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Re: Democratic Convention
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TheBigGuy wrote:
So Hillary is taking money from a documented Nazi Sympathizer??? ... inton-george-soros-218494

From the piece you wrote:
"George Soros in December donated $6 million to the leading super PAC supporting Hillary Clinton?s presidential campaign..."

That isn't donating money to Hillary Clinton. It isn't Hillary Clinton taking money either.

Posted on: 2016/8/17 16:15
Dos A Cero

Re: Republican Convention
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135jc wrote:

Pebble wrote:

135jc wrote:

Pebble wrote:
More Republican stupidity:

Rudy Giuliani: "Before Obama came along we didn't have any successful radical Islamic terrorist attack inside the United States."


Atsushi wrote:
Donald Trump?s already-narrow path to victory is rapidly disappearing ... -is-rapidly-disappearing/

Hilary already has 273 EV even if she loses all six of the states that are currently rated as "toss-ups."

It's still really early for this. But it doesn't look good for Trump right now.

I do look forward to when Trump's numbers start to bounce back a little and the racists and whingers on this site completely ignore the "liberal media" stories about Trump's resurgence.

How is this for you? Remember?

Plus side: You were actually able to work the quote function!

Downside: You didn't provide evidence that I asked for proving that you have no point and are just posting crap.

Wow! There is something wrong with you. Read your own post. You called people who ignore the "liberal media" racists. Own up to what u post.

Reading comprehension is an important tool for many to learn. Try it sometime...

Posted on: 2016/8/16 22:45
Dos A Cero

Re: Republican Convention
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135jc wrote:

Pebble wrote:
More Republican stupidity:

Rudy Giuliani: "Before Obama came along we didn't have any successful radical Islamic terrorist attack inside the United States."


Atsushi wrote:
Donald Trump?s already-narrow path to victory is rapidly disappearing ... -is-rapidly-disappearing/

Hilary already has 273 EV even if she loses all six of the states that are currently rated as "toss-ups."

It's still really early for this. But it doesn't look good for Trump right now.

I do look forward to when Trump's numbers start to bounce back a little and the racists and whingers on this site completely ignore the "liberal media" stories about Trump's resurgence.

How is this for you? Remember?

Plus side: You were actually able to work the quote function!

Downside: You didn't provide evidence that I asked for proving that you have no point and are just posting crap.

Posted on: 2016/8/16 18:25
Dos A Cero

Re: Republican Convention
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135jc wrote:
So basically if you don't agree with the current administrations policies or like the elimination of the middle class you are now a racist.

Sounds like the words of a tolerant liberal

I don't understand why you are incapable of using the quote button...

Please quote (if you can figure out how to) where I wrote that disagreements with the current admin means you are a racist. I won't hold my breath...

Posted on: 2016/8/15 19:55
Dos A Cero

Re: Monty's Public House
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All this talk of what it could possibly be is somewhat funny given that the place could have been something for quite a few years now.

At this point, I don't believe this place will ever exist...until it does.

Posted on: 2016/8/15 19:11
Dos A Cero

Re: He lost on red light cameras, now Whizzy wants to nail you for drinking coffee in your car
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bill wrote:

equ wrote:
They don't keep creeping like auto transmissions, their default is stopping not going.

Manuals don't creep forward but often creep backward, more so on a hill.

As someone that own's manual transmission vehicles, they creep forward or backward depending on the incline.

Regardless, people often forget that driving is a privilege and not a right. As such, these laws are just more laws to keep people in line.

Posted on: 2016/8/15 18:45
Dos A Cero

Re: Republican Convention
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More Republican stupidity:

Rudy Giuliani: "Before Obama came along we didn't have any successful radical Islamic terrorist attack inside the United States."


Atsushi wrote:
Donald Trump?s already-narrow path to victory is rapidly disappearing ... -is-rapidly-disappearing/

Hilary already has 273 EV even if she loses all six of the states that are currently rated as "toss-ups."

It's still really early for this. But it doesn't look good for Trump right now.

I do look forward to when Trump's numbers start to bounce back a little and the racists and whingers on this site completely ignore the "liberal media" stories about Trump's resurgence.

