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Re: Jersey City Muslims Unite Against Trump
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TheBigGuy wrote:
Oh? you are back Pebbles? Suppose you are here to apologize to the JC Gay Community for trying to turn the Orlando Muslim Terrorist into a depressed sick confused Gay person who ruthlessly slaughtered his own people, just like Obama wanted you fools to believe.

This is quite the incoherent ramble. That?s a bigger reach than what Stretch Armstrong can pull off?


TheBigGuy wrote:
So as a loyal progressive, you sold out the Gay and Spanish communities to protect the Muslim Killer. Not a tough choice usually, except this time the victims were not at a Christmas party but at a Gay nightclub. So for political expediency, the Gay community was sacrificed on the altar of political correctness in order to maintain the blatant liberal LIE which denies that there is a global Muslim jihad in progress against the west and non-Muslim cultures.

Yup, still reaching? one day, you might catch that star. I suggest putting down the bottle of booze when posting.


TheBigGuy wrote:
Then you declare some sort of strange twisted victory against Trump because Wall Street / Goldman Sachs types who have officially controlled the treasury and financial policy since Bill Clinton are now supporting Hillary. Those are exactly the corrupt types of people that Trump supporters are glad to see go. Apparently your principles are as selective as your outrage is with the truth.

I find it funny that you believe Trump has any intention of getting rid of the Goldman Sachs types. Look at how he runs his own campaign. He?s using the money and funneling it back into his own pockets under the guise of LLCs that he and his family owns. That?s not the actions of a principled man that will root out corruption?


TheBigGuy wrote:
How long will we have to wait for ?principled? democrats stand up and challenge Hillary and her Wall Street / Muslim donors to her campaign and the Clinton Foundation.
Liz Warren? Will love the photos of her as VP sitting next to the paid in full Goldman Sachs Treasury Seat in the Clinton Cabinet.

I will addendum my last post by adding in the fact that just because I recognize Trump as a racist that does not automatically make me some sort of Hillary supporter. Hillary is a better option, but that doesn?t make her a good option. Recognizing the nuance isn?t something you seem capable of grasping. It?s probably why you can?t comprehend that a murdering can be both, a self-hating gay person and a radical Muslim.


TheBigGuy wrote:
Paulsen types know they have no control over Trump and why try to buy him when Hillary is signed sealed and delivered. Let me ask, who are you going to blame when one morning you find your 401k, pension or social security gone because of Wall Street. The Racist Republicans and The Tea Party! Racist! DRINK!!!!!

I do like the Republican meme that every time someone says racist they claim it is a drinking game, as if that somehow negates it from being a fact. It is great misdirection, but doesn?t change actions nor racist agendas.

Social Security shouldn?t be in the hands of Wall Street. As of now, there is only one party pushing that concept forward and it isn?t the Democrats nor Hillary Clinton.

I?ve also seen the effects of Wall Street?s influence on my 401(k) plans in the past when the beginnings of Reagan, Clinton and GWB eroded the separations in the banking industry leading to them laying waste to the planet?s economy. I also saw that when Dodd-Frank was created to prevent a repeat it is the Republicans that are fighting back on it and trying to erode it, again.

Trump isn?t going to stop such a thing. He?s not smart enough to understand the bills that are placed before him. The party will put them forward, argue that they work and he?ll sign them into law. It?ll most likely be a simple action of whomever is in power in the Senate will predominantly run the country.


Monroe wrote:

Atsushi wrote:

Monroe wrote:
I'm always amused when someone from one of the most racist countries on earth opines on the US.

That's BS. You can be from Congo and criticize human right abuse by other countries. I'm a lot more critical of Japan in many issues. I can still call racists such as you as a racist!

The way Monroe is thinking is eerie similar to Trump's attack on Indiana judge. Because he is of Mexican heritage, he can't do his job. Similarly, he Monroe is saying because Atsushi is from Japan, he can't call him a racist. That is, according to Paul Ryan, "Text book definition of racism."

Trump was right on that. When a Latina Supreme Court judge embraces identity group politics with her 'wise Latina' comments, should we not think the same of a judge with Mexican heritage-who's an open supporter of radical, illegal alien supporting group La Raza?

You are misreading comments from one judge and misapplying it to a completely different scenario. Sotomayer was discussing how her life and experiences shape the way she views things. She was not stating that because she is Latin she will be unable to rule on a case involving grift because defendant is a racist.

Trump?s wall is not on trial. Trump?s university is. The university case has nothing to do with race. It?s white people swindling other white people.

Posted on: 2016/6/28 15:34
Dos A Cero

Re: Jersey City Muslims Unite Against Trump
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TheBigGuy wrote: ... tform-reason-endorsement/

I do not know how anybody in their right mind could support Hillary Clinton. Trump is not the best. According to the DNC scare tactics, he will round up millions of illegals. Never happen, because it is impossible to do. But securing the borders first, stopping illegals from breaking US laws can be achievable. And then you deal with the internal issues. The Clinton Bush Obama years and the connections to Wall Street are sucking the life out of the country. We know the devil we are dealing with... and beating HRC at the polls is the only way to make a loud clear statement to the Goldman Sachs types.

