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Re: What's going there?
Home away from home
Home away from home

imo, Stop & Shop could do a lot more with the property they have...why keep building these mega-grocery stores? Why not focus more on quality and productivity?

Posted on: 2013/1/2 1:05

Re: Dogs in Laundromat
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Home away from home

The liability factor should be the biggest reason not to have a dog there. I have a big dog, totally trust worthy. Your dog may be the same but under a noisy condition, with lots of strange people running around you cannot tell. And then there is the my dog doesn't like your dog for some dumb reason factor.

Posted on: 2013/1/2 0:50

Re: What's going there?
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heights wrote:
What about the huge vacant lot/area of property in the Heights where Stop & Shop was going to move to. Between Laidlaw & Jefferson/Central & Summit. They are digging up the soil with construction vehicles inside there. I am hearing now that it may become a school.

Where have you been? Eminent Domain was declared at least 8 years ago. Stop & Shop was going to build store, jobs for 275 locals, monies for recreation, NO TAX ABATEMENT BEING SOUGHT, new police station. But we now we get a school & no ratables. Though can't be 100% certain if school. I've been meaning to stop & ask.

Posted on: 2013/1/2 0:40

Re: Man killed in Jersey City Near St. Peters College McGinley Square area.
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Home away from home

there are some really nice brownstones a couple blocks toward Communipaw as well as a lot of Deco apt buildings and Victorian homes. Sadly, most of the buildings do appear to be Sect 8 dumps at this point. No idea what it takes to turn around an area like this...

Posted on: 2013/1/1 22:20

Re: Bags of garbage finally cleared fom chris Columbus drive.
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JerseyAveGirl wrote:
I often hear grumblings and complaints of jc on this board...I admit I sometimes join in. Here is finally a positive comment. I am sure if you have walked Chris Columbus Drive between Barrow and Grove in the past two months you may have noticed endless garbage not being cleared. a major street with such disgust is not acceptable or attractive to people visiting jc. I contemplated putting a community clean up on the board or just doing it myself. Saturday night I saw a jc incinerator truck, leaned in and told the salt truck employee about my CC Drie issue. He gave me a direct number, extension and name of who to speak to and said to call immediately and speak to Frank, ext 646. After a 5 min chat with Frank i was thanked for the call and told the trash bags would be removed the following day. To my surprise on Monday no more garbage bags on CC Drive. Next step call again and ask if they can clear the debree from the bags. Thank you Frank, I have learned an important lesson about action and our community.

You're not the only one who learned an important lesson here, thanks for the tip off. Maybe the street sweeper will get the rest of the debris.

Posted on: 2013/1/1 22:20
Get on your bikes and ride !

Re: Steam Cafe - 276 Newark Ave (@ Monmouth)
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Home away from home

I am not sure where to put this but had to share this link...from Huffpost about Yelp reviews. The first one is from a resident of JC. Kind of sad in a funny way. ... 4348.html?utm_hp_ref=food

Posted on: 2013/1/1 21:27

Re: What's going there?
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CdeCoincy wrote:
I'm wondering about the lot around the second entrance to the Grove Street station. Whatever eventually gets built, I hope there is a Whole Foods or similar market on the ground floor.

70 & 90 Columbus

Posted on: 2013/1/1 21:21

Re: New Steam Cafe at 276 Newark Ave (@ Monmouth)
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Innamost wrote:

I was delighted to find my favorite coffee/sandwich shop is open early and ready for business on the first day of 2013!!! STEAM CAFE caught my attention with its "outstanding" coffee and now offers a wide variety of uniquely crafted savory sandwiches for every pallet, served on world renowned BALTIZAR breads. Hurray, for quality and comfort right around the corner. Breakfast or lunch, STEAM does it RIGHT!!!

What time was early another words what time did they open this morning ?

Posted on: 2013/1/1 20:34
Get on your bikes and ride !

Re: What's going there?
Home away from home
Home away from home

I'm wondering about the lot around the second entrance to the Grove Street station. Whatever eventually gets built, I hope there is a Whole Foods or similar market on the ground floor.

Posted on: 2013/1/1 20:23

Re: What's going there?
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Are 70 & 72 Essex St also going to be rentals? Looks like they're close to finished, just walked by this morning.