Posted on: 2016/8/15 18:39
Dos A Cero

Re: Best Bars for English Premier League?
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I had heard HopScotch was doing it so they might be the closest. Mulligans in Hoboken is where some people go, though it's not a preference of mine.

Outside of that, I don't really think a place exists in JC. It's a little sad.

Posted on: 2016/8/15 18:36
Dos A Cero

Re: Democratic Convention
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TheBigGuy wrote: Why do I have to keep repeating the most important questions you conveniently ignore... Please explain to the readers why your candidate HRC who according to Obama is the most qualified presidential candidate EVER, or some such nonsense, is not dominating Trump? Hmmm, can't play the race card here... sexism, of course. Guys, can we add Sexism and variations to our Drink Game words Racism, Hitler/Nazi and Fascists. DRINK!!!
Please explain how she is NOT "dominating" him. She's up nearly double digits. She has a majority of white male college educated individuals. She is winning women. She is winning black people. She is winning Hispanics. Heck, the only people she is losing is the "uneducated white males," also known as those without college degrees stupid enough to still follow him. I just want to add... I know you aren't smart, but calling Hillary "my candidate" continues to be a stupid comment. I prefer her to Trump due to all obvious reasons but she isn't my favorite person to run nor would have been my choice to run. Quote:
neverleft wrote: ?Russia, if you?re listening, I hope you?re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,? Trump said. ?I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.? ** **** Another example of how far left the media is. They had a field day with the above Trump comment as did the DNC. Funny though in most reports they left out the 30,000 emails part. (gee why did Clinton delete them?) They twisted it into Trump saying how he asked the Russians to hack our systems. That he committed treason. Amazing. Also funny about the reporting of the poll numbers. Right after the GOP convention Trump got a big bounce. In some polls as high as 6 points. Yet you didn?t read too many reports about it. Watch how much press there is about Clinton?s after election bounce. (if she gets one that
Nothing you wrote here is corresponding to reality. There were numerous articles in every newspaper about Trump's bounce. Then when Hillary practically doubled it, there were articles about that. As for Trump's comment there... Why do you think it is ok for a presidential candidate to advocate for an enemy state to hack us? Quote:
TheBigGuy wrote: Typical democrat ploy announcing bad news.... Big public announcement that everything is cool and let the bad news drip out with Friday afternoon/holiday weekend updates.
Yeah only Democrats do that... Quote:
TheBigGuy wrote: Not that I want to bring up Benghazi.... but it appears Hillary's dereliction of duty to ensure her email was secure got a pro-western Iranian scientist/spy executed by Valerie Jarrett's best buds. Meanwhile the Pakistani Doctor who pinpointed the compound where Bin Laden was hiding still languishes in a jail. Must have been another short circuit Hillary?
That would be terrible...if it were even remotely true. I guess we know who the Trump supporters are. They are the gullible ones that read fiction on the Internet and believe it as fact! Up next we'll hear about Batboy having babies with aliens in order to populate the earth to create democrats.

Posted on: 2016/8/12 14:14
Dos A Cero

Re: Yvonne Outdoes Herself - Transgender Bathroom Editorial
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OneSkirt wrote:
How is this thread still a thing???

Yvonne is a crazy bigot...?

Posted on: 2016/8/4 14:57
Dos A Cero

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Racists writing racist drivel on a thread about minorities... Didn't see that coming on JCList!

Posted on: 2016/8/1 13:14
Dos A Cero

Re: Democratic Convention
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TheBigGuy wrote:
I assume you are referring to Paul MANAFORT. I have noticed you repeatedly make that mistake over the last several weeks. Very good... conspiracy theories now... you should try that one out on Coast to Coast Overnight. Mention the Loch Ness Monster, Obama the Kenyan, Bilderberg, Illuminati, Rothschild and Reptilians and you will get extra time to spout you nonsense.

Thank you for the spellcheck.

I do like that you included "Obama the Kenyan" as that is something Trump still talks about along with Ted Cruz's father killing JFK...


TheBigGuy wrote:Thanks for linking to a WAPO Poll one day after the convention in July ends.... HRC should be cleaning Trump's clock and it is not happening. Why is that?

Did you miss the date on that article? It is from July 25th. That is before the convention started.