Breitbart? Seriously? Was Stormfront unavailable when you were looking for justification in supporting a man spouting racist rhetoric?

Honestly, this thread is great in the fact that it exposed a few more of the racists on the website and gives us a glimpse into their scared little lives.

Posted on: 2016/6/27 14:27
Dos A Cero

Re: Jersey City Muslims Unite Against Trump
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TheBigGuy wrote: ... hip-homosexuality-n594336

"While ISIS death squads enforce an extreme version of Islam that punishes gays with death, the religion's history is far more nuanced. And like most relationships, when it comes to Islam and homosexuality ? it's complicated."

NBC Apologists for Islam's terror against Gays describes the relationship as "nuanced". Priceless. If I was a Gay couple... I would not be visiting a Muslim country anytime soon. Gays should really be upset that the DOJ is trying to make Orlando a Gay on Gay crime, rather than calling it what it is.

Why is it not possible to be all of the above?

It seems to be the most logical, given all the evidence, that the man was gay, struggled with it, sunk into an extreme for of Islam after being raised in a house of very conservative Islam (as Mao likes to call "traditional") and became a terrorist.

It's been reported that the guy went on dates with men. It's known that he was on gay dating websites. It's known that he's been going to the club for years, not just a few trips to scope it out.

Posted on: 2016/6/21 17:37
Dos A Cero

Re: Jersey City Muslims Unite Against Trump
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Mao wrote:
Dear Pebble:
Reality will never get in the way of your passionate world view. Christians are easily the most persecuted group in the world. Persecuted Christian minorities which have managed to survive since the Moslem conquest are being liquidated throughout the Middle East (e.g. Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, Iraq, Iran). In sub-Saharan Africa, advancing Moslems are killing Christians. Recalcitrant Marxist regimes are harassing, arresting, and murdering Christians in China, North Korea, Vietnam, and Cuba. Muslims in Pakistan, Indonesia, and the Philippines are killing Christians, burning down churches. In India, Hindu nationalists murder and harass Christians.
In the first world, the persecution is much less severe. Still orthodox Christianity is considered a violation of the current social compact. As Frank Bruni, NT Times columnist (aka Platonic Guardian wrote), ?church leaders must be made ?to take homosexuality off the sin list.? If the Church does not, then it will be subjected to increasing persecution. First, removal of tax exemption. Then, perhaps, fines and harassment of various sorts. It will unlikely that any martyrs will be made., It will just be smothered by a thousand cuts of bureaucratic animosity. I remember way back in the late 1980s when I was in law school and I was shocked how all the liberals, particularly the LGBTers, were arguing that either the First Amendment had to go or it would have to be contextualized by new case law that prevented traditional minded people from contributing to the Public Square.
It?s already nasty on a daily basis. Try articulating the prevailing Western view (even championed by Hypocrites hundreds of years before Christ) that abortion is murder or that marriage is between a man and a woman.
Returning to the topic of this thread, a good argument can be made that Trump is a result of the crass and aggressive communication style of the Left. Trump is a fraud but maybe that is all our society can muster at this point.
Btw, Pebble, I don?t understand the quote on the bottom of your page?

Yawn... I've sat in a Christian church in China. Hardly much persecution. I've walked through the Vatican and seen their riches first-hand. I've walked through Notre Dame and marveled at the craftsmanship.

The Middle East is awash in persecution of all people for all sorts of reasons. Even among the Muslims, the wrong sect will end your life.

The most important job on the planet is the job as President of the United States. It is a proven fact that the only way to obtain that position is to be a Christian. To argue that Christians are the most persecuted, well, that's beyond silly. Wake me up when the Christians running Uganda cease murdering gay people for simply being gay.

I'm pragmatic, not dogmatic. You want to label my factual statements as "passion" fine. Just remember for every finger you've pointed at me with the label, you've another 5 pointing back at you...

As for my quote... it's from a movie and was part of the opening credits to a wonderful podcast that no longer exists.

Posted on: 2016/6/16 16:03
Dos A Cero

Re: Jersey City Muslims Unite Against Trump
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Mao wrote:

Ha, the entire Left is premised on omnipresent victimhood- women, Muslims, gays, immigrants. Nice example of projection.


When was the last time a Christian was punched, let alone murdered, for being a Christian?

No projection. Just stating a fact based on what you've written.

I'm most definitely not a victim nor do I pretend to be one. Good luck in your travels. I know it is so very rough whenever you hear "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas"...

