Frank today and was told about how long the paperwork is for this - it would be nice if some nasty press was magically able to expedite that....

Posted on: 2009/3/3 3:48

Re: ANIMAL CONTROL dumps CATs/KiTTENS in Lincoln Park
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

So I am the neighbor who called animal control and feel AWFUL. We had no idea that it was anyone's cat - no collar and it wouldn't let us near it. We tried to give it food but it hid inside our house where we keep firewood (we have two front doors and it was in the area between them) and we couldn't get to it. Everytime my husband tried to get to it, it would hiss and claw at him. It then ran inside our house, ran up the stairs and jumped into our bathtub - we tried to feed it wet dog food, and it would eat it from the spoon and then go back to hissing at us. My husband tried to pick it up a few times, but wasn't able to get close to it. At this point, we didn't know what to do. It had been in our house for over 40 minutes and we weren't able to get to it, so I called animal control. When they came I gave them the leftover dog food to give to the cat on their way to the shelter - if I knew what they were going to do with this poor cat I would have NEVER called them.

I just spoke with our neighbor about this and have just called Joe Frank and spoke to him. I happened to take pictures of the animal contol van when it showed up (otherwise my boss would have never believed why I was 2 hours late to work) and will email it to him - even though I don't think that they will be much help. I also told him as a dog owner (thankfully my dogs were not home when the cat got in) I was appalled of what happened and that my husband and I would be more than happy to testify in court about this (he wanted to ensure that I wrote that in my email as well). I also spoke with the two animal control guys when they were at my house and remember exactly what they look like.

I also will be more than happy to talk to any media and help raise a stink about this - this is unacceptable behavior from people whose jobs are to protect and help animals. I just feel so awful for playing a part in what happened to Daisy and hope that she is found soon.

Posted on: 2009/3/1 2:49

Re: Downtown: One dead in shooting on Coles Street in Jersey City this morning
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I agree with everyone that we need more cops and better parents, but to shift focus for a second...

This post scared the crap out of me - does anyone know if there are any leads on catching this murderer?

I used to live on 9th & Coles and have since moved to VVP area. Ever since there was that mugging with the pipe right before xmas right on my block on Mercer and Varick at 6pm, I have been taking cabs home from the PATH instead of walking every day. After reading this post, I feel like I may be doing this until there is still light after 7 pm......

Posted on: 2009/1/28 3:23

Re: 9th & Marin crosswalk
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I hate that intersection as well. I live on 9th, so it doesn't make sense for me to walk to 8th just to have to cross the park to get home. I am a small 26-yr old woman and while I have not yet encountered someone getting out of their car, I do almost get run over nearly twice a week and I have had people slow down to curse and yell at me. I always feel bad when I see parents with strollers trying to cross there....

Same deal with the parking garage for the mall - I get nearly run over there more often trying to get through to Marin Blvd.....

Posted on: 2008/7/24 13:22

Re: - New Transportation Directory
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Great website ? I love it! One comment- I know that there is a NJ Transit bus that goes around Hamilton Park to the NY PA weekdays only and that is not showing up as an option under buses. I believe that it is bus number 126 that goes through Hoboken first. Please let us know if you ever hear of any jitney buses going through HP!

Posted on: 2008/7/14 14:55

Re: Dance Lessons or Dance Classes??
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Go to for information.....

Posted on: 2008/5/2 17:15

Re: Dance Lessons or Dance Classes??
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

So we actually just started our lessons at Kennedy at it has been so much fun so far! The classes are super cheap compared to NYC and the location is a 5 minute drive from where will live in HP...I would definitly try this for anyone who is interested!

Posted on: 2008/5/1 21:51

Adult dance lessons
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I am getting married next year and my fiancee and I would like to take dance lessons. We would start with ballroom and then decide if we attempt salsa (it all depends on his 2 left feet!)

I have looked and found Kennedy Dancers here in JC - they do have adult classes and seem pretty resonable in price. Does anyone know about Kennedy Dancers or any other place to recommend?

Posted on: 2008/2/29 15:44

Re: Violent Home Invasion - Coles & Monmouth
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

YES- get mace! I am a 26 yr old female who lives in Hamilton Park and I bought mace that clips onto my key chain for $10 online. It has a release button so I can take it off the keys and just slip it into my pocket. I love the area, but my bf is never comfortable with me walking home at night from the PATH alone. He will try to meet me with our 2 dogs, but if not the mace makes us feel a little bit better....

Posted on: 2008/2/2 15:07

Re: Lazyboy needs new covering
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

You can also try Osorio's Upholstery - Send him pictures and he can give you an estimate.

Posted on: 2008/1/9 15:08

Re: Newport Centre Mall: GameStop store employees beaten, robbed of $27G, cops say
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Something seems a bit odd here - I have worked in many retail stores and have NEVER seen a store have $27k in cash, especially during the holiday season where the managers should be making more deposits than usual. Sounds fishy - seems like they didn't make deposits in several days and now they have been "robbed" (but not caught on camera). Sounds like someone has some nice holiday cash this year.....

Posted on: 2007/12/30 17:02

Re: Upholsterer - I am looking for someone to make some sofa cushions
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

My boyfriend is an upholsterer - he does furniture, boats, cars, etc. Feel free to email him at He works for himself, so his prices are very reasonable.

Posted on: 2007/10/22 16:53

Re: Westside Dog Owners: Lincoln Park New Dog Run + Trails
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I pulled up this park on google maps - looks great! Does anyone know if it is ok to let your dogs swim in those lakes?

Posted on: 2007/10/4 2:15

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