TheBigGuy wrote: Now put your tin hat back on, crawl into your safe space and don't come out till you can makeup with some more credible bro'mance stories about Putin and Trump.. something with Pirates would nice!

I love irony...

Posted on: 2016/7/29 19:51
Dos A Cero

Re: Longish-time JC resident interested in buying...somewhere
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ErieStreet4Life wrote:
Thanks. I'm asking more about areas that are affordable and habitable...not overrun by the insane people moving to Jersey City and not full of brutalist high rises.

I'm a bit biased, but I love living in the Bergen Hill area. However, I also love the Lafayette section. There is a lot of fun stuff happening in these places. The reval shouldn't affect these spots too much as Downtown should take the majority of the hit.

Posted on: 2016/7/29 19:31
Dos A Cero

Re: Democratic Convention
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TheBigGuy wrote:
Try to focus... the democrats say that Treasonous Trump is colluding with the Russians.... where is the EVIDENCE. If it exists, wouldn't the arrests start in the Trump campaign???

You don't find it odd that Paul Maniford spent years lobbying for Russian causes and is now Trump's campaign manager? You don't find it odd that Tump forced comments about Ukraine and Russia removed from the Republican Party platform? You don't find it odd that Trump asked Russia to hack the DNC and Hillary's emails?

Nope... no connection between the two at all.


TheBigGuy wrote:
Please cite your measurable sources that HRC has recaptured the Bernie Vote?

Here's a link for you with all the poll numbers: ... the-democratic-base-isnt/

You should turn off Fox News once in a while. You might learn something...


TheBigGuy wrote:
And no comment about a white southern male as VP?

What comment needs to be made?

Posted on: 2016/7/29 19:16
Dos A Cero

Re: Democratic Convention
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TheBigGuy wrote:
Was that the same democrat message that lulled Wild Bill Clinton to sleep???

Where is the evidence that Trump and the Russians are in collusion outside of wild statements by democrats embarrassed by the Wiki leaks disclosures? And apparently The FBI knows who did the hacking and they are withholding a formal announcement of arrests or indictments?

The left base is fractured and Bernie has retired to his dacha in Vermont. The millennial support / vote is now questionable and HRC picked a paunchy gray haired southern white male who is the antithesis of the 21st century democrat socialist profile. Other than that I would agree that the democrat convention was a complete success.

You're not writing anything based on facts here.

The FBI stated that they believe it was Russia that hacked it. Why would their be arrests happening? Who would they arrest? It was international espionage and you believe that Russia would turn these people over?! That's absurd logic!

As for the base being fractured... Hillary has taken on nearly 85% of Sanders supporters by all measurable numbers. You arguing otherwise simply means you're ignore facts.

You should start with things that are less factual, like how the Earth is flat...

Posted on: 2016/7/29 18:46
Dos A Cero

Re: Democratic Convention
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WhoElseCouldIBe wrote:

Atsushi wrote:

WhoElseCouldIBe wrote:
If Russia is trying to influence a Presidential election, that is concerning. But not nearly as concerning as a Presidential candidate trying to do the same.

How is what Trump asked Russia to do different from what Nixon did? I'm not old enough to remember Watergate, but isn't this similar and worse?

He asked America's adversary to engage in international espionage against America.

I heard the statement several times, but he really didn't sound like he was being sarcastic.

I don't think he was sarcastic either. And yes, it is concerning that Russia would attempt to influence our elections. (That being said, the US Government does this all the time)

Still, what Hillary did was extremely corrupt and did more to influence the elections than Russia. All Russia did was expose Hillary's corruption.

Yes, that violates international protocol but Hillary's corruption is the root of the problem. If she didn't engage in corruption, there would be nothing to expose.

Shooting the whistle blower is missing the point.

What did Hillary do? Please be specific.

Posted on: 2016/7/29 18:27
Dos A Cero

Re: Democratic Convention
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WhoElseCouldIBe wrote:
If Russia is trying to influence a Presidential election, that is concerning. But not nearly as concerning as a Presidential candidate trying to do the same.

Did you think that statement through fully before typing it? I don't think it came out as intended...

Fact 1: Russia is a rival that is working to influence our election.

Fact 2: Hillary, while running against Sanders, certainly tried to influence the election. Trump did the same when he ran against all of those other candidates. Trying to convince people to vote for you is the very definition of "trying to influence an election."

