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Re: motorcycle parking
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Well the rules should be the same, but the parking permit decals are made to be stuck to the inside of a car window, therefore would be in reverse on a motorcycle fender.

I was told verbally by the Parking Authority 5 years ago that they do not ticket or tow motorcycles. Many people park bikes inside front gates, but that may not be legal, though never heard that anyone had trouble. Same on the side of the sidewalk,

Give a call to the PA and ask for a supervisor do not rely on hearsay.

Posted on: 2006/8/15 17:08

Re: Dollar Buses
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I agree -- Ratslayer since you seem to know -- what besides an inspection happens for a taxi?

How is it that taxi cabs have more regulations than these broken down buses that carry 20+ people?

Why don't the cab drivers and owners fight this -- is it that they too have it way to unregulated?

It seems like someone is getting paid off in all this!

Posted on: 2006/8/15 16:47

Edited by GrovePath on 2006/8/15 17:11:38

Re: Dollar Buses
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

These buses do indeed fill a transportation void, but they are an accident waiting to happen. Say a full bus crashes as a result of driver negligence. Passengers are injured and even killed. WHO WILL PAY?? Because most drivers carry NO insurance, the victims are screwed. So much for justice in Husdon County. Our local leaders KNOW these driver's are breaking the damn law day and night. This is criminal. Time to regulate these buses. Christ, we regulate taxi cabs! And when the JC cabbies wanna increase fares, they can't do it without City Council approval, unlike the dollar bus drivers who raise fares any freaking time they want.

Posted on: 2006/8/15 16:35

Re: Please stop the huge 9/11 memorial at LSP - it will ruin the park's views of the Manhattan skyline!
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

Do we all agree that we live in a world where the main goal of a terrorist is to inflict casaulties more so against the civilian population, regardless where on this planet we live?

Hopefully we will never experience a repeat of 9-11, but we did have a scare with the Holland Tunnel just a month ago.

If the terrorists are successful, are we then going to build another memorial for that tragic event.
Will it (the memorial) be bigger and how many lives will it take to qualify for a memorial to be built?

War memorials should not be confused with my point of view, but we should look to have a significant memorial only where the incident took place and financially supporting it.

Posted on: 2006/8/15 16:17

Re: Spinello shifts positions on warehouse plan
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Home away from home

Local residents don't want the jobs created by the warehouse.

They got welfare.

Posted on: 2006/8/15 16:09

Re: Spinello shifts positions on warehouse plan
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

I saw Healy on a television ad the other day pushing the warehouse. How much time and money is he spending on this and is it worth it?

A latest article in the Jersey Journal states that the warehouse will create 300 jobs. Is three hundred jobs for a city of 250,000 people a considerable amount? For the amount of space it is using it does not seem like it.

Healy also states that it will only accept 75 deliveries a day which should not create traffic congestion. I am assuming that the 75 trucks do not stay there so that number has to be doubled. Would you want 150 trucks driving past your neighborhood every day? How can this not create congestion?

It seems odd that Healy has invested way too much time on this issue. Am I missing something? It is not creating that many jobs, the amount of money received is decent but it won't make our lives any better, and the community does not support it.

Perhaps I am being naive and the main issue is, what is HEALY getting out of this deal?

Posted on: 2006/8/15 15:57

Re: Dollar Buses
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Home away from home

I agree that something should happen -- NJ transit Big Buses coming from outside Jersey City should have to take the highways (turnpike and 1&9) as long as they can, and not be allowed to use JC's surface roads. Make them turn in on Marion - sorry if it takes 5 more min.

As for local buses - let's lose this crazy sea of broken down buses, retired from Disneyland -- and let's also lose the HUGE NJ Transit buses. Allow only small NJ Transit van/buses on surface roads in Jersey City. This would save the city a lot in road repair as well!

Also, why can't Jersey City have safe bike lockers at all PATH stations - even if they cost $1 for the day that would still be attractive to many!

Lastly, let's get taxi medallions of some sort!


