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Re: City Hires Former Mayor and Felon, Gerry McCann
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I wonder who Gerry will vote for. You know, since he himself can't vote and all....

Posted on: 2010/4/19 17:09

Re: JC School Board Election * April 20, 2010 * VOTE
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Okay, what about Dehere? Like McCann, he did well in the interview.

Posted on: 2010/4/19 17:08

Re: Vote Tuesday..... BOE Endorsements....
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Mia, your endorsement is a major disappointment. I'm going to hit the "unsubscribe" button for your mailing list. I'm not going to endorse candidates on JCLIST but my friends know that I think that Carol Lester and Sterling Waterman are strong candidates. There are other good choices as well, such as Gerald Lyons, Anthony Sharperson, and June Mulqueen.- people with integrity that can be trusted to act in the best interest of our children, and JC taxpayers.


mia wrote:
...We need board members who will stand up to the teachers' union like Jerry McCann (11A). By orchestrating the defeat of the contract, the teachers, under recently passed state law, will pay a measly 1.5% or on average $750 PER YEAR for their insurance but we save $4 million in health insurance costs! Listen I don't care for his personality either but these economic times demand tough people who can read a budget and financials.....

My second choice is Sterling Waterman (3A) who regularly attends Board of Ed meetings so he has some idea what's going on, unlike the other candidates. My only reservation is that now that he's supported by the Teachers' Union he is anti- school choice. The charter schools on average get about 67% of the funding we spend on regular (non-special ed) students. Many are doing a fine job.

As for third choice.... I'm torn....

Posted on: 2010/4/19 16:56

Re: SEC charges Goldman Sachs with fraud on CDO's tied to subprime mortgages
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Boken2JC wrote:
The banks are NOT stealing money from us!

So when the government announced last year it was going out into the market at some future date to buy up at a favorable price the toxic crap that was sitting on the bank's balance sheets - and the banks went out and loaded up further on this crap in advance of the govt. purchase to maximize their gain - you don't see that as the banks stealing from taxpayers?

Or when bailout money is run through AIG to make its counterparties whole (the largest being Goldman but also including a FRENCH bank and a SWISS bank) - sophisticated counterparties who understood the risks of the positions they were taking - you don't see that as the banks stealing from taxpayers?

Or when the FED cuts interest rates to zero and essentially removes limitations on bank borrowing to provide incentive for banks to lend - but they refuse to lend and instead buy treasuries to capture a free four point spread - you don't see that as the banks stealing from taxpayers?

Is it an issue of semantics - Is there a more sanitary euphemism you'd prefer? That crap about the "irresponsible borrowers" creating this mess is a complete red herring. Ask yourself this - the entire amount of bad mortgage debt in late 2008 was less than $500 billion. Why has it taken trillions to try to undo the mess?

Posted on: 2010/4/19 16:55

Re: SEC charges Goldman Sachs with fraud on CDO's tied to subprime mortgages
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Quite a regular

jcmee, I guess my point is that no one is complaining when they are making the large returns, but there is an outcry when people lose money. Even "experts" aren't 100% sure about the returns - nothing is ever guaranteed.

A solution of course would be government regulation but then we get into the whole socialism versus capitalism argument.

Posted on: 2010/4/19 16:53

Re: SEC charges Goldman Sachs with fraud on CDO's tied to subprime mortgages
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Boken2JC wrote:
The banks are NOT stealing money from us! The banks are making money off (a) people who can't live within their means and live off credit and (b) people who want to see their nest egg grow exponentially. If everyone spent only the money they currently have, and kept their money in government backed vehicles, these banks wouldn't be making anywhere near the profits they are currently yielding. The reason income disparity is growing is because people constantly want things they can't afford, and also want easy money. People saw how much money was made in returns during the dot com era and are always looking for the next big thing!

I am in no way defending Goldman's actions, but anyone making an investment has to know what they are getting themselves into and has to know that the banks think of their profit margin first. It just not realistic to expect a bank to put their clients ahead of their profits. Sad, but very true.