Posted on: 2016/6/16 14:57
Dos A Cero

Re: Jersey City Muslims Unite Against Trump
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Mao wrote:
Dear Brewster:
Thank you for your assaultative response. The only place where the f word seems playful to me is in Ireland where the populace is ridiculously and pathetically addicted to say feck this and that.
But you are absolutely right about free speech being a two way street. The omnivore can attack the tenents of veganism and the vegan can attack the tenents of the carnivore. But the vegan won?t stand for it.
My wife and I follow traditional Christian fasting rules- that is no meat on Friday (hers are actually much broader since she is an Eastern Christian, e.g veganism about half the year). If someone thinks we do this because of animal rights, or the environment, or because we?re Buddhists, we get fawned over. If we say we do it because of the crucifixion of Christ, the gamut of reactions runs from solicitous disdain (you pathetic souls), to resentment (who do you think you holy rollers are) to angry and aggressive attack (you Taliban Christian).
Btw, the reason the Church?s are empty is because the priests and bishops have lost the faith. The opposite explanation you posit. Who is going to organize hisr life around a parish that is nothing more than social work directed by an emasculated and narcissistic and usually barely closeted homosexual man who is living a most comfortable life? The Church is desperate for approval from the world and is betraying Christ. If the Vatican is destroyed by Isis, we can thank Pope Francis. If Catholics are excluded from public office for objecting to the charade of gay marriage, we can thank Pope Francis. What young couple would bother to baptize their child and sacrifice for their parish for a religion that mocks itself?
Your association, btw, of atheism with intellect is wrong. Despite the strongly anti Christian ideology in the schools, higher education leads to higher levels of religious practice- though does seem, paradoxically to weaken belief.
The science in opposition to Faith is a false dichotomy. Science was still born everywhere but in the Catholic West where the Catholic Universities and religious order nurtured it undergird by a robust Aristoleanism. Albert the Great, Copernicus, Mendel, Pascal etc were Catholics. Galileo, was really just a shrewd courtier of le beau monde who mistakenly lampooned his patroon as SImplicus and so ended up with a mild reproof and detention.
The stew of the Left which is a mishmash of isms of the last 500 years held together by hatred of Christianity will, I fear, make for a less beneficent society. More ominously, it makes us prey to things like Nazism, Marxism, and now Islam.

Sounds to me like you want to be the persecuted victim. People judge each and every one of us for a variety of choices that we all make. Instead of you chocking up some of that to the fact that we all have opinions, you notch it as some form of persecution for your deep faith. Don't worry, you're not alone. The entire Republican Party cries this same pathetic tune...

Posted on: 2016/6/16 14:06
Dos A Cero

Re: Jersey City Muslims Unite Against Trump
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TheBigGuy wrote: ... do-shooter-105927115.html

WH still bound and determined to make Orlando a Gay on Gay killing to distract people from seeing BHO's leadership failures dealing with this global Islamic Jihad.

"Poor Muslim Ambiguously Gay Guy" tried so hard to be accepted in the homo-phobic Islamic world and seeking love in all the wrong places in the US. I wonder if he was a Batchi Batchi boy back in Afghanistan.

BTW. In this article, there are great tips on identifying Gay Guys.... stuff like "You might be Gay if you spend to much time in front of a mirror. Enjoy!

I'm sorry that there are facts involved in this case that contradict your preconceived notions of what you wish to have happened.


dtjcview wrote:

Pebble wrote:

Mao wrote:
Dear MDM:

Home schooling and the catacombs might be one solution. Talking honestly and reasonably and in a civil matter to preserve the public square so that private values can be cultivated is my tactic now. But its probably a losing battle. Two vignettes: a junior boy, academically talented and heading to an Ivy who is also an athlete, posts on his Facebook, a down with gay marriage message. As a result, the all the girls in the junior class band together to denounce the "hater" and to shun him. So much for dialogue! Vignette number two: a Muslim hajiib wearing girl who is a senior is accepted into a Ivy League school with a full scholarship for next year. One of her teachers says to her: "Don't you love this country?" The girl stares at the teacher and says: "No, I despise this country."


Sounds like everyone is exercising their free speech... Not such a terrible thing...

Though one is inflicting their belief on others...

They all are inflicting their belief on others.

Posted on: 2016/6/15 17:11
Dos A Cero

Re: Jersey City Muslims Unite Against Trump
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Mao wrote:
Dear MDM:

Home schooling and the catacombs might be one solution. Talking honestly and reasonably and in a civil matter to preserve the public square so that private values can be cultivated is my tactic now. But its probably a losing battle. Two vignettes: a junior boy, academically talented and heading to an Ivy who is also an athlete, posts on his Facebook, a down with gay marriage message. As a result, the all the girls in the junior class band together to denounce the "hater" and to shun him. So much for dialogue! Vignette number two: a Muslim hajiib wearing girl who is a senior is accepted into a Ivy League school with a full scholarship for next year. One of her teachers says to her: "Don't you love this country?" The girl stares at the teacher and says: "No, I despise this country."


Sounds like everyone is exercising their free speech... Not such a terrible thing...

