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Re: America’s Most Popular Bars In 2013
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

Really? Im not sure I would rank that place the best in NJ. I am doubtful they even clean their tap lines regularly. All the beer tastes off to me.

Posted on: 2013/12/27 23:47

Re: Parking Permit - New Car
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heights wrote:
Hey Rycor make sure you don't tape the permit to the defogger/defroster lines on your rear window it will damage the system.

Thanks for the tip.

Posted on: 2013/12/27 17:25

Re: Parking Permit - New Car
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Just can't stay away

Thank you.

Posted on: 2013/12/27 12:48

Parking Permit - New Car
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Just can't stay away

So we just got a car. Can we get a parking permit with a temporary license plate?

Posted on: 2013/12/27 3:27

Re: The Thirsty Quaker is coming to Downtown Jersey City!
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Just can't stay away

Extremely efficient delivery. Ordered enough supplies for an extract brew plus some new equipment and some beers. Was here in less than an hour.

Posted on: 2013/12/21 2:58

Re: Left Bank Burger Bar
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Just can't stay away


plnj wrote:

rycor wrote:

JoeGee wrote:
I really do not think their burgers are any better than 5 guys. That being said, besides the ambiance, why wouldn't someone just walk a few more blocks to eat the same burger for half the price?

Five Guys does a much better burger than LB, IMO.

A few blocks? half the price?

Neither of those statements are true.

Who are you talking to?

Posted on: 2013/12/19 19:35

Re: Low water pressure 8th & Erie?
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oideface wrote:
Uh.... interesting development on 5th street (btw. Jersey and Coles). The street seems to have cracked and is spewing forth water.

That can't be good. Fire and water folks are on the scene, though.

From JC Facebook Page:

"United Water is reporting a main break at 5th and Coles Streets due to a car striking a hydrant. The main is broken in four places and United Water is sending additional crews to the scene to fix the leak."

Posted on: 2013/12/18 19:37

Re: Low water pressure 8th & Erie?
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Just can't stay away

Posted on: 2013/12/18 15:57

Re: Low water pressure 8th & Erie?
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Just can't stay away


Monroe wrote:

rycor wrote:

Monroe wrote:

mrasg1 wrote:
The city needs to send out automated
phone calls like they do for storms. Every
resident doesn't have a computer or tuning
into twitter for updates.
Hope Fulop didn't piss off Governor blowhard
like the mayor of Ft. Lee did!

No, if he wanted to screw with JC he'd figure a way to stop paying 76% of the school costs here and put the burden back on JC taxpayers!

And here is where the thread begins to tailspin.

Nonsense, I only responded to the beginning of the tailspin, didn't I? I suppose you should have posted to mrags first comment, no? Yes.

Apologies, I was grouping the two.

Posted on: 2013/12/18 14:27

Re: Low water pressure 8th & Erie?
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Just can't stay away


Monroe wrote:

mrasg1 wrote:
The city needs to send out automated
phone calls like they do for storms. Every
resident doesn't have a computer or tuning
into twitter for updates.
Hope Fulop didn't piss off Governor blowhard
like the mayor of Ft. Lee did!

No, if he wanted to screw with JC he'd figure a way to stop paying 76% of the school costs here and put the burden back on JC taxpayers!

And here is where the thread begins to tailspin.

Posted on: 2013/12/18 13:54

Re: Low water pressure 8th & Erie?
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

6th and Erie...What an awful shower.

Posted on: 2013/12/18 11:48

Re: What's going there?
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Just can't stay away

There are a few things that appear to be in the works on Erie.

Anyone have any info on the space next to Basic? As well as the corner of 2nd and there looks to be something else around 3rd/4th mid block.

Posted on: 2013/12/13 16:14

Re: Recommend the indoor heater please
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Just can't stay away


brewster wrote:

rycor wrote:
Sorry to hijack.

I am having heating issues on my first floor, as a renter. My second floor is very warm, however the first floor feels as if it definitely needs a space heater. There is close to a 10 degree discrepancy between floors especially in the morning.

Do I have rights as a renter when it comes to this? (I assume this is what you were getting at.)

Can you harass your landlord? Sure! That's what we live for. I had a tenant stand there in a 70 deg room after calling me at 10pm complaining it's cold. When I pointed out that it was January and she was only wearing a tank top and shorts, she replied "that's bullshit".

What kind of heat do you have, a boiler for the whole building or do you have your own the thermostat? There's lots of causes of such imbalances, such as tenants blocking the convection of radiators or a bad vent valve.

Central Air/Furnace. The unit is on our second floor and our thermostat is on the first floor. We try to keep the thermostat around 70F. Our thermometer reads about 75 upstairs and downstairs in our living area we get around 65 on a coldish day (although the area where our thermostat is is reading 70). We drop the thermostat down to 68 at night or else it is sweltering upstairs. But that leaves us with a freezing living area come the morning.

Is that harassment?

Posted on: 2013/12/10 0:41

Re: Recommend the indoor heater please
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Just can't stay away


brewster wrote:
Are you a renter or an owner? Do you have a cold room, or an inadequate heating system? What is the existing heat?

Sorry to hijack.

I am having heating issues on my first floor, as a renter. My second floor is very warm, however the first floor feels as if it definitely needs a space heater. There is close to a 10 degree discrepancy between floors especially in the morning.

Do I have rights as a renter when it comes to this? (I assume this is what you were getting at.)

Posted on: 2013/12/9 21:13

Re: Grove Squar: Menu
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Just can't stay away


jcman420 wrote:
What is up with the new digital sign on the front of this place? They threw up one of those scrolling (right-to-left) LCD signs that you'd normally see on a pawn shop or cash-for-gold joint.