Getting themselves into? That's why independent companies rate the investments, since us mere mortals can't understand the complexities of these new products. S&P and Moodys were complicit in these schemes. When will they be charged?

Posted on: 2010/4/19 16:45

Re: SEC charges Goldman Sachs with fraud on CDO's tied to subprime mortgages
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

Anybody who gets involved with credit debt swaps is fully aware that they are gambling. Don't bitch to the Casino when you don't win.

I personally don't feel an ounce of pity that some group of f%$#tards pushing CDOs (the very type of thing that started the whole financial bubble in the first place) got burned.

The administration needs some class war, and fast, because they are sinking in the polls and look set to get torpedoed in november, ergo the SEC goes out and does this.

Posted on: 2010/4/19 16:43
"Contemplate this upon the Tree of Woe."

Re: SEC charges Goldman Sachs with fraud on CDO's tied to subprime mortgages
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

The banks are NOT stealing money from us! The banks are making money off (a) people who can't live within their means and live off credit and (b) people who want to see their nest egg grow exponentially. If everyone spent only the money they currently have, and kept their money in government backed vehicles, these banks wouldn't be making anywhere near the profits they are currently yielding. The reason income disparity is growing is because people constantly want things they can't afford, and also want easy money. People saw how much money was made in returns during the dot com era and are always looking for the next big thing!

I am in no way defending Goldman's actions, but anyone making an investment has to know what they are getting themselves into and has to know that the banks think of their profit margin first. It just not realistic to expect a bank to put their clients ahead of their profits. Sad, but very true.

Posted on: 2010/4/19 16:32

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Jersey City City Council will host hearing then vote on 2010 spending budget

The Jersey Journal
April 19, 2010, 11:43AM

The Jersey City City Council will vote on the 2010 spending budget Wednesday night, according to The Jersey Journal.

The nearly $510 million budget carries a $185 million tax levy, down from the original $196 million.

City taxes for average homeowners are down as well. For the owner of a $100,000 home will pay about $590 in taxes - expected to be around $800 before the budget was amended.

Since the budget was introduced in January, 278 city employees have been laid and the city has picked up grant that will help offset the police budget and realized some additional revenue on tax-abated properties where units were sold, officials said.

The budget hearing will be Wednesday at 6 p.m. and the council meeting at 7 p.m.

Posted on: 2010/4/19 16:31

Re: City Hires Former Mayor and Felon, Gerry McCann
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

Does any one have photos of the stickers & mess McCann's campaign has posted all over the city?

Posted on: 2010/4/19 16:31

Re: MorrisCanal Park -- for dogs or kids?
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jcnight wrote:

sjcarolan wrote:

neanoora wrote:
Also, I find it extremely curious that now when the weather is nice, the park if full of dogs. What about in the middle of winter - don't those dogs need to run out then too? We certainly take our kid to outings regardless of the weather - he needs fresh air just like anyone else.

Really??? You find it curious why a park is busier when the weather is nice? I wouldn't know, as I dont frequent parks in the middle of winter. Based on your post one would assume that in the middle of winter the park is chock full of kids. I am a dog owner and I do let my dog run at Morris, it is a great place to do so. That said I only do so when the park is relatively empty early am or late afternoon.

Really!!! You only let your dog run when the park is "relatively empty early in the am or late afternoon" So your saying it's okay to break the law at those times, or that the people that are there at that time dont mind your dog?
There are so many things wrong with your statement but I'm just going to keep it simple and say that you are just palin 'ol WRONG!
There are leash laws in Jersey City early in the morning and later in the afternoon.