Posted on: 2016/6/15 16:03
Dos A Cero

Re: Jersey City Muslims Unite Against Trump
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JCMan8 wrote:

jerseymom wrote:
JCMAN8 wrote - And don't take my word for it. Listen to what gay Democrat Barney Frank had to say about these events. People like Jersey Mom need to understand this:

"There is an Islamic element here," he told the Times. "Yes, the overwhelming majority of Muslims don't do this, but there is clearly, sadly, an element in the interpretation of Islam that has some currency, some interpretation in the Middle East that encourages killing people - and L.G.B.T. people are on that list. And I think it is fair to ask leaders of the Islamic community, religious and otherwise, to spend some time combatting this."

That's interesting that I need to understand this. How about understanding this and this and this with particular emphasis on this statement:

"The vast majority of those crimes are not carried out by Muslim extremists, Potok said. ?It?s a mix of white supremacists and their ilk and people who would be considered relatively normal members of society,? Potok said. ?The majority of attacks on gay people do not come from people who are members of organized hate groups.?

But certainly don't let facts get in the way of your continued attack on the Muslim community.

Crickets from you regarding the fact that gays are executed solely because they are gay in many Muslim countries. They are only following their religion, after all.

Just like Uganda, a Christian country that murders homosexuals for being gay... They are only following their religion after all.

Posted on: 2016/6/14 20:24
Dos A Cero

Re: Jersey City Muslims Unite Against Trump
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JCMan8 wrote:

Pebble wrote:

JCMan8 wrote:

jerseymom wrote:

JCMan8 wrote:

WhoElseCouldIBe wrote:

Pebble wrote:

JCMan8 wrote:
The Orlando shooter's wife knew about the planned attack before it happened.

Obama and Hillary's "lone wolf" narrative blown to pieces.

Trump was right yet again!

You obviously don't know what "lone wolf" means...

It seems he wants Trump to be right more than he wants the facts.

Trump is right. He's been saying all along that Muslim communities don't assimilate and don't report this stuff. He said to go after their families because they know of the plans yet never take action to prevent them.

He's right. And I'm sure this guy's Taliban supporting father knew of the plans as well.

Yes, look around at all the unassimilated Muslims in our very own community. Right in Jersey City watch for the unassimilated - the cops, the teachers, the EMT's, the doctors, the lawyers, the accountants, the college professors, the cab and jitney drivers, the media figures, the coaches, the grocery workers, the bankers, the small business owners, the large business owners, the parents and grandparents and aunts and uncles standing next to you as you pick up your kids from school. Yup, huddled up in their own insular communities, hiding the truth, fomenting terror.

God, you live in a very small and scary world.

No one said there weren't good ones, but it's the bad ones that matter since they cause all the damage.

And you're forgetting that Trump was 100% right that these families know about the plots but do not report them.

What plot? What family?

The ex-wife didn't have details on a plot. She said she knew about his plan to murder people. The guy's former coworkers, that were *not* Muslim, said the same thing.

Addendum: Donald Trump state that the murderer was born in Afghanistan when in fact the guy was born in Queens. He can't even get the very basic facts correct on the person.

Don't be ignorant of the facts. This guy's wife drove him to the gay club so he could scope it out before killing them. ... ut-orlando-attack-n592051

"The Orlando gunman's wife has told federal agents she tried to talk her husband out of carrying out the attack, NBC News has learned.

Omar Mateen's wife, Noor Zahi Salman, told the FBI she was with him when he bought ammunition and a holster, several officials familiar with the case said. She told the FBI that she once drove him to the gay nightclub, Pulse, because he wanted to scope it out."

Just as you ignore the fact that Donald Trump can't even properly identify the murderer's place of birth...?

I'm not ignoring anything. The guy went to that nightclub regularly. Did she drive him there to scope it out for murder or to pick up men? She was there when he bought weapons, did it occur on the same day as the "scope out"? So few facts. So many holes. So many questions...

Posted on: 2016/6/14 19:23
Dos A Cero

Re: Jersey City Muslims Unite Against Trump
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I believe the same can be said about Donald Trump, too...

Posted on: 2016/6/14 19:00
Dos A Cero

Re: Jersey City Muslims Unite Against Trump
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Mao wrote:
Dear Pebble:

I think a close look at the record shows sharply divergent approaches to violence between religions- with Islam being the only major religion that has a strongly violent character. The canard that criticizes the Crusades which were the belated response of a Christian society that had been on the defensive for four hundred years, is a case in point. Most scholars are afraid or unable to look clearly at Islam. The foremost scholar of the Koran, Christoph Luxenberg, writes under a pseudonym for good reason. Modern scholarship suggests that Islam was invented as post hoc ideolgogy when the arab tribes swept over weakened areas of the Byzantine empire and that it was constructed by barbarians out of heretical,mostly Nestorian, texts.


Would this guy that preaches from a Christian pulpit be spouting off peace and love when he says that the Orlando murderer "didn't finish the job"?

Posted on: 2016/6/14 19:00
Dos A Cero

Re: Jersey City Muslims Unite Against Trump
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JCMan8 wrote:

jerseymom wrote:

JCMan8 wrote:

WhoElseCouldIBe wrote:

Pebble wrote:

JCMan8 wrote:
The Orlando shooter's wife knew about the planned attack before it happened.