Posted on: 2013/1/1 20:01

Bags of garbage finally cleared fom chris Columbus drive.
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I often hear grumblings and complaints of jc on this board...I admit I sometimes join in. Here is finally a positive comment. I am sure if you have walked Chris Columbus Drive between Barrow and Grove in the past two months you may have noticed endless garbage not being cleared. a major street with such disgust is not acceptable or attractive to people visiting jc. I contemplated putting a community clean up on the board or just doing it myself. Saturday night I saw a jc incinerator truck, leaned in and told the salt truck employee about my CC Drie issue. He gave me a direct number, extension and name of who to speak to and said to call immediately and speak to Frank, ext 646. After a 5 min chat with Frank i was thanked for the call and told the trash bags would be removed the following day. To my surprise on Monday no more garbage bags on CC Drive. Next step call again and ask if they can clear the debree from the bags. Thank you Frank, I have learned an important lesson about action and our community.

Posted on: 2013/1/1 20:00

Re: Man killed in Jersey City Near St. Peters College McGinley Square area.
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Aren't some of the buildings on Fairmont now condo? I would think the only thing to stop section 8 there is for more businesses to open up and people to call out to city hall o the slum lords.

Posted on: 2013/1/1 19:41

Re: New Steam Cafe at 276 Newark Ave (@ Monmouth)

I was delighted to find my favorite coffee/sandwich shop is open early and ready for business on the first day of 2013!!! STEAM CAFE caught my attention with its "outstanding" coffee and now offers a wide variety of uniquely crafted savory sandwiches for every pallet, served on world renowned BALTIZAR breads. Hurray, for quality and comfort right around the corner. Breakfast or lunch, STEAM does it RIGHT!!!

Posted on: 2013/1/1 19:24

Re: Crystal Point and Superstorm Sandy
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Home away from home

Building only suffered damages to elevators. All 4 elevators were out for 5 days or so. I think they slowly rolled out the elevators as they fixed them. No other damages that I know.

Posted on: 2013/1/1 19:04

Re: Why is this city so dark?

by New2JCHeights wrote:
"There's a fine line... I am personally concerned about light pollution. I don't necessarily want your porch light shining in my eyes while I'm trying to sleep. My neighbors have a motion light that wakes me up at times, even with my blackout shade and curtains drawn.

Some municipalities have installed fixtures that light the street but minimize the amount of light that escapes up toward dwellings and the sky. I would love to see JC install these when they next upgrade fixtures."

Here, here.

Let's do things better in Jersey City. There has to be a way for people and drivers to be safe but also for ways to cut light pollution and energy consumption.

Happy New Years y'all!

Posted on: 2013/1/1 17:32

Re: Dogs in Laundromat
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Home away from home

If you're not concerned about washing your dirty drawers after your fellow laundrmates have used the same machine to wash theirs in cold water, you really shouldn't be that concerned about dogs.

To use an expression I learned when I moved to JC, Laundromats make me skeeve.

You might want to spray the washer, dryer and folding table with Lysol; probably good for whatever might ail you, blood or feces - borne pathogens and doggie related issues.

Posted on: 2013/1/1 16:51

Re: Crystal Point and Superstorm Sandy
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Home away from home

I had heard that Zephyr Lofts and 700 Grove share the same garage and that the flooding caused the platforms in the garage which is under the 2 buildings to rise. Not sure if there was any structural damage.

Posted on: 2013/1/1 16:09

Crystal Point and Superstorm Sandy
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

Does anyone live here? Was this building flooded since it is right up against the Hudson? At least the lobby? I know that 700 Grove's parking garage was flooded out. Thanks for any intel.

Posted on: 2013/1/1 15:12

Re: Brookstone in jc Newport
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

I can sympathize. I was also read the riot act when attempting to return a purchase I made with the original receipt to boot! I think it is a sad commentary on the state of this country's future: we don't "produce" anything (besides bullshit "financial products" and the like to export to other unsuspecting nations), so "service-oriented" jobs comprise the majority of all employment, yet the ungrateful CSRs who staff these positions behave like entitled children behind their respective store counters or telephone lines. They need to get over themselves, just do their job, and stop giving hell to their customers. I would never go back to that particular Brookstone store. The disrespectful high schooler they hired was a poor investment.

Posted on: 2013/1/1 15:06

Re: Dogs in Laundromat
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dtjcview wrote:
Not sure I see the problem. Customers can take their business elsewhere if they don't like the presence of dogs. Also, service dogs are allowed pretty much everywhere. Don't be shocked if you see one in your favorite restaurant.

And when they do take their business elsewhere the owner of the place will realize his short coming in more ways than one. Al least the service dog is well behaved and knows protocol.

Posted on: 2013/1/1 11:51
Get on your bikes and ride !

Re: Dogs in Laundromat
Home away from home
Home away from home

Not sure I see the problem. Customers can take their business elsewhere if they don't like the presence of dogs. Also, service dogs are allowed pretty much everywhere. Don't be shocked if you see one in your favorite restaurant.