Posted on: 2010/4/19 16:09

Re: anyone know anything about the new bar on 2nd?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

"BYOB bar"


Posted on: 2010/4/19 16:03

Re: SEC charges Goldman Sachs with fraud on CDO's tied to subprime mortgages
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BassFace wrote: This is the largest transfer of wealth from the poor to the rich in history! Here is what the banksters are doing to us to make major changes in America. In 1960, the ratio between the earnings of the top 20% and the bottom 20% was 30:1. By 1990 this had risen to 61:1, and by 1997 to 74:1. As of 2007, it's now 83:1. The idea is to create a 3rd world type country where there is no middle class. With no middle class, banksters and friends will have all the servants they need so they can live a leisure and morally correct lives, which also makes them very patriotic. The rest of us are a "cancer to society" because we believe that we should be entitled to a decent job, with a decent wage, and even maybe a decent retirement. Who ever said we were entitled to any of that? Now that the banksters are stealing loads of cash from us, it's time for us to shut our mouths, because if we don't, they will strive to make the ratio 95:1, then we can all get on soup lines and they can decide which ones get the soup, without the bread. It's too late folks, we got what we asked for at the voting booth over the last 30 years. Hope you are all having fun watching american idol. There are only a few episodes left.
Interesting post but I def don't back the 9/11 theory.

Posted on: 2010/4/19 15:55

Re: School Board Election, Apr 20: Fulop Announces Candidates Support
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Tomorrow is a crucial election and we have a chance to chart a new course for Jersey City. As Councilman, I have worked week after week to fight the political establishment and move Jersey City forward, but tomorrow is the biggest opportunity we have had in a long time. The best way to improve Jersey City is by replacing decision-makers who care little about the tax payers with those who do care. Tomorrow is that chance.

Please remember to vote tomorrow as I need your help. Please support Carol Lester, Sterling Waterman and Angel Valentin to be elected on to the school board. Vote for 3A, 5A, and 8A ? Sterling, Carol, and Angel for the Board of Education.

The polls are open 2-9pm tomorrow and if you have any questions please respond to this email.



Posted on: 2010/4/19 15:50
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Re: City Hires Former Mayor and Felon, Gerry McCann
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

I agree about the inconvenient hours (2PM-9PM). I can't say it is intentional, but it does further limit us. I think a complaint to the Board of Electors would at least give voice to the problem and consistent calls to the council requesting the election be moved to November.

Posted on: 2010/4/19 15:46

Re: Vote Tuesday..... BOE Endorsements....
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T-Bird wrote:

stepanstas wrote:
I don't know too much about McCann other than what was said on this board, so I had a negative opinion of him. But the other day I watched that clip and he seemed most aware of whats going on there.

Sure he does, because nobody - NOBODY - not the other candidates, other board members, the "media" as Mia likes to fashion herself, ever questions him.

Mia says: "It's been repeatedly mentioned that over 1,100 teachers have no classroom assignments". Yes, it's been said repeatedly by McCann. Does anyone ever stop, just for a second to think what that would mean? 1,100 teachers - what is that, a half of all teachers? A third? For reference, at any point in time, the NYC public schools - a district more than 30 times the size of ours - has 600 to 700 unassigned teachers in its "rubber room" as reported last week on WNYC.

Similar with the pulled-out-of-his-hat "373 teachers will be laid off" if the contract is ratified. Please, take 30 seconds to think about how does one arrive at such precision, what would be involved, whether or not individual teachers are already identified for layoff (which would be necessary to speak with such precision) and you quickly realize that, yet again, the man is lying.

You've always struck me as better than this, Mia. How do you buy into a lieing convict with a 30 year history of contorting his rhetoric to fit the prevailing wind? I know, I know - I wasn't here way back when and don't have all the backstory. You know what, I'm becoming convinced that is a good thing. The people who aren't skewed by the warped events of the past here probably can better see things for what they are in many cases.

Well T-Bird, I WAS HERE when McCann was Mayor, and I do "have all the backstory" and I am not "skewed by the warped events of the past" and yet I too agree with you and others here that McCann is not what we need on the school board. He is a crook, he only joined the school board to control where the monies go as we come out of Abbot control (as Willie Sutton, famous bank robber was asked:

"why do you rob banks?" Why did I rob banks? Because I enjoyed it. I loved it. I was more alive when I was inside a bank, robbing it, than at any other time in my life. "Go where the money is...and go there often"

McCann intimidated voters then as now and is an example of our failed past and should not be part of our future.