Obama and Hillary's "lone wolf" narrative blown to pieces.

Trump was right yet again!

You obviously don't know what "lone wolf" means...

It seems he wants Trump to be right more than he wants the facts.

Trump is right. He's been saying all along that Muslim communities don't assimilate and don't report this stuff. He said to go after their families because they know of the plans yet never take action to prevent them.

He's right. And I'm sure this guy's Taliban supporting father knew of the plans as well.

Yes, look around at all the unassimilated Muslims in our very own community. Right in Jersey City watch for the unassimilated - the cops, the teachers, the EMT's, the doctors, the lawyers, the accountants, the college professors, the cab and jitney drivers, the media figures, the coaches, the grocery workers, the bankers, the small business owners, the large business owners, the parents and grandparents and aunts and uncles standing next to you as you pick up your kids from school. Yup, huddled up in their own insular communities, hiding the truth, fomenting terror.

God, you live in a very small and scary world.

No one said there weren't good ones, but it's the bad ones that matter since they cause all the damage.

And you're forgetting that Trump was 100% right that these families know about the plots but do not report them.

What plot? What family?

The ex-wife didn't have details on a plot. She said she knew about his plan to murder people. The guy's former coworkers, that were *not* Muslim, said the same thing.

Addendum: Donald Trump state that the murderer was born in Afghanistan when in fact the guy was born in Queens. He can't even get the very basic facts correct on the person.

Posted on: 2016/6/14 18:33
Dos A Cero

Re: Jersey City Muslims Unite Against Trump
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JCMan8 wrote:
The Orlando shooter's wife knew about the planned attack before it happened.

Obama and Hillary's "lone wolf" narrative blown to pieces.

Trump was right yet again!

You obviously don't know what "lone wolf" means...

Posted on: 2016/6/14 15:37
Dos A Cero

Re: Jersey City Muslims Unite Against Trump
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hero69 wrote:
trump's narrative on mateen is crumbling.

Trumps narrative on everything is crumbling. He recites statements as if he's reading conspiracy theories off of right wing blogs. When it comes to just about anything other than real estate, and I don't think he's a genius in that area either, he knows exceptionally little.

Posted on: 2016/6/14 14:58
Dos A Cero

Re: Looks like Cuomo and Christie/PANYNJ in clear over Pulaski Skyway repair funding
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Monroe wrote:

Pebble wrote:
They should both be in jail...

This whole investigation ended because Cuomo called the guy up and said, "This was a quid pro quo deal for money to be spent in Manhattan."

Exactly, and Christie would've been wrong if he didn't ask for something back after they dropped all that money on an office building in NYC. And that money went to NJ infrastructure without touching the TTF. My biggest disappointment of Christie has been that he didn't go after the PA like he went after the smaller scale corrupt 'authorities' like he did with, say, the Passaic Valley Sewarage Commission and the Delaware River and Bay Authority.

Oh please, Christie didn't go after the Port Authority (or really any other organization) because he was in on the take.

The fact that all we got out of NYC's extravagance at the expense of the Port Authority is some repairs to the Pulaski is rather pathetic.

The Harrison Station still looks years away. Journal Square could easily use a lift. Exchange Place is absurd. Grove will get a really exciting elevator...

And to top it all off, fairs on the train and tolls through the tunnel and over over the bridge will rise.

Posted on: 2016/6/14 14:16
Dos A Cero

Re: Jersey City Muslims Unite Against Trump
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JC_Man wrote:

hero69 wrote:

TheBigGuy wrote:

heights wrote:

dtjcview wrote:
Anti-LGBT and anti-Islamic rhetoric unhinged this mentally disturbed individual.

Pretty cut and dry, you make it sound like an isolated incident. A nd just think of those that have been outed including the families of the deceased.

Of course this will be how the cover-up plays out, roll out the Father and the ex-wife...The Feds have this guy (twice) and no doubt political correctness played a role in letting this guy walk. They had the older brother from the Boston Bomber Brothers too. See something say something. Red Flags all over this guy who works for a professional security company. Red Flags all over the Army Doctor Killer at Fort Hood. And remember it is the Feds also investigating all of the thousands of "refugees" coming into country.
do you know when mateen pledged allegiance to isis? i don't. also, mateen is us born, so how would donald's plan have kept him out.

Hero69 - don't know exact date Mateen pledged to Isis but FBI investigated him back in 2012 BT. (Before Trump) You're entitled to your dim-witted opinion but not your own facts. Get off your @ss and look for the facts.

You don?t know because you know very little about what has occurred. Instead of actually learning facts (oddly you claim others should) you decide this guy is Muslim and thus that is then end-all be-all.