Plus a bunch of the lights are out on the thing and it hasn't been programmed, so it just scrolls a bunch of generic messages and gibberish.

I noticed that today as well, looks like crap. Guess business is struggling?

Posted on: 2013/12/9 4:23

Re: Is crime down?
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Just can't stay away


tommyc_37 wrote:
There have been more than a couple attacks/muggings on Erie Street recently, which is very alarming.

Can you share more information on this?

Posted on: 2013/12/9 4:22

Re: Union Republic -- Impressive New Place on Newark Ave @ Third Street
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Just can't stay away

Went here last night and had the Market Fish Mazemen. Never tried mazamen before but the noodles were pretty amazing. Great buttery texture! The fish was cooked perfectly.

The staff took the time to go over every bit of the menu, was very attentive and we had a great experience. Will definitely be exploring more options on this menu soon!

Posted on: 2013/12/8 20:42

Re: Michael Anthony.s closing?
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Just can't stay away


beam4972 wrote:
Does anyone have info on who bought Michael Anthony's?

Posted on: 2013/12/7 16:59

Re: The Thirsty Quaker is Taking Orders
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Just can't stay away


thevit585 wrote:
Any way we can get Pliny the Elder out here yet?

I believe the only place on the East Coast that has Pliny is Philadelphia. This is determined by Russian River and distributors.

Posted on: 2013/12/4 13:24

Re: Online gambling in JC
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Just can't stay away

My whois shows my Verizon Fios IP in Virginia.

Had issues signing up with PartyPoker last night.

Posted on: 2013/12/3 15:19

Re: Safety on Manila Ave
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Just can't stay away


Jcls wrote:
There was a mugging on Erie and the embankment on Thursday the 21st at 8:30 pm. Two short black kids punched a woman on the face and knocked her down, ran off with her phone towards Manila on 5th. Cops were there within 5 minutes, have there been other recent instances?

Did this hit the news, I noticed a fire engine and first responders in front of the realtors office on Erie that night.

Posted on: 2013/11/25 15:24

Powder-filled envelope found at City Hall in Jersey City; building evacuated
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Just can't stay away

Posted on: 2013/11/18 20:10

Re: Left Bank Burger Bar
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away


JoeGee wrote:
I really do not think their burgers are any better than 5 guys. That being said, besides the ambiance, why wouldn't someone just walk a few more blocks to eat the same burger for half the price?

Five Guys does a much better burger than LB, IMO.

Posted on: 2013/11/14 14:54

Re: Left Bank Burger Bar
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

Had the veggie burger there tonight (only because I had a burger for lunch) and overall it was pretty meh. The Veggie burger itself was delicious but the bun was dry. Also had the fried pickles, they were okay but not great. My wife had a house blend burger and I had a bite, very well done for a medium and it was lacking something. Oh and the side of fries, seriously small, albeit tasty.

Service was lacking waitress only came back after we were finished. The bus boy also was overzealous, hovering until your basket or plate was empty and swooping in to remove it.

Not sure its worth a trip back with better burger options in JC.

Posted on: 2013/11/14 1:23

Re: knockout
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Just can't stay away

This is disturbing.

Posted on: 2013/11/8 16:09

Re: Soul Flavors is closing
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Just can't stay away


RUinHamiltonPark wrote:
With the place on Erie closing, we could really use a Mexican take out place in the HP area aside from Taco Bell and Qdoba. I rarely feel like schlepping all the way down to the Grove St area just for food.

Soul Flavors was worth it though...well worth it. Damn.

What place on Erie?

Posted on: 2013/11/8 14:48

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Just can't stay away

What bars downtown do some sort of trivia?

Posted on: 2013/11/7 18:15

Re: Best JC Breakfast Sandwich?
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Just can't stay away


fastus wrote:
Brownstone does a reliably good bacon egg & cheese

Brownstone "Jersey French Toast" French toast sandwich with Taylor Ham, Egg & that's pretty damn good.

Posted on: 2013/11/7 18:13

Re: NY Daily News: Jersey City is emerging as the hot new foodie destination in the NYC area
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Just can't stay away


Pebble wrote:

SilveryJessica wrote:
I am always glad to see positive articles about JC and of course about the food scene, but it would be nice if one of them came out and wasn't full of this condescending, "oh, wow, there are people on the other side of the river who aren't aliens or thugs". I have lived here since 1999 and had the sensitivity to realize I wasn't the Christopher Columbus of Harsimus Cove, and it kills me to keep reading the same "I'm a genius for finding New Jersey" crap fifteen years later. Oh well. It's a blessing and a curse, I suppose.

I had a friend that worked at the Daily News. He grew up and lived in New Jersey. His editor told him, "If it was up to me, I'd never hire anyone but New Yorkers." This mindset isn't going away anytime soon...

Yet the paper is printed in Jersey City.

Posted on: 2013/11/6 20:57

Re: The Best Cities for Millenials
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Just can't stay away


jcdd wrote:
Welcome to JC! I moved here 12 years ago as a 20 something and am still here as a married 30 something mom. This town is strangely compelling, despite what the detractors say. We were briefly contemplating a move to the suburbs when our child was born, but the suburbs just weren't for us. My hubby said he "felt like his life was over" when we were looking at houses in the burbs. lol! JC is a great place to live.

My wife and I just went through the same thing, sorta. We have only lived in JC for going on our second year. When we found out she was pregnant we started looking in the suburbs for a home, we definitely need a bigger place. But we have fell in love with JC. Luckily we found something we think we can work with and look forward to raising our child here.

Posted on: 2013/11/5 17:55

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