Pisces1979 wrote:
...those little buck vans are much more manuverable than the long NJ transit buses, which when turning are a hazard to drivers and pedestrians.
I think NJ transit should lease out the bus routes to private operators and retire the big buses...

Posted on: 2006/8/15 15:57

Edited by GrovePath on 2006/8/15 16:41:17

Re: Please stop the huge 9/11 memorial at LSP - it will ruin the park's views of the Manhattan skyli
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>>DEP Commissioner Lisa Jackson e-mailed a letter to Pesin on Thursday reiterating her support for the memorial to continue being built as planned. Jackson stated that "Based on my review of the process and the project design, I have decided to support the completion of the memorial as presently designed." Jackson pointed out that the day after the June 13 meeting, there was another meeting with a memorial committee of 9/11 survivors and families of victims to review the design, discuss the current status of construction, and gauge if family members willing to accept changes to the design. She states in the letter, "It was the consensus of those family members present that this project should move forward as designed and that they did not want to delay this Memorial to their loved ones and the many victims of September 11, 2001 any longer." Pesin took Jackson to task for making her decision before the public meeting takes place. "The Friends formally disagrees with the commissioner's position is now asking the governor directly to listen to public input and reverse this decision," said Pesin. "Lisa Jackson's premature decision violates the spirit of democracy."<< That is exactly the problem. The victims' families wield way too much political clout. First they get $1 BILLION (now reduced to $1/2 billion) Ground Zero Memorial (an obscene amount of money for a memorial), and then they insist on putting this monstrosity in our faces. And the politicians like Lisa Jackson kow-tow to them. Politicians need to listen to all their constituents, not only to the victims' families. Have we lost our collective marbles here? Do the victims' families really want to honor their loved ones with a Memorial design to which there is a widespread opposition? Or they don't care about what the public which uses the LSP thinks?

Posted on: 2006/8/15 15:36

Re: Dollar Buses
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

I see NJ transit running these huge diesal buses with 3 passengers, and I see these dollar jitneys packed full.
It is a waste of money for NJ transit to be running these big, asthma causing buses on the same routes the dollar vans take.
Also, the dollar vans are quick and they run on a regular basis...much more reliable than NJ transit.
Plus, those little buck vans are much more manuverable than the long NJ transit buses, which when turning are a hazard to drivers and pedestrians.
I think NJ transit should lease out the bus routes to private operators and retire the big buses.
I think if the dollar vans where legitimatized then they could stop at the Journal Square bus terminal instead of stopping 3 blocks away at 5 corners, and they could use the NJ transit bus stops. It would totally improve transportation.

Posted on: 2006/8/15 15:30

Re: Heights: Home Invasion at Gunpoint -- Three sleeping roommates woken by two gunmen
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Home away from home

It must have been a big basement with 4 men living there.

GrovePath wrote:
2 gunmen: 'Take us to your home'
Once inside the house, the gunmen ordered him to his knees as they searched the basement. When the robbers came upon his two roommates, they made them lie face down on the ground, victims told police.

The robbers then found a fourth man, who screamed for police, reports said. They grabbed another $20 from a table as they fled the house.


Posted on: 2006/8/15 15:07

Re: Heights: Home Invasion at Gunpoint -- Three sleeping roommates woken by two gunmen
Home away from home
Home away from home

I agree the JJ trys to play the political correctness line too much .

When it comes to protecting the public and getting the word out that these some skumbags out there terrorizing the public,there should be no limits on descriptions .

Getting back to this case, I find it a bit strange this dude decided to take a walk at 4am, not to take away from the fact that theres 3 Skumbags driving around looking for victims since there are people who are either coming home from work or leaving for work at that time of the AM...

Hope the JCPD sends out the dog catchers for these Punks !!!


Posted on: 2006/8/15 14:41

Re: Heights: Home Invasion at Gunpoint -- Three sleeping roommates woken by two gunmen
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EthanCrane wrote:
It drives me crazy when the Journal leaves out the race of people. Okay everybody, look out for some scruffy 5'8" and 5'10" guys. That should be enough, right?