Posted on: 2010/4/19 15:43
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Re: City Hires Former Mayor and Felon, Gerry McCann
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Just can't stay away


New2JCHeights wrote:

Tell me, you say his position "wreaks of patronage" and yet you defend his right to hold on to it?

Look again, Captain.

"Understand me, I'm not saying that McCann should work at the Incinerator Authority or hold elected office."

Posted on: 2010/4/19 15:29

Re: City Hires Former Mayor and Felon, Gerry McCann
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corybraiterman wrote:
This thread has made me decide that I should vote for McCann.

Tomorrow is a crucial election and we have a chance to chart a new course for Jersey City. As Councilman, I have worked week after week to fight the political establishment and move Jersey City forward, but tomorrow is the biggest opportunity we have had in a long time. The best way to improve Jersey City is by replacing decision-makers who care little about the tax payers with those who do care. Tomorrow is that chance.

Please remember to vote tomorrow as I need your help. Please support Carol Lester, Sterling Waterman and Angel Valentin to be elected on to the school board. Vote for 3A, 5A, and 8A ? Sterling, Carol, and Angel for the Board of Education.

The polls are open 2-9pm tomorrow and if you have any questions please respond to this email.



Posted on: 2010/4/19 15:27
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Help US Sue Spectra! Join OR Donate!

Re: SEC charges Goldman Sachs with fraud on CDO's tied to subprime mortgages
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

This is the largest transfer of wealth from the poor to the rich in history! Here is what the banksters are doing to us to make major changes in America. In 1960, the ratio between the earnings of the top 20% and the bottom 20% was 30:1. By 1990 this had risen to 61:1, and by 1997 to 74:1. As of 2007, it's now 83:1. The idea is to create a 3rd world type country where there is no middle class. With no middle class, banksters and friends will have all the servants they need so they can live a leisure and morally correct lives, which also makes them very patriotic. The rest of us are a "cancer to society" because we believe that we should be entitled to a decent job, with a decent wage, and even maybe a decent retirement. Who ever said we were entitled to any of that? Now that the banksters are stealing loads of cash from us, it's time for us to shut our mouths, because if we don't, they will strive to make the ratio 95:1, then we can all get on soup lines and they can decide which ones get the soup, without the bread. It's too late folks, we got what we asked for at the voting booth over the last 30 years. Hope you are all having fun watching american idol. There are only a few episodes left.

Posted on: 2010/4/19 15:17
>>> IT'S TOO LATE.....<<<

Re: Parkside Bistro - Hamilton Park
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

I think Parkside Bistro can be a great addition to the neighborhood. It is a convenient go-to spot especially for take-out and also for quick dining in.

However, I urge the owner and chef to taste their food! Some of their dishes are seriously lacking in the flavor department. I have tried mostly the Italian dishes. I want to like this place so bad! I just wish the dishes weren't so bland... This seems like an easy problem to fix.

Good Luck!

Posted on: 2010/4/19 15:11

Re: Parkside Bistro - Hamilton Park
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

Finally had a chance to try Parkside Bistro for lunch yesterday, here are my pros and cons.

- They did a nice job with the interior, utilizing the space much better than Deep Blue had previously done.
- Service was attentive, but to be fair we were the only ones in the restaurant for half of our meal.
- Hummus was good, tasted like they blended in some cucumber into which is different than most of the hummus I've had before but all in all not bad.

- The menu is all over the place. I appreciate the owner has both an Italian and Middle Eastern background but there is no focus to the menu whatsoever. It was kind of like a Jersey diner menu, and hey, that can be great for certain things. But I have a hard time believing they make all of those entrees well, and wonder about the freshness of some of the ingredients needed to make that range of food.
- My wife and I both ordered wraps as it was lunchtime and we wanted to try the simplest thing on the menu to test their know-how. We both thought they were badly under-seasoned, not just salt but any kind of seasoning whatsoever (acid, spices, etc) The avocado in my wrap was starting to brown already (put that in some lemon juice and you'll solve both the browning and a little of the blandness), but the rest of the sandwich seemed fairly fresh.