Posted on: 2013/1/1 7:58

Brookstone in jc Newport
Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk

Got a gift from here and I tried to return it. They treated me like a thief. Have to go back a third time. I've never experienced retail like this. I will never purchase anything from there again in my life.

Posted on: 2013/1/1 7:24

Re: Thirty Acres Restaurant- Jersey Avenue
Home away from home
Home away from home

I should say congrats before saying a glass for wine is a bummer. Apologies 30 Acres, I love your food!

Posted on: 2013/1/1 4:04

Re: Dogs in Laundromat
Quite a regular
Quite a regular


user1111 wrote:

I am a dog owner (two of them) Pit and a lab and neither of them belong in a laundromat. Some people are allergic and some folks just don't like em.

Just because you love dogs, does not mean the rest of the world has to deal with them in a place where dogs are not expected.

Well said!

Posted on: 2013/1/1 2:24

Re: HUGE GAS PIPELINE COMING - through Jersey City

Bet it is part of the dreaded route 185 extension, ... hoices/pdf/jerseycity.pdf. see pages 38 & 43.

Posted on: 2013/1/1 2:23

Re: Tires of nearly a dozen cars slashed in Downtown Jersey City
Quite a regular
Quite a regular

While it is technically not the maintenance worker's primary job function to play beat cop, the fact that security was this lax really makes you wonder what the hell people are paying ridiculous maintenance fees for. You would never see this shit happen in one of the newer buildings in Battery Park City. Then again, those folks easily fork out over a grand in maintenance alone, so I guess you get what you pay for...

Posted on: 2013/1/1 2:17

Re: Thirty Acres Restaurant- Jersey Avenue
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Stringer wrote:
Seasoned With Invention and Irreverence
Restaurant Review: Thirty Acres in Jersey City

December 31, 2012
By PETE WELLS - The New York Times

ONE school of criticism holds that chefs should faithfully honor any cuisine they pilfer. But there?s an equally valid case for bold, fearless theft. A good pickpocket does not waste time with introductions.

Respect for Italian tradition would require Kevin Pemoulie to do something different with the remarkably fluffy gnocchi that his kitchen rolls out from starchy potatoes and fresh ricotta. It would suggest, at the very least, a straightforward tomato sauce in the Roman style.

At Thirty Acres, which he opened in Jersey City last spring, Mr. Pemoulie has nothing of the sort in mind for his stolen gnocchi. They are bound for Eastern Europe. He has prepared a sauce of mustard and sour cream, and he will toss it with saut?ed mushrooms and sauerkraut. He calls the dish ?gnocchi, pirogi style,? and that is just what they taste like.

Two traditions have been shamelessly looted for one plate, with deference to neither, and yet these Italian-Polish dumplings were more exciting than any number of earnest facsimiles. Creative stealing takes talent and nerve, and Mr. Pemoulie has both qualities in abundance.

After nearly five years as chef de cuisine at Momofuku Noodle Bar, he could be expected to know his way around Asia. The Japanese spice blend togarashi seasoned a generous handful of tender braised chickpeas, all right, sharing the plate with a square of Arctic char. But Mr. Pemoulie had also swabbed the plate with a purple swoosh of roasted beets pur?ed with lemon juice, a sauce that was as simple and right as it was free of Asian leanings.

To find a partner for a juicy, lightly smoky quail, Mr. Pemoulie went north for cranberries, then made a U-turn and headed south, cooking the berries into a spicy barbecue sauce that brought the all-American classic several extra layers of complexity.

To a chef like Mr. Pemoulie, the map is merely a point of departure, an invitation to cross borders and jump oceans without leaving the kitchen. The rest of us can catch a ride as long as we?re smart enough not to ask too many questions about where we?re going.

Thirty Acres challenges your sense of geography, starting with its location. Jersey City has not historically been the first place to look for innovative, serious-minded modern cooking. When Fran Schumer reviewed Thirty Acres in the Metropolitan section of The New York Times in June, she gave the restaurant her highest rating, ?Don?t Miss,? writing that it served ?a kind of cuisine I had never tasted in New Jersey.?

A restaurant like Thirty Acres would be a find in any state. It is the kind of place that can redraw regional boundaries, making the Hudson River no more of a barrier to eaters in search of inventive cooking than the East River has become in the past few years. For those who live near a PATH station, it may be easier to reach than several talked-about restaurants in Brooklyn.

Mr. Pemoulie, who owns the restaurant with his wife, Alex, could do more to invite travelers, however. Reservations are not taken for parties of fewer than five, and there is a particularly unwelcoming wrinkle. If you have to wait for a table and there is no room at the bar, a host will take your phone number and point you toward some nearby saloons. But then she will tell you that if you don?t pick up the phone, she will immediately move on to the next name on the list.