Mao wrote:
Dear Pebble:

I think a close look at the record shows sharply divergent approaches to violence between religions- with Islam being the only major religion that has a strongly violent character. The canard that criticizes the Crusades which were the belated response of a Christian society that had been on the defensive for four hundred years, is a case in point. Most scholars are afraid or unable to look clearly at Islam. The foremost scholar of the Koran, Christoph Luxenberg, writes under a pseudonym for good reason. Modern scholarship suggests that Islam was invented as post hoc ideolgogy when the arab tribes swept over weakened areas of the Byzantine empire and that it was constructed by barbarians out of heretical,mostly Nestorian, texts.


I?m sorry, but I consider the systemic rape of children a form of terrorism. I consider the suppression of homosexuals as terrorism. I consider the fact that Christians are going into Uganda and influencing the government in order to put forward laws that will murder people for simply being gay. I also consider the Northern Ireland troubles to be terrorism. It was only a few years ago that a man posing as a pizza delivery boy showed up a mile from a friend?s house to start shooting at people purely out of Christian theology. But, yeah, you stick to the idea that the last time Christians were doing evil deeds was in the Crusades?


JCMan8 wrote:

jerseymom wrote:
Only in America, when a criminal has a "Muslim" name, is he branded a terrorist first, a Jihadist, an Islamist, a supporter of ISIS.

Actually, no. This terrorist called 911 while he was in the club and pledged allegiance to ISIS.

That's why every country on Earth would properly recognize him as an Islamist terrorist who supports ISIS.

But don't let facts get in the way of a convenient narrative. Also it's not like gays aren't routinely executed just because they are gay in many Muslim countries. Have to forget about those facts too.

Too simplistic, again. While he did pledge allegiance to ISIS, he also pledged allegiance to about 5 other competing terrorist organizations; the equivalent of calling himself a Red Sox and Yankees fan at once. As such, it?s more likely he was all sorts of confused?

Posted on: 2016/6/14 14:10
Dos A Cero

Re: Looks like Cuomo and Christie/PANYNJ in clear over Pulaski Skyway repair funding
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They should both be in jail...

This whole investigation ended because Cuomo called the guy up and said, "This was a quid pro quo deal for money to be spent in Manhattan."

Posted on: 2016/6/13 21:31
Dos A Cero

Re: Jersey City Muslims Unite Against Trump
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TheBigGuy wrote:
Have you ever seen Obama be this hands on with any terror incident. I knew this was a crisis when an MSNBC reporter described the Sunday morning mood in the WH as somber because the President had to cancel his golf game. A reporter actually said that. Make no mistake this is all politics now and the democrats are running scared and they will do anything to insulate themselves. The primary goal is to get the story off the front page quickly so it won't be part of the election. And they need to be sure that after eight years as a war president, this atrocity is not the final part of his legacy.

Yawn. You?re like a broken record with this nonsense about ?Sunday morning golf game.? Unless you were outside screaming about the fact that no president took more days off than W, your words are hollow.

Facts are facts. Republicans can meet in Capital Hill and put forward a resolution for war against ISIS. They have not. Until they do?


Mao wrote:
Pebble and Asif:
Do you think there is any relationship between Islam and violence? Is it correlation, not causation? Has any peace come from it?
Also, I do not think that it is correct to assert that Islamic culture is intolerant of homosexuality. Friends who travel in Islamic lands report constant harassment from Muslim men. See, this article in The Atlantic which argues for a gay friendly- Islam that only became anti gay at the beginning of the 20th century under the sway of Europeans. ... m-in-the-closet/305774/is One recalls the recent event where a US Commander in Afghanistan who objected to the local authority routinely abusing young boys. ... h-young-boys-8911529.html
This makes the LGBT?s Islamo-philia that it shares with the Left as a whole somewhat comprehensible.
We don?t know a lot about this actor in Orlando. My guess is that the most likely understanding is that it is Islamic violence, an impulse intimately connected to the heart of the religion and its history, and which is aggressive and anti Western and picks both soft targets and targets that are paradigmatic of the West. From the World Trade to Charle Hebdo, to nightclubs. Before this gay club there were the Bali bombings, etc. The actor might have been lonely and alone etc. but the jihad impulse can get activated in various types of situations.
That being said, I don?t? think I can ever pull the lever for Trump who seems to me to be a showman more than anything- and certainly not a responsible guy who will reign in government and assert American power and order in a judicious fashion. My hope remains in a third party candidate who prevents anyone from getting a majority of electoral votes and requiring the House to choose.


You pose several questions. However, at the root is this idea that you want to brandish an entire religion as violent. Instead, I?ll brandish actions as such. When a Christian goes and murders a doctor, I don?t blame the religion for that either.

Religion is a wonderful excuse for people. It was used as a means to justify slavery. It was used as a means to justify segregation (Mormons didn?t allow black people into the church until 1978). It was used to massacre Jews in the 40?s. It was used to murder thousands in our area a decade and a half ago. It is used as an excuse to impoverish and starve a population in the west bank and then used as a reason to murder innocent bus riders. It is even used as a means to destroy the bodies and minds of young men and women abused by those in authority.