Fact 3: The Democratic Party, like the Republican Party, like the Libertarian Party, like the Green Party, etc, etc, has no obligation to allow anyone and everyone to win. They are private entities working to put forward a candidate that they feel represents them. Just because the Republicans screwed up in attempting this doesn't mean that the Democratic Party did anything wrong. Seriously, why is anyone surprised by the fact that they preferred Hillary, a person that actively works for the party and raises money for party members, over Sanders, a person that was never in the party and never raised money for people in the party.

quasi-Fact 4: (only quasi because more emails could be released) The emails released so far show a distinctly purposeful date and time stamp. They were written after Hillary had pretty much sewn up the nomination. The Democratic Party has an obligation to get their nominee elected president. Given that Hillary was winning, it is easy to see that they were looking for ways to get Sanders out of the race sooner than later.

Up next, you can explain to me why I, as someone that isn't a shareholder of Google/Alphabet, should be given a large voice in voting for their committee members...

Posted on: 2016/7/29 18:20
Dos A Cero

Re: Yvonne Outdoes Herself - Transgender Bathroom Editorial
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Yvonne wrote:
The people who is best at answering this question are the one who had a sex change and now regret the actions. They know better than anyone else.

Wow! I never realized that there were people that make decisions they regret. In no other walk of life, be it job, house, spouse... nobody ever has made a decision they regret. Only now we find some people. Good for you on discovering it!


jcneighbor wrote:

Pebble wrote:
I always enjoy when the truly ignorant bigots continue to demonstrate and even promote how proud they are to remain ignorant bigots...

Indeed. And Yvonne still hasn't answered the question...

That isn?t surprising. I posted photos of transgender people, including children, and asked her which bathroom should they be in. She dodged it, of course, because her bigoted views didn?t have room to comprehend it.

Posted on: 2016/7/29 17:51
Dos A Cero

Re: Democratic Convention
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I think the funniest moment thus far has come when Trump dumped on Tim Kaine by talking about how he was such a lousy governor for New Jersey. So, either he was referring to Chris Christie as being lousy because he?s looking at the recent years of governance or he was referring to Tom Kean, another Republican, that was also a crummy governor.

In the end, the Democrats had a successful convention with a positive message. The Republicans did not.


Monroe wrote:
Is crooked Hillary trying to restart the cold war, blaming Russia for the email hack? ... c-emails-trump/index.html

Did you miss when the FBI was who stated it was Russia?


Monroe wrote:

Rorschach wrote:
Wow, a Trump troll thread. How nice.

Reporting on the disarray in Philly isn't trolling, it's news. Didn't they make Wasserman walk the plank? Didn't Hillary's team try to blame the Ruskies for the WikiLeaks of the DNC emails, which are tremendously embarrassing?

Yes, the Trump fans are enjoying this, but it's not trolling. You can barely keep up with the meltdown in real time.

Just asking because you seem more concerned about the emails than about the fact that the Russian government is attempting hacks in order to affect the United States election. Why is that not bothering you?

Do you also realize that Russia is so clearly pushing for Trump? Did you see how much he is getting from that country?

Lastly, timing matters. If people were actually intelligent, they?d look at the date and time stamps of the emails to fully grasp the message that was sent...


JCMan8 wrote:

TheBigGuy wrote:
Sitting here talking listening talking heads discuss how HRC is running for the stressed middle class, stagnant wages, etc. etc. when the Obama administration and their statistics say the economy is running great. One of the Obama Kool aid drinkers even said that if you have not prospered under the current economy it is probably your fault. Democrats trying to have it both ways? Seems like that is a good talking point for the debates.

The reason why you hear this from the "talking heads," as revealed from the DNC email leaks, is because the DNC is colluding with the media and controlling the narrative.

LOL! The pathetic paranoid coward makes yet more pathetic paranoid cowardly comments!


neverleft wrote:
CNN: "Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook told CNN's Jake Tapper on "State of the Union" Sunday about that "changes to the Republican platform to make it more pro-Russian," which could provide some of the motive behind the hacks. "

It is amazing to me that the Clinton campaign (and media) is now going full force that is was a Russian hack to hand "pro-Russian" Trump the election. As posted on this thread I think they are very foolish for talking about Russian email hacks. If they easily hacked into the DNC email just think how easy it must have been to hack into Clinton?s basement server.