If you?ve ever missed a call while sitting inside a bar, this may strike you as inconsiderate at the least. Luckily, I passed the time enjoying the company of the high-spirited bartenders at a fusion place down the street called Sushi Tango, and my phone always rang.

After walking down blocks of neat townhouses that reminded me of Brooklyn, I was always happy to head toward the lights streaming from the windows that wrap around Thirty Acres? corner spot on Jersey Avenue. The 32-seat dining room is simple and relatively unornamented, apart from the pastel portraits of Jimmy Carter and Gerald Ford on corrugated cardboard.

I don?t know what brought the ex-presidents to Jersey City, but their benign presence seems to have rubbed off on the servers, who are unusually friendly and free of pretense, and on the amateur disc jockey who stocked the playlist with tunes like ?Don?t Worry, Be Happy.?

The look of the menu is pure Momofuku, with its sans-serif font under boldface headings like ?Things? and ?Sweet Guys? (desserts). Under ?Raw? are two starters that give Mr. Pemoulie a chance to raid the larder of the Ashkenazi Jews, something he did frequently and successfully as fall changed to winter.

A mash of beets with horseradish, last seen at Passover trying to make the best of its unfortunate marriage to gefilte fish, tries out a new partner at Thirty Acres, East Coast oysters on the half shell, liberated for the night from their unfortunate liaison with cocktail sauce. This was one time when infidelity brought out the best in both accomplices.

Tasting cured belly of Arctic char sprinkled with sesame seeds and sea salt and accompanied by whipped scallion cream cheese, I could close my eyes and believe I was at a brunch catered by Russ & Daughters. The missing element, a bagel, wasn?t missed at all; it would have gummed up the gently sweet slices of fish.

We were still in Eastern Europe for a kind of pot roast of beef chuck under a shower of freshly grated horseradish and for braised cabbage wrapped around a cod fillet, although the Old Bay seasoning in the broth moved toward America again. The inspiration for a warm salad of spelt with sea urchin and triangles of Asian pear was harder to pinpoint, but I was taken aback by how well the earthy grains took to the sweet and briny urchin.

After appetizers and main courses of such sophistication, Sweet Guys like apple crisp and lemon bars (from a recipe by Mr. Pemoulie?s mother) can feel outclassed. Glassware, too, is a little too homey; the restaurant is B.Y.O.B., and if you?ve picked up a good bottle or anything sparkling, you may wince to see it poured into a water tumbler.

Both limitations probably stem from Mr. Pemoulie?s attempt to work in a space that is not as big as his ambitions. Like many chefs these days, he had to take his opportunities where he could steal them.

Thirty Acres


500 Jersey Avenue (Wayne Street), Jersey City; (201) 435-3100;

ATMOSPHERE Spare and simple, with polished wood floors and a wall of glass along the street.

SERVICE Smiling and unintimidating.


RECOMMENDED The menu changes too frequently for recommendations to be helpful.

DRINKS AND WINE No liquor license.

PRICES Appetizers, pasta and grains, $5 to $17; main courses, $26 to $27.

HOURS Monday to Thursday, 6 to 10 p.m.; Friday, 6 to 11 p.m.; Saturday, noon to 3 p.m. and 6 to 11 p.m.

RESERVATIONS Accepted only for parties of 5 to 8 people.

WHEELCHAIR ACCESS The dining room and accessible restrooms are on the street level.

WHAT THE STARS MEAN Ratings range from zero to four stars and reflect the reviewer?s reaction primarily to food, with ambience, service and price taken into consideration. ... -in-jersey-city.html?_r=0

Completely agree - it's nice to enjoy a good bottle of wine in a glass that permits the wine to breathe. A tiny french water glass is a bummer.

Posted on: 2013/1/1 1:38

Re: Dogs in Laundromat
Home away from home
Home away from home

And on the last day of 2012 this story trumps all others as not only the worst thing that happened this year but also the worst thing that ever happened.

Posted on: 2013/1/1 0:51

Re: HUGE GAS PIPELINE COMING - through Jersey City
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Home away from home

neverleft wrote:
The gas pipe line is not going to be above ground anywhere is it?

As far as I know, everything will be underground. Even some of the drilling will be below ground.

I've seen monitoring stations for pipelines in other parts of NJ, but I haven't seen any indications of them putting in any monitoring stations in Bayonne or JC.

Posted on: 2013/1/1 0:48

Re: Thirty Acres Restaurant- Jersey Avenue
Home away from home
Home away from home

Excellent. Congratulations 30 Acres!

Posted on: 2013/1/1 0:37

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