We might come back at some point to try the kabobs and the ice cream as a few people have said they were good, but all in all I'm not all that excited for this place. I wish them well and if others in the neighborhood are into it that's great, but it's unlikely we'll be back anytime soon. C'est la vie.

Posted on: 2010/4/19 15:05

Re: Need a new vet!
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Quite a regular

Dr. John Hatch
Secaucus Animal Hospital

The absolute best!! Kind. Compassionate. Patient. Knows his stuff and knows when to recommend treatment.

He seems to have a very special connection (empathy) to the animals he treats. He never pushed a treatment or a medication. And when needed, he is an excellent surgeon. He removed a tumor from one of my dog's eyelid's and it healed perfectly. You would never know there was a problem. Been going to him for years now and never regretted one moment.

He actually manages to calm down my more skittish dog right before my eyes. And this is a 100 lb dog who is absolutely terrified of the hospital's front door!!!

Tell him that Remy and Marty said Hello! We can't say enough good things about Dr. Hatch and Dr. Cavuto.

Posted on: 2010/4/19 15:03

Re: anyone know anything about the new bar on 2nd?
Home away from home
Home away from home

Sounds like you are talking about the Lenape House?

Posted on: 2010/4/19 15:00

Re: Need a new vet!
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Home away from home


Dr. Hatch is the best vet ever! And Dr. Cavito is awesome too.

Highly, highly recommend them both.

Posted on: 2010/4/19 14:37

Re: DOWNTOWN: Backpack full of electronics snatched from woman in Jersey City

If you cant poke fun at the lack of detail in this news report and the price of apple products...

More on the page: ... ull_of_electronics_s.html

Posted on: 2010/4/19 14:07

Re: Need a new vet!
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agirlnamedguy wrote:
I'm on the hunt for a new vet for my pup. One that's reasonable, kind and caring. I've been going to the Downtown Vet in Jersey City and am not willing to keep going there. Any good vet recommendations in the area?

Reasonable... Doesn't "nickel and dime" clients into getting every treatment, vaccine, and special food.

They treated my rescue foster dogs for everything from parasites to severe injuries. Both doctors are highly competent and compassionate.

Dr. Hatch and Dr. Cavito
1250 Paterson Plank Rd
Secaucus, NJ 07094
(201) 867-4795

Posted on: 2010/4/19 14:02

Re: City Hires Former Mayor and Felon, Gerry McCann
Just can't stay away
Just can't stay away

I would not deny a convicted felon the right to employment. If they are qualified and fulfill their duties, they should earn a wage.

A convicted felon is not qualified to hold public office.

Gerry McCann is blanketing the city with campaign stickers, etc. The garbage he's pasting public and private property has his face all over it. Illegal dumping & littering is an abuse of the city. He is not fulfilling his duties as an employee on the Incinerator Authority.
He should lose his position.

Tell me, you say his position "wreaks of patronage" and yet you defend his right to hold on to it?

There are many deserving, more qualified people out there who would fulfill their duties if given a position on the Incinerator Authority. Some may even have criminal records.
Gerry is no reformed criminal. He is an active criminal con artist.

Posted on: 2010/4/19 13:56

Need a new vet!

I'm on the hunt for a new vet for my pup. One that's reasonable, kind and caring. I've been going to the Downtown Vet in Jersey City and am not willing to keep going there. Any good vet recommendations in the area?

Posted on: 2010/4/19 13:49

Re: Teppan Bar and Grill
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Home away from home

Had the Hibachi dinner on Friday night, excellent overall. It was surprisingly crowded since they just opened a few nights ago. Apparently they put fliers in the doorways of the 50 Columbus residents, we met a few at our table.

Posted on: 2010/4/19 13:11

PowerHouse Arts District Subsidized housing

I'm interested in knowing how and where I can sign up for subsidized housing in the powerhouse arts district of jersey city. I'm a current resident looking but looking for a cheaper place than where I am now.


Posted on: 2010/4/19 13:04

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