Uh oh. Who's got my bail money?

Posted on: 2006/8/15 14:22

Re: Heights: Home Invasion at Gunpoint -- Three sleeping roommates woken by two gunmen
Home away from home
Home away from home


Both men were described as 5-foot-8 to 5-foot-10, in their early 20s, with scruffy facial hair - one skinny and one of medium build.

It drives me crazy when the Journal leaves out the race of people. Okay everybody, look out for some scruffy 5'8" and 5'10" guys. That should be enough, right?

It's bizarre. They must think it's offensive to give descriptions of criminals who are on the loose. I think it's offensive not to.

Posted on: 2006/8/15 14:16

Re: Please stop the huge 9/11 memorial at LSP - it will ruin the park's views of the Manhattan skyli
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Home away from home

Instead of spending all of the money on a giant steel slab, I would like to see a smaller, less ostentatious memorial that does not obstruct views. Spend the savings on scholarships and groves of trees in memory of the victims. I don't understand how a huge memorial will assuage people?s grief.

Posted on: 2006/8/15 14:10

Re: Please stop the huge 9/11 memorial at LSP - it will ruin the park's views of the Manhattan skyli
Home away from home
Home away from home

I still remember the comment made by a JCLISTER a while back [paraphrasing]:

"It's like Jersey City has a big sign planted on the shoreline that reads-- Put Your Ugly Memorial Here."


Posted on: 2006/8/15 14:08
I cook with wine, sometimes I even add it to the food.
W. C. Fields

Re: Heights: Home Invasion at Gunpoint -- Three sleeping roommates woken by two gunmen
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GrovePath wrote:
2 gunmen: 'Take us to your home'
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Police Director Sam Jefferson asks anyone with information to contact the Jersey City Police Department at (201) 547-JAIL.

I think this is the first time I have come across the name Sam Jefferson. I didn't even know we had a police director. Do we need a police director? What does he do? Does he tell the chief what to do who in turn tells the troops what to do? I thought it was the chief's job to run the department.

Posted on: 2006/8/15 14:04

Re: Please stop the huge 9/11 memorial at LSP - it will ruin the park's views of the Manhattan skyli
Home away from home
Home away from home

Editorial from the Jersey Journal:
Friday, August 04, 2006

Spare us this ugly memorial
What have you done to my park?

They were the first words I spoke when seeing the mound of encased dirt that took away the breathtaking views of the New York skyline.

This mound is massive, visually blocking, from the left, the skyscraper with the patina-pointed spire to the tip of Manhattan Island. When looking left, from the right, that patina and the only other green-pointed spire, near the Winter Garden, are seen. No Empire State Building, no Citibank building. Nothing.

I don't care that the 22 feet of dirt settled into 15 feet, which will settle into 10 feet, before the "Empty Sky" memorial fills the skyline. It is an ugly platform for an ugly monument.

"Empty Sky" actually fills the sky with two huge slabs jutting upward. It is not beautiful and delicate, like the two blue lights that have shone, mimicking the lost towers. Adding those blue lights to this so-called memorial does not make it any less foreboding.

I won't settle for losing the Grand Plaza: where people gathered before entering this historic Central Railroad of New Jersey Terminal, taking in the breezes along the Hudson River; and where classic cars and other exhibits were displayed and musical acts performed during the 2002 and 2003 Jersey Central Railroad Heritage Festivals - at which I was employed part-time as fund-raiser, co-producer and promoter. I won't settle for any monument obstructing, obliterating and obscuring the beautiful architecture of the historic railroad terminal.

And "Empty Sky," which is adjacent to the railroad terminal, still fills the sky.