Every religion screams and yells about how it?s basis is one of peace. Every religion can claim to be correct. However, there are many people inside each and every one of them that propagate hate and death.

What we know about the murderer in Orlando is that he?s been saying for years how he wanted to kill people. We know that he?s ranted and raved about hating all sorts of nationalities and sexualities. We know that he was abusive to his wife. What we can distinctly say is that this was a man filled with hate and evil looking for an excuse to carry it out.

Posted on: 2016/6/13 21:29
Dos A Cero

Re: Jersey City Muslims Unite Against Trump
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TheBigGuy wrote:
And for the [Republicans], accepting these atrocities is an acceptable cost for allowing anyone to walk into a gun store and buy guns...

One could make that very same argument.

This thread is about Trump. If he has a specific plan on what he'd do, sure. Let's here it. That also doesn't change the fact that he's a racist. That means anyone pulling the lever for him is actively stating that racism is acceptable.

Sorry, but if Tump is elected, it only shows our nation is one giant bunch of racists and we'll lose even more international respect than when W was in office...

Posted on: 2016/6/13 16:46
Dos A Cero

Re: Jersey City Muslims Unite Against Trump
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neverleft wrote:

Pebble wrote:
Releasing taxes has nothing to do with how much you pay or deduct. It has to do with legality and truth. .......

LOL as I recall Romney was crucified in the 2012 election when he released his tax returns and it showed his low tax rate. Team Obama and the media had a field day with his numbers.

??an effective tax rate of 14.1%. This is a low tax rate, lower than the typical middle-class American worker pays??

At least Trump is up front saying he tries to pay as little tax as possible.

Romney was an out-of-touch elitist. His taxes fed that narrative. Whether you disagree with the reasoning behind releasing the taxes has nothing to do with how people read into them to determine the fitness of someone for the office.


TheBigGuy wrote:
Hey Stupid.... your point is what??? An Imam In Orlando is quoted as saying the it is "compassionate" to kill gay people and put them out of their misery.... after the tweet did someone run out and shoot up a mosque? F'Off Fool!

You are aware that multiple Republican candidates for president stood on a stage with a Christian minister that said the exact same thing, right?

If Republicans truly believe that fighting ISIS is a necessity, they can authorize a war against it. Until then, I don?t take a Republican seriously when it comes to this because they are clearly talking out of their ass.

Posted on: 2016/6/13 16:03
Dos A Cero

Re: Jersey City Muslims Unite Against Trump
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neverleft wrote:

hero69 wrote:
and i thought mccain and palin were comical.

don, just show us your unaltered tax returns!

I thought this was a brilliant comeback when Trump was asked about his tax rate. Don?t we all want to pay as little as possible? I know I do.

STEPHANOPOULOS: It?s not reported on the financials. What they don?t know also is your tax rate. they don?t show whether you paid a low ?

TRUMP: I try very hard to pay as little tax as possible and have said that for the last two years. I fight very hard because this country wastes our money. They take our tax money and throw it down the drain. They spend $4 trillion in the Middle East and we can?t fix a road or a bridge. And I fight very hard. I consider it an expense because, frankly, our country doesn?t know what they?re doing with our money or tax money and that?s part of the problem. So I fight very hard to pay as little tax as possible.

STEPHANOPOULOS: What is your tax rate?

TRUMP: It?s none of your business. You?ll see it when I release but I fight very hard to pay as little tax as possible.


Releasing taxes has nothing to do with how much you pay or deduct. It has to do with legality and truth. Trump claims that he is worth a billion dollars. Is that real? I don't think so. Trump claims he gives to charity. That would be on his taxes. Since we know he lies about donating until getting called on it just this year, I'm interested to see just how big a lie it is that he gives.

No president has *not* released their taxes. Heck, Hillary has 30 years of taxes up on her website.

Posted on: 2016/6/11 12:57
Dos A Cero

Re: Jersey City Muslims Unite Against Trump
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Monroe wrote:
Hillary-says she supports women, but underpays them at State and at her own Foundation. Gives a speech on income inequality, wearing a Armani outfit that cost over $10,000 and gives speeches to Wall Street for hundreds of thousands of dollars that she won't share her words. Is married to a rapist and sexual predator, (who often flew on a private plane with a pedophile for 'vacations', who was disbarred for lying under oath about his sexual peccadilloes.

Hillary, who made her bones in DC on the Watergate investigation over an 18 minute gap in a White House tape-who then deleted 30,000 of her own emails on an illegal private server that she then lied about.

The only nominee under active FBI criminal investigations!

In the end, though, the illegal machinations of the Clinton Foundation will be her downfall.

Again, if Bill Clinton is a rapist then Donald Trump is a rapist.

What you are stating here is that you are open and happy about voting for a rapist that is also a racist.

Neither I nor anyone else gives a crap about how much Clinton spends on clothes. Nothing will come of the email server issue. It is a big whopping nothing.

Like I said before? In 20 years, when your grandkids ask about this election. You?re going to tell them that you voted for the racist rapist. That grandchild will turn to their black boyfriend with such disappointment that you?ll hate yourself. You know this to be true.