PS ? new polls out today are showing Trump pulling away from Clinton.

?Donald Trump comes out of his convention ahead of Hillary Clinton in the race for the White House, topping her 44% to 39% in a four-way matchup including Gary Johnson (9%) and Jill Stein (3%) and by three points in a two-way head-to-head, 48% to 45%. That latter finding represents a 6-point convention bounce for Trump, which are traditionally measured in two-way matchups.?

Gee he got a nice bounce even after the media said over and over again that the GOP convention was a disaster for the GOP and Trump?too funny. ?Trump?s final day speech was filled with hate and lies? I guess not.

Just to re-iterate what I stated before: There is nothing more pathetic that someone claiming that ?the media? is out to get them. ?The media? isn?t one conglomerate. There is tons of media out there reporting all sorts of stories.


Monroe wrote:
The Wall St Journal reports that crooked Hillary has received almost $50 million dollars in donation from hedge funders, Trump $19,000.

We know who's bought and paid for, don't we?

Hedge Funds or Russia? I know which is better for America?

Posted on: 2016/7/29 17:48
Dos A Cero

Re: Yvonne Outdoes Herself - Transgender Bathroom Editorial
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I always enjoy when the truly ignorant bigots continue to demonstrate and even promote how proud they are to remain ignorant bigots...

Posted on: 2016/7/29 16:59
Dos A Cero

Re: Guess Who Donated $1 Million to the Mayor?
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WhoElseCouldIBe wrote:

fat-ass-bike wrote:
I'm all for the idea that requires all Mayors and State Officials to wear jackets that display all sponsor logos like NASCAR drivers do.
This will allow 'Joe Citizen' to understand who actually has the 'ears' and support / purse strings from our elected officials and public servants ... At times I wonder why we need to vote in individuals in the first place, when we are really voting on the sponsors and what they want !

Wow, did you think of that all by yourself? Or was that Robin Williams.

Way to pass off someone else's joke as your own.

I heard it was also part of Melania Trump's speech...

Posted on: 2016/7/22 20:02
Dos A Cero

Re: Guess Who Donated $1 Million to the Mayor?
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I'm in no way a fan of this whole scenario and I want to see it play out to its fullest... However, isn't the thread title stating that the Mayor received the donation dishonest? The donation was made to a Super PAC. It wasn't donated to the Mayor. The distinction is small but something that has been established as extremely wide in court.

Posted on: 2016/7/22 19:29
Dos A Cero

Re: Republican Convention
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Fun game to play: Donald Trump has five children with three women. Could you image what would be said if Obama had the same...?

My hope is that the Democrats just scrap the convention entirely. They should just replay the entire Republican Convention with Obama, Biden, Hillary and her veep pulling an MST3K style viewing.


135jc wrote:

"Yeah, it totally sucks when the president isn't a bigot. It totally sucks when there are years of job growth and prosperity. It is truly awful when we don't go running into useless wars...

I can't imagine the world you live in. If you're life hasn't improved over the last eight, you are seriously doing something wrong."

Wow! That has to be some of the most moronic left wing spew have heard in a long time.

In case you haven't checked. Good jobs continue to leave this country in droves and O-blame-a has not done a thing to stop it.

As I said before, if your life hasn?t improved over the last 8 years, you have been doing something wrong. Maybe, just maybe, you should look at yourself and take some responsibility for the decisions in your life. Personal responsibility is something we should all strive for. I hope you can achieve it one day so that you can advance in your career as well as personal relationships.


WhoElseCouldIBe wrote:
Trumps said Kasich could essentially run the country as Prez if he takes the VP title?

Great, let's vote for a guy who doesn't want want to do the job.

Well, yeah, we knew that already. Can anyone give one idea on how he?d ?make America great??


TheBigGuy wrote:
I guess that means he won't be selling guns to Mexican Narco Terrorists during failed DOJ stings like Eric Holder did?


hero69 wrote:
Yikes, folks talking about Christie as potential attorney general it trump elected. Be afraid

Are you referencing the program started by George W Bush and ended by Eric Holder?