What's even more incredible - the historic marker describing the CRRNJ Terminal on Liberty Walk faces the magnificent brick building, yet the terminal CANNOT BE SEEN. "Empty Sky" destroys its view. Built in 1889, the terminal served the many "tired, poor huddled masses" coming from Ellis Island to board trains that populated our great country's expanses of land. When did the historic railroad terminal cease to be a monument, in and of itself?

What have you done to my park?

No matter who is talking about Liberty State Park - whether it's a park-lover or an advertisement for the Liberty Jazz Festival - the comments always include, "with views of the Statue of Liberty and the New York skyline." Why in the world would those bureaucrats entrusted with Liberty State Park sacrifice the New York skyline while at the same time use it as a promotional come-on?

That's the equivalent of "biting the hand that feeds you" and just as ridiculous, when the hands feeding and the mouths biting come from the same creature.

Now, what will you do to my park?

You will remove this monstrosity of a dirt mound. You will not erect this outsized and ill-conceived monument. You will rebuild the Grand Plaza.

There already is a monument at Liberty State Park commemorating those who perished on 9/11. It is called the Grove of Remembrance. Its shady area is simpatico with the mission of Liberty State Park, so that it remains a "free and green urban state park." The Grove of Remembrance is the perfect monument at Liberty State Park to contemplate the severity of that horrific event and the souls of those who lost their lives that day.



Posted on: 2006/8/15 13:59

Re: Heights: Home Invasion at Gunpoint -- Three sleeping roommates woken by two gunmen
Home away from home
Home away from home

I would love more information -- what race are the two gunmen and the third guy in the white get away car?

I would also love to hear what the other roommates think.

It seems odd for the one roommate to be out at 4am and run into THESE guys who demand him to take them to his house!

I am only guessing but it this seems that this 22 year old roommate might like to buy drugs off the street -- Otherwise there are really crazy criminals out there.

Ok, there are but still...

I might be wrong here but something doesn't add up.

Posted on: 2006/8/15 13:45

Re: NWA Hypocrit
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

Just cruised over to that board to check out this lady's posts.

What's going on over there? Apparently they think that Steven Fulop is the root of all evil. It's pretty funy actually.

Is Sonia related to Junior Maldonado, that would explain a few things.

Posted on: 2006/8/15 13:43
"Contemplate this upon the Tree of Woe."

Re: Please stop the huge 9/11 memorial at LSP - it will ruin the park's views of the Manhattan skyline!
Home away from home
Home away from home

I lost a relative who worked at Canter Fitzgerald -- I don't see how ruining Liberty State Park helps.

This thing is dumb!

Posted on: 2006/8/15 13:33

Re: Dollar Buses
Home away from home
Home away from home

These Buses should be inspected more and there are too many -- they run almost empty most of the time!

Jersey City like New York should have Taxi Medallions.

It would bring in a lot of money for the city and it would fund the inspection of these cabs and buses. It costs $250,000 to buy just one in NYC for a cab (not even one of these broken down stinking empty buses)

Why are we giving it away in Jersey City?

Posted on: 2006/8/15 13:25

Edited by GrovePath on 2006/8/15 13:51:47

Spinello shifts positions on warehouse plan
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

Mary, Mary, Mary, where did you go wrong? Did the baby-faced representative of AMB just have a trusting face or did he whisper sweet nothings, full of promises there is no legal way the city can inforce him to keep, in your ear? Or did Healy and his "associates" promise you 50 pieces of silver in campaign contributions for selling out your constituents? Why is it that so many people outside of your district care more about its residents than you do?

In case my lamentations make no sense, you can read all about it in the Jersey Journal:
Spinello shifts position on PJP landfill

The JJ also has another article today about how much the residents doen't want this monstrosity built:
Healy fails to sway residents

Posted on: 2006/8/15 13:13

Healy fails to sway residents with plan for a mega-warehouse on the Hackensack River
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Home away from home

Healy fails to sway residents
Tuesday, August 15, 2006

They came.

They listened.

But no minds seemed to change last week, as Jersey City Mayor Jerramiah Healy spent nearly two hours at Temple Beth-El last Thursday trying to sell his plan for a mega-warehouse on the Hackensack River waterfront.