Trump is George Wallace. There isn?t a single person that isn?t a supporter of white supremacy that has anything positive to say about Wallace.

Posted on: 2016/6/10 18:05
Dos A Cero

Re: Jersey City Muslims Unite Against Trump
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Monroe wrote:
Hey, you support someone married to a rapist and sexual predator, and someone who sold out the US uranium industry to Russia for some pieces of silver to the Clinton Foundation-I can live with Trump putting American citizens ahead of illegal immigrants, and to taking care of our veterans before bringing in unvetted Muslim refugees.

We'll have to agree to disagree.

Where did I Write that I was a Hillary supporter?

Fact: your definition of a rapist means Donald Trump is a rapist. So by your own words, you're choosing to support an ACTUAL rapist because the opponent is married to one.

In 20 years, your grandkids will ask, did you vote for the first woman and your answer will be "No, I chose the racist that knows nothing."

I can respect those that for the Libertarian route. I can't respect someone that pulls the lever for a racist. I can't imagine how anyone would have any self respect doing so either...unless they are a racist, like JCMan8.

Posted on: 2016/6/10 0:51
Dos A Cero

Re: Jersey City Muslims Unite Against Trump
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Monroe wrote:
Trump isn't a racist, but Hillary's husband is a rapist.

And the Supreme Court Justice Sotomayor (darling of the liberals) agrees with Trump that the ethnicity of a judge 'can, and should' influence their decisions.

You are aware that Trump, not Trump's spouse, has actually been accused of rape, right?

You can talk about the husband all you want, but all that says is that you've got nothing on Hillary.

And Trump absolutely is a racist. He's not winning minorities. He's not culling any of those people. He barely won primaries when people weren't running against him.

Facts are facts. The Republicans nominated a man that doesn't know what the nuclear triad is. They nominated a guy that thinks Putin is a friend. They nominated a guy that claims he has international experience because he owns the Miss Universe pageant. They nominated a guy that would pretend he was an employee to call up newspapers in order to pretend he was turning down Madonna and supermodels. The guy is a carnival barker at best and just an absurdly stupid man at worst.

Just remember, you're supporting a racist. Enjoy it. Tell your grandkids about it when they are old enough. History won't look kindly...

Posted on: 2016/6/9 23:06
Dos A Cero

Re: Jersey City Muslims Unite Against Trump
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Monroe wrote:

Azul_the_Cat wrote:

JCMan8 wrote:
It is glorious to think about. Although, Hillary very well may be indicted before then, making the election a slam dunk.

At his current rate your candidate, who appears to have been raped by a bag of Doritos, will be hanging with Hillary in prison.

Hillary is under two separate FBI investigations, Trump is involved in a civil suit. Which scenario are you referring to that ends up with the Donald wearing the same orange jumpsuit as Hillary?

Hillary won't be indicted. To believe so is absurd. The email server is a non-issue to those with just about any tech knowledge or someone without an ax to grind.

Benghazi is on it's 8th or 9th partisan investigation and they still can't come up with crap.

In the end, Trump is a racist and even those in his own party are stating as such (hence JCMan8's excited desire to vote for a well established racist).

We'll see our first woman president. Should the republicans choose to nominate someone that is not a racist and not a complete know-nothing, they can likely take the White House back in four years.

Posted on: 2016/6/9 13:57
Dos A Cero

Re: Security guard at Newport mall in Jersey City charged with cuffing girl, groping her buttocks
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If only we had laws against transgenders going into the women's room, this would never happen!

Posted on: 2016/5/26 14:38
Dos A Cero

Re: Is the $100 million proposed school aid cut designed to help Sweeney?
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SOS wrote:
It's scary to think that Yvonne was once a school teacher. Her grammar is atrocious. Mine may be also, but I was never a teacher. A couple of examples:


Yvonne wrote:
Actually, we pay 17% which is $114 million of the budget. In 2005 we pay $72 million which was 13% of the school budget.


Yvonne wrote:
I was talking to a tax lawyer who basically do condo work all over NJ. ...

She was NOT a public school teacher which has vastly higher standards than where she taught.

Posted on: 2016/5/13 16:29
Dos A Cero

Re: New bar: The Archer
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user1111 wrote:
The mistake I made I went there for dinner and left hungry and with a buzz. Great place but not for a 6 ft dude with a hardy appetite

Nope... definitely not a dinner place. That doesn't make it bad, just not a very good option for what you needed.

Posted on: 2016/5/12 21:24
Dos A Cero

Re: Chick-fil-A Newport Mall
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JCMan8 wrote:
New Yorkers Flock to Chick-Fil-A, Despite De Blasio Urging Them Not To ... de-blasio-urging-them-not

Hope you guys have been visiting the locations at the Newport mall and in NYC, it's some delicious stuff!

I prefer not looking like Chris Christie...

Posted on: 2016/5/10 21:45
Dos A Cero

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