135jc wrote:
How about banking and anufacturing jobs. Without banking Jersey city would cease to exist. These jobs are being moved off shore.

What baninking jobs are moving offshore? Please be specific with cites to credible websites.


bill wrote:
He kind of convinced me that Hillary will most likely do as President what she did as Secretary of State. Which is to maintain the position but do nothing extra.

it's like at work, there are people who go through the day doing their job competently. But you want those that do that as well as show initiative.

We want to be moving forward, not tread water.

Ok? but what did it show you about what Donald would do as president?


JCMan8 wrote:

WhoElseCouldIBe wrote:

JCMan8 wrote:
That was one hell of a speech by our future President!

Holy crap it was great. And the liberal panel on CNN is absolutely going ballistic.

What did you like about it?

Great truthful comments about Hillary, got a room full of Republicans to clap for gays, made outreach to Sanders voters, described the problems we face, and most of all, was energizing as hell.

The lying media can go on all day long about how "dark" it was, despite all the applause it received throughout, but voters not in the bag for Hillary know what a winning speech that was.

Receiving applause during a ?dark? speech isn?t out of the ordinary. The two are not mutually exclusive.

Posted on: 2016/7/22 19:13
Dos A Cero

Re: Republican Convention
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T-Bird wrote:

iGreg wrote:
Think ppl are going to need to grasp the reality that Trump will be the next US Prez.

As most would scoff at the idea of voting for him in public, what happens once the curtain is pulled is a very different story.

Huh. Someone who actually has been a republican president seems to disagree with you:

George W. Bush: "I'm worried that I may be the last Republican President"

W is wrong. Well, he's only wrong in the sense that I'm assuming that Republicans won't nominate a bigot at some point in time...


stillinjc wrote:

T-Bird wrote:

iGreg wrote:
Think ppl are going to need to grasp the reality that Trump will be the next US Prez.

As most would scoff at the idea of voting for him in public, what happens once the curtain is pulled is a very different story.

Huh. Someone who actually has been a republican president seems to disagree with you:

George W. Bush: "I'm worried that I may be the last Republican President"

I have exactly the same concern. As should most Americans. If liberals get a free run at it, EU will look like paradise compared to the US.

Yeah, it totally sucks when the president isn't a bigot. It totally sucks when there are years of job growth and prosperity. It is truly awful when we don't go running into useless wars...

I can't imagine the world you live in. If you're life hasn't improved over the last eight, you are seriously doing something wrong.

Posted on: 2016/7/20 18:52
Dos A Cero

Re: Jersey City Muslims Unite Against Trump
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Monroe wrote:
Not even most of the looney left feel the phony rape claims have any weight. And Bill paid almost a million dollars to settle a sexual assault case against him, and then was impeached for lying about it. This is the guy who Hillary has said she'd strong rely up, and that he'd have a seat at the table in the White House. And by the way, Fox News just reported the news, they didn't create it. But not a single Democrat in the decades of Trump's high level visibility ever called him racist-until he ran for POTUS. Amazing!

Trump didn't make overt racist statements before running for POTUS. Though, the charges started to filter out when Trump was pulling the birther nonsense.

I'm still pointing out the facts: You're basing the decision on a spouse instead of the person.

Don't worry, I'm sure "John Miller" will call up Fox News and clarify all the lies and crooked behavior that Trump performed. Maybe, "Miller" will double down and talk about how Trump is turning down supermodels because he's happily married...

Posted on: 2016/7/20 18:47
Dos A Cero

Re: Republican Convention
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135jc wrote:
Did you read my post or rather blabber on off topic? It was a theory of James Carville who was responsible for Bill Clinton election into the white house.

It wasn't a theory of James Carville. He made a joke. You wrote that it was a theory that wouldn't surprise you.

Of course, today, someone in the Trump campaign takes the blame and admits to stealing the words. Maybe the letter was taken from My Little Pony as the RNC tried to claim...

Posted on: 2016/7/20 17:59
Dos A Cero

Re: Jersey City Muslims Unite Against Trump
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Monroe wrote:
Pebble, the pedophile in question has personally brought Hillary's husband on his private plane to his private island, not Trump. And rich men get sued all the time with false sex accusations. Clinton's friend did hard time for sex with a minor. ... han-previously-known.html

I like that you linked to Fox News, the network run by a misogynistic creep that sexually harasses women on a regular basis.