"He just doesn't understand that we don't want it," said a member of the Harrison Avenue Block Association, the group that sponsored the meeting.

Many in the crowd of nearly 50 said the project would only mean more traffic congestion along Routes 1&9, dismissing Healy's arguments that the warehouse would produce 300-plus jobs and $1 million a year in ratables.

Healy has been feuding with Hudson County Executive Tom DeGise and members of the City Council over the future of the PJP landfill. DeGise is known to prefer developing the site as recreation.

Healy mentioned the county's interest in creating soccer fields and a nine-hole golf course on the site. "But the county recently backed off the idea of a golf course," the mayor said.

Robert Cavanaugh of the law firm Waters McPherson told the crowd that truck traffic coming and going into the proposed 883,000-square-foot mega-warehouse would be limited to 75 trips a day.

But participants at the meeting continued to harbor their doubts about the traffic and the number of jobs that would actually go to Jersey City residents.

Cavanaugh said that officials of the California-based AMB Corp., the company seeking to build the warehouse, are willing to sign a binding agreement to that effect. Cavanaugh also said that AMB will not seek tax abatements from the city.

Downtown Jersey City Councilman Steve Fulop attended, but didn't comment. Ward B Councilwoman Mary Spinello, who represents the Marion neighborhood where the warehouse would go, said she was at the meeting only to hear the community's concerns.

Elnora Watson, president of the Urban League of Hudson County, spoke on behalf of the project saying it will produce badly needed jobs for people in her community.

Posted on: 2006/8/15 13:09

Heights: Home Invasion at Gunpoint -- Three sleeping roommates woken by two gunmen
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Home away from home

2 gunmen: 'Take us to your home'
Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Two men forced a Jersey City Heights man at gunpoint to lead them to his home and then robbed him and three other victims early Saturday morning, reports said.

The 22-year-old victim, who lives on Lincoln Street, said he left his house and walked east toward Central Avenue just before 4 a.m., when two men approached him and threw him to the ground, reports said.

They pointed guns at him and ordered him to let them into his house, the victim told police.

"If you want to live, take us to your home and give us your money," one of the attackers said.

Once inside the house, the gunmen ordered him to his knees as they searched the basement. When the robbers came upon his two roommates, they made them lie face down on the ground, victims told police.

The robbers then riffled through the victims' wallets and dressers, grabbing two cell phones, money and bank cards, reports said. The robbers then found a fourth man, who screamed for police, reports said. They grabbed another $20 from a table as they fled the house.

Both men were described as 5-foot-8 to 5-foot-10, in their early 20s, with scruffy facial hair - one skinny and one of medium build. One of the victims also said he saw a man in a white car slowly follow the robbers on Lincoln Street, reports said.

Police Director Sam Jefferson asks anyone with information to contact the Jersey City Police Department at (201) 547-JAIL.

Posted on: 2006/8/15 12:58

Re: NWA Hypocrit
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JCLAW wrote:
Sonia is a medically-obese, middle-aged latina with a full-grown, unbleached, unwaxed moustache.

Be nice now! ::LMAO::

Posted on: 2006/8/15 7:42
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Re: NWA Hypocrit
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

Me too.

I personally think the biggest NWA hypocrit had to be Eazy E, who once paid $2,490 for a plate at the 1991 Republican Senators Inner Circle luncheon.

His solo album, Eazy Does It, kicked as$, however.



I so thought this was going to be an Eazy E Thread

Posted on: 2006/8/15 4:14

Dollar Buses

I've just moved to Harsimus Cove from out of town. I really like public transport, but I can't quite figure out those little buses that all say "BERGENLINE Fort Lee/Newport Mall/Journal Square" I've heard them called 'the dollar bus' and even 'the immigration bus' (I think it was the same one, anyways)

What I mean is that I don't know their routes. I've googled a bunch, but they seem to have no website, and I could find no maps online. I asked the driver for a map, and he seemed to think the idea that a bus would have a route map to be absurd.