You are correct that facetious lawsuits are brought regularly. The fact remains that Donald Trump was accused of rape. The concept that a guy as obsessed with image, power and money wouldn't do exactly what other egotistical, power-men were doing is counter everything that the man has done.

I do like that you say "Clinton's friend did..." In this thread, we already have the stupid argument that because Hillary emailed someone using Yahoo and the Yahoo account was hacked it must mean that Hillary was hacked too. I'm glad you added the "Guy Bill knows raped kids so it means Bill did."

Bill's a creep. Donald is a racist. Donald has been accused of rape. Donald ran businesses into the ground and then used your money and my money to pay his creditors. Donald refused to honor contracts of those in his employ by refusing payment. His lawyers intimidated those people and explained that Donald would eventually lose a court case, but the case would drag on so many years that the victim of Donald's crooked behavior would be bankrupted. Donald takes donation money from people for a foundation and turns it into a Tim Tebow football for his office.

Yeah, you go on with that guy because the other candidate has a pervert for a husband. That is perfectly sound reasoning. I can't imagine how anyone would question it. Let me know when Donald releases his taxes so that we can see how much less money he actually has than that which he claims.

Posted on: 2016/7/20 17:57
Dos A Cero

Re: Jersey City Muslims Unite Against Trump
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sullyx wrote:

hero69 wrote:
I'll take crooked Hillary over lyin' Donald any day of the week. Donald duck belongs in a lake, not in the white house

Hillary belongs in Prison which should disqualify her from the White House. Donald isn't the crook, the sexual enabler and sexual deviant the Clinton's are.

for what should should Hillary be in prison for? Please be specific.

Donald has been accused of rape. He's also been accused of taking sex tours to have fun with children.

Donald has reneged on contracts in which he agreed to pay people. That makes him a crook since he actually stole money from people.

Good luck supporting the racist candidate though! Make sure everyone you meet knows how proud you are of it.

Posted on: 2016/7/20 16:59
Dos A Cero

Re: Republican Convention
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135jc wrote:
The ragin cajun himself believes that her speech was hacked. That is not to say it wasn't a huge blunder but I wouldn't be surprised.

Let me get this straight. You're argument is that the speech was written out by her and several speech writers. At some point, the computer that housed the speech was hacked and the words were changed. This occurred at an early enough point in time that it allowed her to practice the speech so that she wouldn't stumble over the words. While practicing the speech multiple times and reading the words that were added via a "hack" nobody paused to say, "This isn't what we wrote."

There are stupid conspiracy theories and then there are "the earth is flat" level conspiracy theories. This falls in the latter.

Posted on: 2016/7/20 14:04
Dos A Cero

Re: Republican Convention
Home away from home
Home away from home


user1111 wrote:

Pebble wrote:

hero69 wrote:

user1111 wrote:

hero69 wrote:
oh no, she didn't! melanoma trump is accused of plagiarizing michelle obama. what nerve! ... gop-convention-2016-07-18

Her speech writer gets Troll of the Year. Hands down. I'm glad she stopped before she got to the part about how hard it was growing up as a black woman in Chicago, though.
well, maybe the speechwriter was re-purposing michelle obama's speech.

Michelle's speech was fantastic. No reason to not re-use it...


dr_nick_riviera wrote:
I'm not going to agree or disagree with whatever discussion comes of this, but is there a way for us to filter stuff that really isn't Jersey City or local politics related out of the forum feed?

There are a million other places people can go to where national politics can be debated. And no, clicking all the other forum categorizations doesn't work as this nonsense cuts across all forum categories.

Garbage like this bubbling to the top is the reason why nonsense threads like the Muslim thread and despicable Yvonne's rantings get so many responses. What happened to the forum upgrade that was being discussed a couple of months ago?

I agree completely. One thread is enough. But having more than one is just silly. No reason for a DNC thread or the RNC thread...

I disagree, if you don't want to see a thread you are free not to click on it, I do it all the time.

Fair enough.

Posted on: 2016/7/19 16:54
Dos A Cero

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