Now, I've taken them up Newark Ave from Grove Street to Five Corners, and then walked the rest of the way to Little India to get some tasty Dosa, but then (anither time) I saw another similar bus actually going past Journal Square, so I concluded: they have more than one route!

Anybody here know their exact route(s)? Even better, somebody here have a map? Even better, a map of all the bus routes (Coach USA and NJTransit included) in the city/county?

Thanks much,

Posted on: 2006/8/15 4:13

Re: NWA Hypocrit
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Home away from home


Justiceiro wrote:
the issue isn't that people can't go there at all. The issue is that some people can't acces the road with their vehicles, and others can, and that the road is funded from the general trasury as a public access road. If it is funded that way, then that's what it should be. If it isn't that, then don't fund it that way. It seems to me that the folks down there want aprivate road, but don't want to pay for it.

I sort of like the idea of selling the road stub to the company that owns Portside, because that seems to be a clean way to solve the problem.

But it seems as if cities convert municipal property into parks all the time.

Example: a lot of us here want to convert the Reservoir into a park, and it seems as if a lot of piers along the Hudson, which were, essentially, roads for hand carts at one point, have been or are being turned into parks. I don't think turning the Reservoir or piers into parks is all that much different from turning a stub of road into a park.

I think another, bigger problem here is that some people (not Justiceiro, but other people) are plain turning this dispute into a chance to bash the people who live in Portside. I don't really care whether the road stub becomes a park, but I feel bad for the people in Portside who just like letting their kids play on the road stub. I wish there was less of a tendency for people to paint the wage slaves living in Portside as a bunch of evil plutocrats.

Posted on: 2006/8/15 3:59

Re: COMING SOON: A Sea of Concrete
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

Here's a novel solution to the parking problem:

How about SMALLER Fu%#ing cars people!!!???

I mean really, do people ALL need to have 15-20 foot pickup trucks and Vans and SUV's here in the Heights? My only consolation is that these massive guzzlers are getting maybe 11-15 mpg city and are paying for it at the pump.

Another BRILLIANT idea: How about revisiting the No Parking from corner signs???

Example: When two One Way streets intersect, not ALL FOUR Corners need to have cars 10-15ft back.. Just 2.

Where the red is, is no parking, yet there are only TWO directions one can possibly go from either Webster or Hutton.
Youd never turn LEFT from Hutton and NEVER Turn Right on to Hutton from Webster, so why all the extra parking set backs?
Resized Image

I have a house and I could totally to a curb cut in like a lot of my neighbors, but it's just ugly.

It pains me every time I see a new 2 family infill go up, and here in the Height's there is one ever damn 5 feet. because it takes away a spot.

Example, have 2 new vacant 2 family infills on my block. Been for sale for about 3-4 months now. No one lives there, but you can not park in front of the driveways. additionally, the space between the driveways is big enough for a Mini Cooper, but that's it.. So really 3 spaces are lost.

The ineptitude of our "leaders" is truly mind blowing.

Posted on: 2006/8/15 3:27

Edited by byrd on 2006/8/15 3:44:54

Re: COMING SOON: A Sea of Concrete
Home away from home
Home away from home

By the way folks, the e-mails have had an effect. Councilmembers Fulop and Sottolano both remarked at the planning board meeting that they were impressed with the overwhelming response that they received, universally against the ordinance (Steve estimated his office received about 100 e-mails). I heard second that the Council President 's office was also impressed with the e-mails coming in.

And if you haven't e-mailed yet, it's never too late to do so. It actually helps to have a "second wave" of contacts from some people to show that there is continued interest in the matter.

And if your council representative did not respond to the e-mail, please follow up with a phone call! Make it clear that you are concerned about this issue and expect your councilmembers to be responsive to your concerns!

Joshua Parkhurst
Jersey City Landmarks Conservancy

Posted on: 2006/8/15 3:07

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